25 - Full Power Festival

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-Your POV-

The rest of the weekday flew by without much of anything happening. Wake up. Eat breakfast. Go to school. Suffer through school. Go home and laze around. Sleep. Repeat.

It was getting boring.

But at last, the Saturday of the Full Power Festival arrived. I yawn as my morning alarm goes off, telling me to wake up as the warm tropical sun beats down on the islands. Smiling wide, I stumble out of my room after wiping sleep from my eyes, with Poppkio nestled comfortably in my arms and Leafeon trotting at my heels.

Today was going to be a great day, I just knew it. For the battle tournament, I wanted my two Pokemon to be in their top condition and battle at their absolute best to win.

I open a window in the kitchen and begin to prepare for the day. A breeze gracefully lifted my (h/c) hair as I beamed into the sunlight. The beautiful weather seemed very promising, and it was somehow comforting to have it warm my cheeks.

Gladion woke up a moment later after I'd opened the blinds.

"It's festival day!" I exclaimed in a high, sing-song voice, leaning over Gladion as he lay, facing away from me, on the mattress. "We get to have some amazing battles today!"

Gladion turns over in his bed, or more commonly known as an unfolding couch, "Few more minutes. It starts at ten, (Y/N), and it's only seven right now."

"Nope, it's seven, three! C'mon, if I'm the one who makes breakfast, it'll end in disaster!" I pull off his blankets, and he pulls back.

"Fine," He grumbles.

After we'd eaten breakfast, we both got dressed and shouldered our bags, with our Pokemon inside their respective Poke balls of course, we stepped outside the apartment, both confident in our battling abilities. But I was also looking forward to seeing what a festival in Alola would look like.

My (f/c) tennis shoes crunch on the gravel and dirt on the road as I briskly jog, admiring the greenery adorning the edge of the forest, with vast water framing the horizon past the islands of Alola.

"Woah!" I gasp as I arrive at the festival's location.

It was settled in the largest clearing I've seen, and a ring of trees on the outside were strung with colorful paper lanterns that shone cheerfully even under the morning sun. In the exact center, a large, wooden platform stood a foot off the ground — likely the battle arena. Around the sides of the stage, benches sat for the other challengers, and more seating farther on for everyone else. Hand-pushed carts and shops were scattered around, with vendors selling an assortment of festival souvenirs and games to play at stalls.

Not many people had arrived just yet, which left time for me to explore before anyone else. I pump my hands in the air and shout like a young child, "Horray!" Then proceeded to dash from one thing to the next, an ecstatic expression permanent on my optimistic face.

Gladion unhurriedly followed behind me, completely uninterested in the festivities. He only came here to battle, after all. If not, I doubt he'd come here at all.

I pause admiring the paper lanterns for the third time to turn to Gladion and ask, "So, which Pokemon did you enter for the battle tournament?"

"Lycanrock, Umbreon, and Crobat." He replied simply.

"Aw, no Silvally then?" I tilt my head.

"It's probably not allowed, though it's not entirely a Legendary Pokemon or anything like that. It's human-made to be unstoppable, much like the catastrophes of Mewtwo and Prorygon, so they most likely wouldn't allow it." Gladion shrugs.

I nod in understanding, then notice two people about a dozen feet behind Gladion, whom I am quick to wave to and enthusiastically call, "Hey, you two! Hau, Sun!"

The two males walk up to us, and within seconds Gladion and my older brother are glaring at each other with a passion, sparks flying between them. Hau is already eating malasadas that he bought from a nearby pink van that was selling the popular pastry.

"Alola, (Y/N)!" Hau grins, then chomps on another huge, fluffy malasada without any hint of hesitation. "Isn't this amazing? And it lasts late into the night as well, and there'll be fireworks too!"

"I'm so darn excited right now!" I squeal, bouncing in my heels.

Wait a second.

I blink, "Where's Lillie?"

Both Sun and Hau reply at the same time, in immaculate synchronicity, "She said she'd be late."

"Oh, what's she doing?" I cock my head.

"You know how, traditionally, people wear kimonos and yukatas to late summer events like these? I think Burnett wanted Lillie to dress up since she wasn't going to battle." Hau explains and Sun nods in agreement.

"That's so cool!" I exclaim, "I wish I could've done that too. We'd never do that in Galar. But it'll be fun to see Lillie all dolled up, right?"

Hau and Sun nod, increasingly eager at the prospect. Gladion glares dangerously at Sun and Hau, looking ready to beat the two up if they even touched his yonder sister. It was the same for my older brother, Sun, and me. If Sun thought Gladion was doing anything suspicious in the least...

Oh, Arceus. Gladion had kissed me, and Sun didn't know. I doubt I should tell him... but I can't be sure what Sun's exact reaction will be.

"Hey, is something wrong?" Gladion taps my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Your face just turned sour."

"Oh, sorry," I shake my head, "I just spaced out a little for a second there, um, my bad."

"If you say so,"


Word count: 990 words

Author's Note:

Just a question. Who should Lillie end up dating, Hau or Sun? I'm gonna let you guys choose since I'm completely fine with either. Thanks!

- Lillian

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