37 - Just Something to Think About

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-Your POV-

"I'm so excited I can hardly wait!" I squeal once Gladion and I have made it to the meetup spot, where Lillie instructed us all to go. It was right outside the large gates of our date's destination, an amusement park. "What do you think?"

Gladion exhales but answers sincerely, "To be completely honest, this isn't really my thing. But you're here, so it'll be fine."

"Oh?" I tilt my head. It made sense though -- noisy, colorful places packed to the brim with loud people didn't really seem like his preferred activity, though it made me a little happy to hear he'd go since it was with me. "If you say so."

"Heeeeeey! Over here!" I hear a high, eager voice shout from nearby. I turn to look across the street and see Lillie waving over at us – with Hau in tow. They both cross the road and walk up to us with matching smiles on their faces, just as enthusiastic as I am about a first official date.

"Alola, Lillie!" I greet the duo, anticipation bubbling up for the new experience.

"Ready to have an amazing time, you guys? Headcount!" Lillie raises her voice over the din of noisy tourists flocking the entrance to the place selected for my first real date -- one where it's not just Gladion and me, but Lillie and Hau tagged along.  "Alrighty... one, two, three, and four. We're all here and ready for an incredible double date!"

Gulping down hesitation, I slip my hand into Gladion's, interlacing our fingers. Lillie races ahead, dragging poor Hau by the arm over to the ticket stand to purchase our entrance. We follow right behind, faces bright red, though I merely grin and bear the flustered atmosphere.

"What should we do first?" Lillie wags four paper tickets in her slender hand. "These give us access to everything in the park until sundown, so let's not waste a moment!"

"Sounds like a plan," I agree, her raw passion contagious.

"They've really got everything here." Hau notes, eyes drifting yearningly over to a pop-up malasada shop nearby.

"We can just wander around until we find something-" Gladion starts but is interrupted by Lillie.

She points a trembling finger at a ferris wheel and gasps in awe, "Look at that!"

"You wanna do that one?" Hau asks with a grimace. "Let me warn you, I'm not really good with heights."

Gladion nods. "I'll sit this one out as well."

"Guess it's just us girls then!" Lillie latches onto my arm and begins to race toward the ferris wheel's towering structure, leaving the boys in awkward silence.

While I'm basically being kidnapped by my boyfriend's sister, I attempt to mouth my apologies back at the abandoned males, but they're already drifting off somewhere else, deep in uncomfortable tension.

"In you go, yep, keep on going!" Lillie says, forcibly pushing my back into the basket after scanning our tickets.

"Hey! I'm going, I'm going!" I laugh, sitting down on the bench to the right, and Lillie taking the seat across from me.

With a disturbing metallic clank, the ring begins to turn, gradually carrying us up to the sky, tinkling music from a merry-go-round next to this ride filling the calm air as I press my palms to the glass windows, jaw-dropping at the majestic view of Alola's wispy blue horizon, the warm sun bathing everyone in a kind light. Not a soul could say this wasn't a perfect day.

"So," Lillie shatters the silence between us, a pleasant but expectant expression on her face.

"Yeah?" I reluctantly rip my gaze away from the gorgeous cobalt sky.

Your Tragic Smile: Gladion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now