24 - Lillie Doesn't Battle

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-Your POV-

"...So, the festival will be hosted in a few days, this weekend, on the day of the full moon." Professor Kukui announces to the middle-grade class of the Pokemon School. "The tournament will be in honor of the Tapu, who are the islands of Alola's guardians."

Mallow raises her hand. "Why the late notice?"

"Well, the Kahuna of all of the islands have been planning for a while, but they've just declared it to the public," Kukui replies.

"There is usually one every four years, actually." Lillie pipes up, knowledgeable as usual. "For each of the four Tapu of our island."

"Interesting," Lana mumbles in her commonly quiet voice.

"I know right!" Lillie's jade eyes sparkle with excitement, "I was only just a child when the last one occurred! I cannot wait!"

"Hm, (Y/N)'s never been to one, being from Galar and all," Sophocles says thoughtfully.

"That's true!" I nod, smiling with anticipation. The festival must be a big deal! And I get to stay in Alola to take part in it. Hau even helped me sign up last afternoon, so I'm going to participate in the battle tournament with my partners, Leafeon and Poplio!

Kukui continues, "Each day for the rest of the week, the school day will end just before lunch for the festival. So, enjoy yourselves with the extra free time!"

A chorus of cheers rises throughout the classroom as every student, besides Gladion, is found overjoyed by the thought of less time in school.

Kukui claps to pull the attention back on him, "Today's lesson is on the battle rules for the tournament since you'll need to know those if you plan on entering the competition. First, there is no limit on switchouts. No Legendary Pokemon, Mythical Pokemon, or Ultra Beasts will be allowed. Z-moves can be used once per battle."

Kukui turns to the chalkboard and writes down with white chalk the rules he'd just listed. They won't be too hard to follow, I think. I don't even have a Z-ring to begin with, nor a rare enough Pokemon to be forbidden.

"This'll be so fun!" Hau exclaims, "I can impress Gramps if I win!"

I turn in my seat to face him, "I don't plan on losing either, Hau. Don't get too confident."

"S-scary..." He shrinks down in his seat, and I burst out laughing.

"Joking! But I will try my very best, so..." We both grin confidently, delighted expressions nearly mirrored, while Lillie nervously fidgets with her side bag.

Now that I think about it, Lillie has a hard time touching Pokemon or battling with them. Why was she signed up? It doesn't look like she wanted to. I'll have to ask her after school. As the day droned on, I looked out of the window at the warm Alolan sun, daydreaming about the festival. Back in Galar, we have professional Battle Leagues at Rose Tower, where everything is in an immaculate stadium overlooking Wyndon City, not anything as laid back as this. It was rather exciting.

*Time Skip*

"Hey, Lillie! Wait for a second!" I run across the schoolyard and wave at Lillie, who is waiting patiently on the sidewalk for her ride.

"Oh, (Y/N)." Lillie turns, without her usual serene smile.

"What's the wrong?" I ask.

"Ummm... nothing?" Lillie replies, confused.

Gladion walks up behind me with a firm frown, adding, "I saw your name in the list of participants. Why did you join, Lillie? You only have one Pokemon, and you never even let it out."

Lillie exhales, "Professor Burnett thought it would be fun if I joined, so she signed me up before I could get a word out to refuse. She always pitys me for some reason, and often does stuff like this."

"Burnett?" I ask.

"Yep. Professor Kukui's wife." Lillie nods.

"WHAT? HE HAS A WIFE?" I screech, nearly tripping backward.

"I didn't know that either," Gladion admits, still expressionless.

"I don't wanna join..." Lillie's shoulders slumped as if she was exhausted.

"I'll do it."

I turn to Gladion. "You can do it in Lillie's place?"

"Yeah, I'll just go instead of Lillie." Gladion shrugs.

"Thank you so much!" Lillie, now relieved of a dreaded event for her, feels free to tease everyone again. "If you battle..." She giggles, "You can use that catchphrase you've wanted today since we were kids!"

"Shut it," Gladion glares daggers at his younger sister.

"But you'll say it, right?" Lillie smirks. "When you battle for me?"

"I'm only battling in your place, not entertaining you with catchphrases we made as children." Gladion sighs and turns to walk away, "We're leaving now. C'mon (Y/N)."

I silently laugh at the amusing sibling interaction, how Gladion cares for his sister enough to take her place, and how Lillie happily allows him to while giggling like a child. But now that I think about it, if Gladion is in the tournament, that means I'll probably have to end up competing against him. Wow.

That will be a battle to both look forward to and resent at the same time.


Word count: 858 words

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