5 - Gladion's Mysterious Younger Sister

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-Your POV-

After emerging victorious in the battle, I rejoined the crowd but didn't really focus on watching the other battles. The girl who I saw earlier, the one who seemed oddly skittish and rather terrified, was now nowhere to be found. I think I remember that her name was Lillie, but I wasn't one hundred percent sure.

     One thing I noticed about her is the resemblance to Gladion. Even though I hardly met the two, they had the same striking emerald eyes and blond hair.

     I glanced around, looking for her, though she appeared to have left. That's weird.

     "I'll be right back," I say to Professor Kukui, but he's too into the battle that is currently going on, between my brother Sun and Mallow, to respond.

     I stepped back and then started walking back to the classroom. Even before I stepped through the door, I could hear the sound of soft crying. If I wasn't concerned earlier, I definitely was now.

     I walk in to see the shy girl in the frilly white dress sobbing in the back of the room.

     "Lillie?" I whisper.

     She flinches at the sound of my voice. Then she scoots away from me and continues to cry, not looking up at me.

     I slowly approach her, and when I'm a few feet from where she is sitting, I kneel down next to her. This time she doesn't move away.

     "Lillie? C... can I help you?" I ask in a quiet tone as if I were talking to a small, frightened Pokémon. I'm met with no response. "Are you scared of Pokémon battles?" I ask.

     I receive a slight nod. Lillie looks up at me, tears running down her pale face as she continues to whimper.

     "Is there something that I can do to help you?" I ask timidly.

     She wipes her eyes, then says, "I can't touch Pokémon either. It brings back memories of a terrible incident."

     "May I ask what happened?"

     Noticing I wasn't the only one in the room, I turned to see Gladion, a scowl on his face. "No." He says firmly.

     "But, brother-" Lillie starts to protest.

     "It's a no, Lillie." He turns and walks away.

     "I'm sorry," she apologizes, "I'd tell you, but my brother won't allow me to talk to anyone about it, since.... Well, please don't feel that it's your fault."

     "No, I should be saying sorry, it's not right for me to intrude." It's true, I really feel bad about asking if Gladion had to interrupt. But really, how long was he standing there?

     The rest of the school day flew by, and I got better acquainted with many of the students here.

     Now that it was finally over for the day, I was free for the rest of the afternoon. My apartment was nearby, but I wanted to take the bus anyway. It's not because Gladion was walking to the same place I was and also he didn't seem to like me at all. But as I walked up to the bus, I saw it full of the gangster-like people that attacked me before.

     I turn to the bus driver who asks me, "Are you part of Team Skull?"

     "Um, well... No, I'm not." So that's what they're called!

     "Heck no, she ain't! Boss would hire such a tiny girl!" A male from farther back yelled up to the driver. "This is our bus!"

     "Sorry miss," The bus driver said sincerely, "But I'm afraid I can't let you in."

     "What?" Has this Team Skull taken over the bus routes? That's crazy!

     "Just what I said-" the bus driver started to say but was interrupted by someone behind me.

     "Let her on," I turn, and it's Gladion!

     "Enforcer Gladion!" Half the kids on the bus yelp. Gladion just wordlessly scowls in response.

     The bus driver turns for confirmation from Team Skull and they nod. Gladion walks away from the bus as if nothing happened. I step up to the bus, and numerous Team Skull members move to give me a seat. Thank Arceus that I sat near the front because I was getting more than one glare from members of Team Skull. I didn't want to see them as much as they didn't want to see me.

     At least it seemed that my stop was one of the first, fortunately.

     The ride was short since my apartment wasn't far at all, and once I stepped off the bus, I was free of the odd looks I got from Team Skull.

     But what I was really thinking about was why Gladion had some power over Team Skull. Was he part of them?

     Another thing surprised me about Gladion today. While he walked home, Lillie had a literal limousine pick her up from school! I don't think they live together... It was just Gladion in his apartment. If you were wealthy, as Lillie clearly was, then why, why would you have an apartment room instead of a mansion if you were her brother?

     Someone tapped my shoulder. I suddenly realized that I had been standing in front of my apartment door without thinking about walking there.

     But wait... who tapped my shoulder?

     "How long are you going to stand there, (Y/N)?" Gladion scoffs.

     "Oh! Gladion, sorry. I was just lost in thought..." I say.

     "Tch. Whatever, I don't even want to know." He walks into his apartment room and closes the door behind him.

     I sigh and walk into my room, then flop onto my bed after releasing my Pokémon from their balls. Leafeon nudges my arm, clearly concerned.

     "I'm just tired from my first day at the Pokémon School," I tell her, then snuggle under my covers with Poplio in my arms and Leafeon at my feet.

     I went to bed much earlier than usual and without dinner, but I didn't care. With a sigh of contentment, I close my eyes and fall asleep.


Word count: 994 words

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