s1 ep22 - Master of the Mansion

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As we walk out we are met by 9 men and women that immediately look at me.

"The weather is so nice today." the Master comments. "They are the Hashira." He said whispering to me. When I looked back to them they were all bowing to master. I also noticed that Tanjiro was pushed to the ground by a scary looking man.

"Tanjiro!" I say having not seen him since the battle with the lower moon. I run to them, but I am pushed back.

"You can't talk to him lady. He's a bad person, he's traveling with a demon." The scary looking man said.

"Oh, I know! That's Nezuko. I travel with her too!"

"What!?! Then you're a criminal too!" He said pointing at me but someone pushes his finger away from my face. A young boy, around my age is the one that does it. After it he stares at his hand. I think he is more surprised than I am.

"I would like that you all accept Nezuko, Tanjiro and Y/N as members of the demon slayer corps." Master says.

"Oh no. It is so sad that an angel like her was manipulated by that terrible demon. I cannot accept it." A big guy says as he starts crying, he grabs my wrist and pushes me to his chest. "It's okay little lady, we will protect you now.

"Yes! I cannot accept your decision to protect such unflamboyant characters! Characters that have reduced the flamboyancy of the most flamboyant girl I have ever met!" The white haired guy said turning to me. "Do not worry! I will restore your flamboyancy! You will be the perfect addition to my family!"

"No!" A girl in pigtails said getting in between me and the guy. "How dare you! She is stronger than you and she has defeated a lower moon! Do you.. Do you want Nezuko to stay?" The girl said looking at me with blush in her face.

"Yes, I want Nezuko to stay with me."

"Then I agree with master!"

"I'm fine with it either way." The boy that protected me earlier say clutching my haori. As I look around I noticed a girl with purple hair staring at the boy with a very angry smile. Giyuu was also staring at me with a sad expression.

"Giyuu! Didn't see you there!" I say giving him a wave. He smiles and waves back at me, receiving angry stares from the other members. A snake comes and wraps around my leg. I look up to see a black haired man looking at me, his eyes were so big that I thought they would pop out. Seeing that I was looking back at him, he jumped and landed on the ground.

"I don't trust the boy and the demon." He said ignoring my presence.

"I will not accept it master! The demon and the boy clearly have manipulated this young woman!" A guy with flaming red hair said.

"The demon and the boy should be punished." The white haired man said with a huff. The master signs and talks to one of his aids.

"Hello there, you're so pretty! I'm Mitsuri, this is Obanai, Sanemi, Gyomei, Muichiro, Shinobu, Kyojuro, Tengen and Giyu." She said happily pointing at each of the Hashira.

"I know Giyu!" I said happily running to the man and hugging him. "It's been so long! How are you doing?" He blushed and breezed, his body was tense. Sanemi pushed be back to the group.

"Cmon, don't speak with criminals! He is on the side of the people that manipulated you!"

"They didn't manipulated me! They are my family!" Tanjiro cringed at the word.

"Sorry to keep you waiting everyone." Master said. 

"I will now read a letter from former Hashira Sakonji Urokodaki. 'I ask for permission for Tanjiro and Nezuko to be together. Nezuko has shown mental strength like any other and has not devoured any human even while injured. In the case that she kills any human Tanjiro, myself and Giyu will commit seppuko.'"

"Then they can die." Sanemi said without remorse.

"I will commit seppoku too!" Everyone looked at me in surprise. "Nezuko and Tanjiro are my family. And I have complete trust in Nezuko. If she kills a human and dies in result of it. I will too."

"I think Nezuko should stay." Sanemi said turning back.

"I agree." Obanai said and everyone nodded their heads.

"In addition." The Master said, bothered my stares I was having. "Y/N and the rest have met Muzan Kibutsuji. Y/N even spoke to him when she was little. It seems that Muzan keeps looking for her." All eyes turned to me.

"Then we will protect her!" Kyojuro said with determination. Every Hashira agreed.

"She doesn't need your protection! She has me!" Tanjiro said. Gyomei simply punched him and he went down.

"Master, allow me to demonstrate why that demon is not safe." Sanemi said slicing his arm. He goes to Nezuko's box and lets the blood fall.

"You won't be able to do it in the sunlight." Obanai said. Sanemi picks up the box and goes to the shade. He then stabs Nezuko's box with his blade.

"Nezuko!" I cried out trying to get to her but Obanai hugs me from behind preventing me to do so. She smells so good. God.  Obanai thought getting his body closer to the girl. Sanemi looked behind and saw the two of them. Angry he stabed Nezuko one more time and opened the box. Nezuko slowly crawled out staring at me and then at Sanemi, she was salivating.

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