35 - Finding a Loved One

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-Your POV-

The crunch of Mudstale's hoves on the gravelly ground that filled Poni Island's canyon biome echo into the open air. I rode behind Hapu, with Gladion behind me, on the broad back of the large mud-covered horse Pokemon. The Mudstale was directed along the dusty and empty path under Hapu's lead.

It was the weekend after the school days ended uneventfully. I now had the whole weekend to explore this island from top to bottom until I found the mist that could solve so many problems.


I shift my head to look back at Gladion, "Yeah?"

Heat rises in his cheeks, but he holds my gaze, "After this, there's something I want to tell you."

"Oh? Sure!" I reply with an eager grin.

Hapu scoffs, "Oi, am I stuck with you love birds the whole time?" I can easily hear the annoyance in her high, childish tone. "Anyway, we should be nearing our destination now."

The gentle sway of the donkey-like Pokemon ceases, and Gladion swiftly slides off his back and then extends his hand to help me down. We are in a canyon, a common sight in Poni Island's features. The Alolan sun beat down on our backs, and I noticed that Gladion was still wearing a black hoodie, despite the warm weather. "Ready?" I ask, taking Gladion's hand.

He nods.

"I'll let you two go," Hapu grumbles, though is smirking. She urges her Mudstale to turn around and hollars back at us, "Hope you find who you're looking for!"

After Hapu disappears from sight, we begin to stroll at the base of the cliffs. "It seems clear as day down here... Is she sure this is the spot?" I question myself, feeling somewhat quizzical.

"Let's just wait a bit, then."

"You want to meet my mom too?" I tease. Gladion doesn't respond, and I can tell I got to him. "You do, don't you?"

"Yeah," he holds up the hand not holding mine, and I glimpse the fragment of the Ice-colored charm, the Trial Captain pendant that my mother gave me before I gifted half of it to Gladion as a token of gratitude. "I want to meet such a talented trainer."

"I see,"

"H-hey!" Gladion suddenly shouts.

I turn to face Gladion just as I trip on a small pebble and fall to the ground. Time seems to slow as my grip loosens on Gladion's hand and I come closer and closer to colliding with the rocky ground. Just as I am to hit the floor, a mysterious fog floods the canyon as the sky darkens drastically. "Gladion!"

My eyes fly open, and I see Gladion above me, arms wrapped and secured around my torso, cushioning my fall.

"Are you okay?" I ask sheepishly as he begins to stand.

"I should be asking you that." He sharply exhales, "But... I think we found the mist."

I stand and place a hand on Gladion's shoulder for balance as I shake off a abrupt bout of dizziness that appeared when I fell. When I look around where we stand, I can tell he's correct. Think, shimmering water dopplets too small for the eye to see hang, suspended in the air -- which is suddenly chilled.

A shrill cry of a Pokemon pieces the awe-filled silence, and the figure of a woman materializes.

As soon as the lady comes into full view in front of us, tears begin to slip down my cheeks, my eyes wide, and Gladion's worried glance goes from me to the person only several feet down the path.

Your Tragic Smile: Gladion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now