10 - Walking Home . . . Together?!

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-Your POV-

Someone gently shook my shoulder, dragging me back to reality. "Hey, wake up (Y/N)." a soft, feminine voice calls.

I lift my head from where it lay on my classroom desk. Lillie had shaken me awake since I was daydreaming once again about lovely fantasies that danced in my eyes.

"Gladion seemed to be waiting for something, so I woke you up," Lillie explained, fidgeting with her long blond hair, diverting her gaze.

"Gladion?" I ask with a slight tilt of my head, completely confused.

"Yeah, so... take good care of my big brother, okay?" She giggles with a pale hand over her mouth, emerald eyes glinting.

"Eh?" I mumble, still not quite understanding what she was implying, but also still half-asleep.

Lillie grinned and shook her head, "Anyway, have a nice afternoon!" And she skipped happily out of the classroom.

Yawning, I sluggishly grab my books and then exit the stuffy classroom without another thought. After slinging my bag over my shoulder, I step outside into the fresh air. I take deep breaths of the crisp breeze that ruffles my (H/C) hair, enjoying Alola's warm climate.

"What a nice nap!" I exhale, smiling.

Suddenly, I notice Gladion standing next to the door. "So, you finally woke up. Are you ready to walk back yet?" He grumbles.

Not letting it bother me, I nod in response, and we start to walk down the sidewalk to the apartment. We can't take the bus anymore, because Gladion's position in Team Skull is no longer, and the grunts completely control the bus stops.

Seriously though, I'm walking home with the edgiest guy I've ever known! It's hard to believe that Gladion left his only job so suddenly. Not that I want him to work for Team Skull! It's just that he seemed to do it for me. But that's weird. Why would he do that? I just met him!

I steal a glance at Gladion, and he meets my gaze calmly and unfazed. I look down at the laved sidewalk and focus on walking, blushing a bit in slight embarrassment of being caught so shamelessly staring.

We don't make any conversation, but it's not awkward. To be honest, it's quite refreshing to be around someone who can be so peaceful — unlike my wild brother, Sun, who is the only other boy I've lived with before. His rowdy attitude was something I didn't really admire about the rash boy.

Once inside my apartment, I realized a problem. I only have one bed. So I decided to call dibs first... "I'll take the couch!" I exclaim the moment we walk in, setting my bag on the low table in the center of the main room.

Gladion had moved his belongings into my flat yesterday, but today is the first night he'll be sleeping in the apartment with me. Never having roommates before this, I can only hope it won't be difficult to adjust to living together.

And for some reason or another, I feel it's my fault he can't pay for his own room. Like he left for me.

"No," Gladion protests firmly, "You don't have to sleep on the couch, I can. You can have the bed."

"Are you... Are you really sure that's okay?" I didn't want to get into an argument over something as simple as who sleeps where.

"Yeah," Gladion answers blandly.

That's what was decided. I would sleep on the bed and Gladion would have the couch. But the matter important now was . . . What's for dinner? I mean, I could easily just have takeout, but shouldn't I be serving something more appealing? It's not like I have the foggiest idea of how to make something worth remembering.

Your Tragic Smile: Gladion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now