6 - A Bad Day

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-Your POV-

     It all started with me tumbling out of bed way before I should even think about getting ready for school. I had fallen on my head and accidentally dropped Poplio to the floor in the process. I decided that eating a good meal for breakfast would lighten my mood.

     Too bad I had forgotten to go shopping on my first day here.

     I had to stick with some leftover curry my mom packed me from Galar. Not only was the curry over a few days old by now, but I also didn't feel like curry today anyway. It's not really a food you want to eat in the forever summer climate of Melemele Island.

         With hours to spare before I had to go to the Pokemon school, I was getting bored out of my mind, which only encouraged my foul mood. As I sulked and spooned the microwaved curry into my mouth, I slouched on the couch listlessly watching the television screen. Unfortunately, the TV channel had nothing to say to entertain me. That's when I noticed Leafeon trying to get my attention.

    "What?" I ask her, my voice laced with unintentional annoyance.

    "Leafeon, leaf!" She nodded her head towards the door.

    "You want me to get out and do something?" Poplio also seemed intent on getting out, its big dark eyes shimmering with hope. "But it's so early!" I complain but click off the television.

    I slip on my shoes and open the door with my two Pokemon in their Poke balls. Walking towards the stairs, I wonder where I am even going to go at such an hour. I try to think nice thoughts and not glare at everyone as I stomp outside.

    I glance around and see a (favorite store) nearby, within walking distance and just around the corner. I start running in that direction, but trip and fall on my face. "(Favorite store) isn't worth it anyway," I grunt as I sit up, embarrassed, in the middle of the sidewalk.

    "Are you okay?" A soft, melodic voice asks from behind me.

    "Oh, Lillie," I say and stand up. Wincing, I make my way over to her, ignoring the pain in my knees and the palms of my hands. "I'm usually clumsy, so don't worry."

    Lillie was only standing several feet away from me, but I tripped again on my wobbly legs and fell disgracefully against the wall of the apartment.

    "Are you sure?" She sounds concerned, but I just shrug it off.

    "Whatever," I mumble. I'm not used to having someone care about me. It was just my parents back in Galar since Sun left earlier than usual on his journey to Alola, and I never went to school to make friends. "I'm just having a bad day." I grumble, then look up at her and ask, "What are you doing here at six in the morning?"

    "I was going to go shopping at (favorite store), but I think I should help you back up to your room."

    I frown. "No, I'll be fine." As if to prove it, I stood up and started walking back to the apartment's entrance.

    But Lillie grabs my arm. "It's alright, I don't mind walking you back to your room. We're friends after all."

    "We're... friends?" I whisper.

    "I-I mean... If you'd like to." Lillie seems suddenly nervous.

     "I've never had a friend before," We say at the same time.

     "It's always just been Sun,"

     "I've only had Gladion,"

     Our eyes meet, and we both grin widely.

     "Have you had breakfast yet?" I ask.

     "No, would you like to go to a malasada shop across the street?" Lillie says, "That is... if your hands and knees are alright." Lillie glances worriedly at the small blood that's dripping down my legs.

     "Just a second," I pulled out Leafeon's Poke ball.

     Once Leafeon pops out of her ball, she knows what to do. She closes her eyes, and after a moment, a healing aroma wafts towards me and restores where I had scraped myself.

     "Thank you, Leafeon," After I return Leafeon to her ball, I turn to Lillie, "What about those malasadas?"

     With my rotten luck, when we arrived at the malasada shop, it was still closed. I sigh and frown, knowing that the unfortunate coincidence was only piling up against me. "It's just a bad day today," I groan.

     "Um," I can tell that Lillie's trying to find a way to comfort me but is failing miserably. All she's done today is try to cheer me up, in the end.

     Suddenly, a limousine pulls up. A butler, who is the one driving, steps out of the limo and says, "Miss Lillie, your mother wants you home right now."

     "Oh! I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I have to go." Regret fills her emerald eyes as she looks back at me and steps into the car.

    "Mhm, it's okay," I say, and the sleek, glamorous car drives off.

    I slowly walk back up to my room. The clock on the kitchen counter says it's just over half past six. I still have an hour at least. I pick up my (favorite manga/comic) and lounge on the couch. Time passes, and I'm still bored. Finally, after completing more than one volume in (favorite manga/comic) I hear a knock on the door. Who could that be?

    I walk up to the door, confused. I open the door to find my brother, Sun. "Hey, (Y/N)! Wanna walk to school with me?"

    "Fine, let me just grab my things."

     I snatch my bag and hat from the table and walk beside Sun out the door and down the stairs. Some time ago when I was in my room, it started raining outside. I didn't mind the rain as much as my brother did, but it made everything quieter and almost gloomy. Even though it was dreary, I sort of liked it.

     I look up at the sky and feel the rain on my face. It's somewhat refreshing. I forget about my surroundings and walk into the street, still mesmerized by the rain.

     An abrupt honk from a fast-approaching car sends panic through the air.

     "(Y/N)!" I hear my brother Sun scream. His face is filled with horror and desperation, but he can't do anything to help.

     I turn and see a car failing to stop because of the slick rain on the paved road. I know I should run, but I'm frozen in pure terror and the lack of time to escape.


Word count: 1096 words

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