36 - Abundant Admiration All Around

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-Your POV-

"For the longest time, (Y/N)... I... I've felt very deeply for you, (Y/N). You could say I've even grown fond of you. I think... I love you." Gladion doesn't pause for me to answer, "I don't need anything in return... I just wanted to make sure you knew." He hides his face behind his choppy blond hair, though I can glimpse shimmering emerald eyes beneath it.

My face turns bright red as I think about what an impact my next words are going to have on my life. But... I already know the answer to his words. "I love you too!"

"Wait... You do?" The innocent surprise on his face is immeasurable as my reply dawns on him.

"Yes, and I won't take no for an answer," I replied playfully, smiling without any hesitation.

"I see," Gladion blinks, and it's almost as if he expected rejection from me.

Taking a step forward, then another, and another, until I've launched myself into his waiting arms, gleefully laughing. "I love you, Gladion! I really do!"

He embraces me tightly, whispering fondly a smile forming on his pale face, "I do too, (Y/N). So much."

"I'm so glad!" I squeal, hugging tighter. I don't want to ever let go. I've finally found the one I cherish most, and the feeling of love fills my chest as I savor the happiness of Gladion's arms around my waist. "Does this mean we can date?"

"Yes... well..." He trails off.

"Well, what?" I question, stepping back to meet his gaze.

"You're brother, Sun, may not be very happy about that arrangement, to be honest," Gladion says with a short sigh.

"Not to worry! I'm sure that he'll understand, he usually does -- you know, he is somewhat like you... caring so much for the younger sister." I giggle.

"You sure he'll be fine with it?"

"Nope! But it can't hurt to ask!"

*Time Skip*

"We're you glaring at me?"

"I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust."



I facepalm. I now understood that Sun wasn't going to give up his precious little sister so easily -- and Gladion wasn't doing anything to help the situation. I held his hand as I walked up to Sun the next Monday at school, and it wasn't received well at all.

My face was flushed with embarrassment. Sun should be ashamed of his childish response, but instead, he angrily decided to argue with Gladion instead. The only thing holding Gladion back was the gentle grip I had on his hand.

"You stole my sister!"

"Overprotective, much?"

"Why, you-!!"

"SUN!" I shout. "Mom accepted him, so why can't you?"

Sun's eyes stretch wide in astonishment, "M-mom?! What d'you mean?? She's dead..."

"Gladion and I visited her spirit, okay? She said she loved us so much and was pleased that Gladion is the one who makes me happy in life! Please -- I love Gladion. You have to understand that!"

"Why didn't I go see Mom?!" Sun screeches.

"The author forgot about you..." I mumble under my breath.


"Nothing! Okay? I'm truly sorry. But please, can you not hate Gladion?" I plead to my brother.

He tosses his slate gray bangs to the side. "Fine,"

"Really?" I jump to his reply with hope in my (e/c) eyes.

"Sure," Sun shrugs, though fury burns in his ash-colored eyes, "But that punk does anything fishy... my Pokemon and I will pound him to the ground!"

"Wow, thanks." Gladion grumbles sarcastically with a roll of his eyes.

I glance down the hall and see Lillie rushes towards us, a goofy grin on her face, "You'll never guess what!" She exclaims before coming to a stop, entering the conversation.

"What?" I ask, but the blond girl notices my hand intertwining with her older brothers and she gasps, momentarily distracted.

"Is it official? You two are dating?!" She cries, joy alight in her eyes. "That must be a coincidence since I'm dating someone now too!"

"WHO?!" all three of us scream, staring with shocked expressions at the pure teen before our eyes.

Lillie fiddles timidly with her frilly, white dress, then turns to call out behind her, "Hau?"

"Yeah?" A tan boy with bright, fluffy green hair and an easy-going grin pops up from around the corner.

Although both my brother and I already knew this was fate, poor Gladion did not. "I-its Hau??" He questions with a withering glare toward Lillie's new boyfriend.

"Yes, but I see I'm not the only one with a new date..." The blond girl says with a smirk.

I nod, "True,"

"It's about time! After thirty-six whole chapters... dang, girl!" Lillie laughs.

While we all give Lillie quizzical looks, Sun pouts, miserable at his own loneliness and jealousy. I notice this but stay silent. He'd probably find someone, sometime. And yet, I get the feeling that it's good for him to stay single for the time being. The bell sounds throughout the school's halls, and we begin walking to class, Sun racing ahead like he couldn't get rid of us.

Now just the four of us, Lillie suggests this, "Since we're all dating now... why don't we do a double date sometime soon!"

"That sounds like a great idea!" I eagerly agree.

Hau and Gladion give their consent as well, and soon, Lillie has a plan scheduled this Saturday at eleven in the morning — to go to an amusement park! Though Hladion is somewhat less enthused by the idea, he goes along with it, wanting our first date to be absolutely magical.

Now, all I have to do is look forward to this fantastic weekend!


Word count: 946 words

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