23 - An Upcoming Festival

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-Your POV-

"You okay?" I quietly ask Gladion.

He's seemed a little spaced out ever since the visit to Aether Paradise. We'd just gotten off the boat ride back and were now wondering aimlessly as Gladion frowned deep in thought. While it felt good to be off the artificial island, the familiarity of the warm tropical sun beating down on the islands made me break into a sweat.

Gladion slowly blinks away the distant look in his eyes and turns to me, "Um, what?"

"Oh, I was just wondering if you were feeling okay," I mumble, averting my gaze.

"It's just... you know, seeing my mother after so long..." He doesn't meet my eyes either, instead turning to the horizon.

"Hey, it'll be okay." I take his hand, and he doesn't react, back into his own world. "Do you wanna go back to the apartment now, or go get lunch?"

He slowly exhales, "Lunch sounds good."

Gladion and I sit down on a nearby wooden bench, and pull out my two Pokeballs, "Go! Popplio, Leafeon!" Poplio, a small blue seal, and Leafeon, a green and beige fox-like creature, are revealed with a flash of light from the Pokeball.

"Hey guys!" I exclaim as the two Pokemon immediately jump into my arms with happy cries. "You seem antsy today... how about lunch before we go find someone to battle?"

"Battle?" A voice cries from behind me.

I turn, and so does Gladion, and I see Hau, with a hopeful smile stretching across his tan face.

"Yeah, we're just about to eat, then find someone to have a Pokemon battle with, since my Pokemon are pretty restless," I admit.

He nods, then frowns. "You guys were gone from school today," Hau notes, concern lacing his typically light and carefree tone.

"Um, we're okay if you were wondering," I sweatshop, laughing nervously. "Unfortunately, I was preparing to leave for Galar in the evening, but we went to Aether Paradise to convince Gladion's mom to pay for our apartment since my father won't... it's no big deal, but I'm really sorry if we worried you, Hau."

"Well, school ended early this morning, just right now, actually, for some summer festival that's happening in a couple of days — the Kahuna's are hosting it! There's going to be a battle tournament in honor of the Tapu Pokémon! You should enter, (Y/N)!" Hau earnestly explains, arms waving as he displays his racing excitement.

"Ooh, that does sound fun!" I look down at my two Pokémon in my lap and ask, "So do you guys wanna join?"

They both happily squeal in delight, and I turn to Hau, "Do you know who else is joining?"

"Sure!" Hau puts his hands behind his head, "Let me think... Well, I've been signed up already since Gramps is the Kahuna. I think Lillie is in too, for some reason. Also your brother, Sun, and a Team Skull member too. But the best part is, you can have the chance to battle the Masked Royal!"

"Wow! He's a super famous trainer, right?" I said, smiling.

"Yeah, but I bet you could beat him. He's just another actor, I'm sure." Gladion scoffs, not giving a second glance to Hau.

"Tell me where to sign up," I told Hau, confident in my skills as a trainer.

"Okay, but wanna come eat lunch first?" Hau responds with his trademark cheeky grin. Hau basically worships food, but that almost goes without saying.

-No one's POV-

"Okay, so... The Full Power Tournament at the Full Power Festival in honor of the Tapu... Currently has these participants!" An overweight, tan kahuna bellows. He is Hau's grandfather, Hala.

"I see," Olivia, an extremely slim woman with short, silky brown hair nods, exclaiming, "I can hardly wait to see the turnout!" She's one of the Kahunas too.

"Not like I care," Nanu, a gray-haired retired police officer waves and begins to walk away, bored with all the talk of a noisy, and tiresome festival he didn't want to attend. He was getting old after all, for a kahuna, and a retired member of the police.

"Not so fast!" Hapu, an extremely short girl with a fiery attitude and hot temper, while still kind and caring, casually gripped Nanu's officer uniform, forcing him to stop. She, while unusually young for a kahuna, was very strong from hours working in a field.

"Ugh, what now." Nanu groans, eyes shifting between his fellow Kahunas.

Kahuna Hala sighs, "You'll need to stay on watch during the festival, make sure no suspicious people can sabotage this event."

"This is important, especially since there have been gangsters lurking around lately." Olivia agrees, figuring one of the many jewelry items heavily draped on her shoulders and wrists.

"Fine, fine," Nanu grumbles.

"Do it for the kids," Hapu frowns up at his fellow kahuna.

"Whatever," Nanu stops resisting, he's very lazy, you see, and the Kahuna continued the planning for the Full Power Festival.


Word count: 925 words

Authors Note:

Hey guys! How's the story so far? This is like the fifth update in three days, so... anyway, any suggestions? This festival is going to be based on the one from the Pokémon Sun & Moon Adventures manga, by the way. (Also I just acquired a Mew in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, so that happened. Screw Goh and his dreams, I already have a Mew now!!)

Also, don't you just love how unique the Kahuna and their personalities are? Thanks for reading, and remember to vote on the chapters you liked!

- Lillian

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