33 - Tapu Fini's Magical and Mysterious Mist

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-Your POV-

"What'd you tell him?" Gladion asks once I ended the conversation there, with Sun teasing me like always, and made my way to the front gate of the Pokemon School to meet up with Gladion.

"Oh, you know, I attempted to comfort him, per usual." I shrug. "Alas, siblings stay siblings! I think I made him feel a bit more like his normal self, he'll be fine, I'm sure of it."

"Ah, I see. Ready to go?"

"Yep. Come on out Leafeon and Brionne!" I exclaim and toss out the two Pokemon balls, and they both pop out with a gleeful cry. Brionne immediately jumps into my arms, and Leafeon nuzzles my legs, causing me to break into a grin.

The walk isn't long, just across town a bit, but I have enough time to hum a mellow and cheerful tune as I gently hold my little blue seal and skip down the gravel and dirt road. Soon we arrive at Hala's office, or shall I call it his home? Honestly, the word 'office' is far too formal for Alola. But anyway, I walk up the steps and begin to reach out to the door, but it opens before I have the chance to knock.

"Welcome, (Y/N), Gladion! Please, do come in!" Kahuna Hala says in his bellowing voice that rings though the air.

-Gladion's POV-

After we entered Hala's house and he asked (Y/N) to keep her Pokemon in their capules, we were told to sit down so he could explain. What he was about to explain, I didn't know.

Hala sits down on a warm yellow floral couch on one side, and us on the other. He smiles faintly, but seems uncertain when he says, "This will go over better when drinking tea. Grandson, do you mind?"

I turn in my seat to see a familiar boy with poofy green hair and a never-ending smile standing in the doorway. That's right, Hau.

"Hau?" (Y/N) gasps, "Your grandfather is the Kahuna?"

"Correct-o-mundo!" Hau laughs, "And sure, Gramps, I'll get some tea for you guys!"

"Thanks," Hala nods, and Hau races to another room, which I assume is the direction of a kitchen or something of the sort.

Once Hau comes back with a tray of tea and starts to pour us all a serving, I turn back around to face Hala and frown, "So, why'd you ask (Y/N) here in the first place?"

"Well... how do I say this?" Hala takes a sip of tea. "There just might be a way, if desired, to see (Y/N)'s deceased mother.

(Y/N) jumps so violently, she shakes the low table and knocks over the teacups, much to Hau's annoyance. She begins trembling as she sits back down, her lips quivering as she stutters and stumbles over her words, "I... I-I don't know what to say... My... Mom..." She breaks down there, burying her head in her hands, leaving everyone with wide eyes.

"Explain." I growl, putting a protective hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder. No one should ever make her cry like this. She could be relieving any sort of memories of her mother right now.

"I must first understand," Hala says to (Y/N)'s shaking figure, "Do you want to see your mother?"

"O-Of course I do." She whispers, not lifting her head to meet our worried gazes.

Hala nods, "Well, there's a legend about Tapu Fini's mist."

"Ooh, can I tell them, Gramps?" Hau says eagerly.

"No, go back to cleaning up the spilled tea."


"As I was saying," Hala continues with a sigh, "The mist, created by Tapu Fini, is said to allow people and Pokémon reunite with loved ones who have passed on."

(Y/N) raises her head every so slightly, and murmur, "I... I want to... see her again."

My chest feels heavy just seeing tears slip down (Y/N)'s cheeks, and Hala's firm face as he relays this information, along with Hau's downcast face as well. My expression would be quite the mix of anger and concern.

"How do we get access to this mist?" I ask Hala.

"Tapu Fini resides on Poni Island, but the Kahuna there was just put on the job the other day. I would say reaching out to her, but that's my only lead." Hala replies.

"Then we go to Poni Island," I say, and confidently stand up with furrowed brows.

"Yes," (Y/N) sniffs and wipes her tears, then stands up also. "We'll reach out to her today. Can we get a boat ride there?"

"We have school tomorrow, (Y/N)," I tell her.

"I think we can just visit her today, then go after the mist." (Y/N) says with an expression that tells me she is going to break down if I say no. Desperate she was, but not helpless.

I take a steadying breath and say, "(Y/N), let's go to Poni Island."

The hope shimmering in her (e/c) eyes outshone her glittering tears and she looked up at me and told me softly, "Thank you, Gladion."


Word count: 862 words

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