2 - Saved by Chance and a New Alolan Partner

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-Your POV-

After a series of the Fire-type attack Ember aimed entirely at my Leafeon, my Magical Leaf and Giga Drain weren't nearly enough. Soon, I had to call my Pokémon back to its Poke ball and sank to my knees in defeat.

"Garbodor, finish this!"

"And you too, my cutie Zubat!"

"Yo, Salandit! Wrap it up!"

All three attacks of a weird combo with Acid Spray and a double Poison Fang were aimed my way. My fate was mere feet from my face, and all I could do was clutch Leadeon's Pokeball and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Lycanroc, stone edge." Said a calm, icy voice from behind me.

I look behind me in shock, after all, the Stone Edge blocked the attack and sent the Pokémon flying to their trainer's arms. It was the boy from earlier, the one with the odd blonde hair and irritable expression.

"You," I say simply, but not in an accusing way, not knowing how to respond.

"Tch," He scoffs again, "I hate weak trainers."

I frown. I'm anything but weak — if only I'd been able to bring my other team members from Galar... and if he thought I was just so pathetic, why in the world did he step out of his way to help me?

The trio leaves swiftly after a sudden realization of the boy. They seemed to know him since they murmured in alarm, "Enforcer Gladion!" As they scurried away.

Standing shakily, I turn to face the edgy male but end up falling forward on wobbly legs.

I gasped as he caught me by the shoulders, just before I was going to hit his chest. "Oh!" I whisper a small tint of a bright pink rose on my cheeks. The boy doesn't say anything or even show embarrassment. I step back and thank him.

"May I have your name?" I smile, shaking off my blush.

"What's yours?" He asks, frowning.

"Sorry. It's (Y/N)!"

"So you don't even have the decency to stay cautious about your personal information." He turned and started to walk away in the opposite direction of the place I was traveling to, and I began to think that was it, before he called over his shoulder, "Gladion," He continued to walk away, without looking back once.

I stare for a solid moment, then blink. "Gladion," I whisper, "What a unique name!"

Soon I'm off again, skipping down the path and grinning at the small creatures that peek out at me. My (h/c) hair is blown by a gentle, refreshing breeze as I step out of the route and into the outskirts of Hau'oli City.

After stopping briefly at a nearby Pokemon Center to heal Leafeon, I remember that I have the Professor's address. Pulling the paper Hau gave me out of my sweatshirt pocket, I noticed that Professor Kukui lived very close to my location. Within a minute to two of wandering, I'm knocking on the wooden door of a cabin-like house near the beach. "Come in!" That is the only reply.

Opening the door timidly and walking in, I observe the messy house, and three Pokémon that I recognize immediately. Rowlet, Litten, and Poplio play with each other in the living room before me, making the neat room completely disorganized and chaotic.

"I apologize for the mess," A tan, shirtless man enters the room, clearly sweat-dropping.

"Are you Professor Kukui?" I ask politely, even with his odd choice of clothes.

"That I am!" He chuckles, "And you're (Y/N), right?"

"Yeah-" I start to respond but am cut off by two familiar voices.

"I can't wait, I can't wait!"

A boy known as Sun bursts into the room and hugs me from behind. "(Y/N)! I didn't expect you to be here already!" My brother exclaims.

Hau is directly behind him, and he is grinning as large as ever as he joins in on the hug.

Even if I've only known Hau for about an hour, it's safe to assume he's just a hugging type of friend. And as for Sun, he's my older brother, and since I've known him all my life, I didn't mind him hugging me. I could tell we were going to be close friends immediately.

"Well, everyone's here! Ready to choose your partner Pokémon?" Kukui asks enthusiastically.

"Yes!" We all shout as Sun joins Hau at my side.

"Me first!" Hau cries, "I choose Rowlet!"

"Professor Kukui nods, and the little grass-type owl flies straight to Hau's green hair and falls asleep.

"I'd like Litten then!" Sun smirks, knowing well that he'd have the type advantage.

I ended up with Poplio, which is the one I wanted anyway since the water type reminds me of several other water type starters from different regions I've been to — all of which I left safely at home.

"Ready to see where you'll be staying?" Sun asks me.

"Of course!" I laugh lightly, and I step out of the Pokémon Professor's house with a grin on my face and a new Alolan Pokémon in my arms.


Your Tragic Smile: Gladion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now