14 - Nightmares Earn an Embrace

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-Your POV-

The nightmares were back. This time around, it was about the torture of being thrown into a cage and chained to its walls, the metal digging into my flesh. I was threatened not to say a word, but in my heart, I screamed for help. For Gladion.

I woke up with a gasp, tears rolling down my cheeks. The clock next to my bed said it was only one in the morning. Fear sent shivers down my arms. My bottom lip quivered as I changed out of my everyday clothes and into only a simple pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. I crept back into my bed, only for terror to give me goosebumps.

Silently, I opened my bedroom door and cautiously tiptoed next to the couch, where I saw Gladion sprawled out on the mattress. In my mostly asleep brain, I didn't think logically.

I sat down on the empty side of the bed and carefully crawled next to Gladion. I curled up facing away from Gladion, pulled up the blanket, not even wiping tears from my face, and closed my eyes to drift back into sleep, feeling safe at last, by his side.

-Gladion's POV-

She was crying again.

I was startled awake by small sniffles that led to ragged sobs. Sitting up in alarm, I noticed (Y/N)'s figure curled up on the opposite side of the bed.

I froze.

What was I supposed to do?! Does she just cry in her sleep often? I doubt that's mentally healthy...

Blinking sleep from my eyes, I yawn and notice the early time. Only a couple of hours after midnight. How long was she here? I suppose I should comfort her. I know she's a really deep sleeper so...

I turn over and gently tug (Y/N) over to me. Flipping her over to face me, I pull her closer to my chest. I wipe tears from her cheeks, hoping against hope that she wouldn't mind.

Hugging her close, I close my eyes only to flick them open when I notice (Y/N) reaching her arms out to return the embrace in her sleep. I try not to seem so bewildered. The only other girl I've ever been this close to is my sister Lillie, and I haven't once touched her since I ran from home...

Falling asleep in the arms of (Y/N) couldn't be too bad. I just hope Sun won't find out in school on Monday... Which is the day after tomorrow.

Burying my head in her (h/c) hair, I slowly drift asleep once more.

After groggily waking to the sound of Pipeck outside, I realize with a jolt that (Y/N) is fast asleep in my arms. When did that happen? I vaguely remember being awoken by her crying again. Probably another nightmare she won't tell me about.

Warm sunlight flits through the curtains and spills onto (Y/N)'s serene face as she traps me in her unconscious embrace. I can't move with her next to me without waking her. I sigh and think of all the threats Sun would shriek if he saw this.

I lay back and clutch (Y/N) tighter. I could stay a little longer.

-Your POV-

Soft breathing fills my ears the moment I come to my senses. I recall waking up with tears on my face and walking over to Gladion's bed... My eyes fly open.

My eyes widened once I realized where I was. Not my bedroom with my pillow snuggling with my many, many stuffed animals.

No... It was Gladion I was cuddling, with his arm as my pillow.

My face is surely the brightest red it could be.

I gently withdrew my hands from his chest, trying not to think about how cute he was. Deep in embarrassment and measurable shame, I wordlessly try to scoot away. But his hand snatches my wrist before I can leave the mattress.

"G-Gladion?" I whisper, my face warming.

He opens his eyes and gives one of the only smiles I've seen him give, "Stay. Just a little longer."

I swear it felt as if my heart stopped, and then I remembered to breathe. I swallowed, and without a word, I slid under the covers again, Butterfree in my stomach.

For Arceus's sake... I was in a bed with a boy — and not just any boy. Gladion.

To my surprise, he hugs me tight and murmurs, "If something is bothering you, please tell me so you don't end up with trauma like Lillie."

I squeeze my eyes shut as I soak in Gladion's embrace, and say with a small smile, "Okay, I'll tell you when we wake up."


Word count: 789 words

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