7 - Are You Okay, (Y/N)?

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-Your POV-

     Sadly, I couldn't tell you the reason I didn't run. The fear in my veins was more intense than anything I'd experienced before. Nothing mattered but the car spreading towards me and the time that was ticking by as I screamed in pure terror. It was as if everything around me sped up, while I was left behind, much slower than a Slowpoke could ever dream to be.

     Sun was bawling his eyes out behind me, and chilling rain poured relentlessly down on Alola, muting many other sounds that surrounded me. The cold water that plastered my hair to my cheeks could be either rain or sweat or tears. I gave in to the fright and panic that caused my head to mercilessly throb to the beat of my racing heart.

     The car was mere feet away from me.
I heard someone command a Pokemon called Type: Null to attack the car, but I blacked out soon after. I didn't know what happened, I could hardly understand how this had happened. But as I drifted into the dark, I recognized one thing: Gladion's voice.

-Gladion's POV-

     I was only waking up when I heard a scream. I reluctantly acknowledged it as Sun's voice. I'd always known him as the weak and bratty trainer who had a mysterious sister he left back in Galar. Not that I'd care.

     The real question was, why was he screaming? It was only seven in the morning for Arceus's sake!

     I got up and opened the sliding door that led to the small balcony outside my room. I ignored the downpour of freezing rain as soon as I saw a car quickly sliding toward the new girl. Her name was (Y/N), if I recall correctly. My eyes widened, and since I was on the second floor, I was able to throw Type: Null's Poke ball as far as I could.

     "Use Crush Claw!" I holler at the Pokemon.

     Type: Null proceeds to smash the front hood of the vehicle only several feet before it would have collided with (Y/N). Jumping over the railing, I swiftly release my Crobat from its ball in one motion. I grab onto Crobat's small legs and it flies me down in time to see (Y/N) collapse to the ground.

     As soon as I've landed, her brother seems to be in a state of shock, until Sun's voice turns to anger as he races to the car's driver seat window. But I've already noticed that the figure inside has slunk into the shadows and escaped.

     "They're gone," I told him, my arms crossed.

     Sun's head whips in my direction, and Type: Null returns to my side. I know I look intimidating, but I don't care a single second about what Sun thinks. Starting to approach (Y/N), Sun runs up to me, overwhelming fury in his glare. I don't show any emotion as Sun attempts to block me from walking towards (Y/N).

     "Don't you dare!" He screams at me.

     I know that there's no point in arguing against the overprotective brother that Sun clearly was. But he was weak. "You did nothing to help (Y/N)." I frown down on him, "Now step out of my way."

     Sun does as I say but still holds resentment towards me as I inspect (Y/N) for any injuries. She seems fine, but taking her to a nearby Pokemon Center would do her good. I pick (Y/N) up from the ground, and carry her across the street, with Sun's suspicious glare following my every step.

-Your POV-

     I wake up in an unfamiliar bed and room. My eyesight is blurry and everything around me is fuzzy. My head is dizzy as it loops in wobbly circles and my hands are shaking violently.

     My last memories were of a car speeding toward me. Gladion's voice commanded a strange Pokemon. My brother screamed my name.

     I try to sit up but am immediately pushed down by a crushing hug from Sun. I flinch at the sudden contact.

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