29 - Second to Last Battle, Sun Versus Gladion!

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-Your POV-

Yawning, I wake with the Alolan sun streaming down between the slightly parted (f/c) curtains. I shove off the bed covers and (favorite Pokemon) plushies that are scattered around the small room. I quickly put on my outfit for today, excited for the second, and last, round of the Full Power Tournament. Two battles left.

I open the door and sit down on a bar stool at the counter, where Gladion is making breakfast. "Good morning!" I chirp happily.

He nods in response, avoiding eye contact.

"Something wrong?" I tilt my head and frown.

"Well, if I win my battle against your brother, Sun, then my next battle will be against you." He mumbles, looking away as he pops several golden waffles out of the toaster.

"Aw, you worried about beating me? I won't make it that easy." I tease with a grin.

"Tch." He scoffs.

"Wow, haven't heard that in a while," I laugh. "But, you should be looking forward to it!" I assure him.


"But what? That amulet thingy?" I interrupt. "Just think of me as a rival you have to beat, right after Sun, of course. And you have your catchphrase, 'I won't take no for an answer.' Right?"

He shrugs and hands me a plate stacked high with steaming waffles, drizzled with shimmering Combee honey. "Sure, it's fine to enjoy battling..." Gladion sighs, "But that brat, Sun, he should just give it up already. You know he can't beat me. He'll just get his weak Pokémon hurt for no reason."

"I don't know what to say. While my brother isn't the most experienced trainer, he's not exactly weak. But I have full confidence that you'll win." I give him a closed-eyed smile, and his gaze subtly softens. Gladion sits down on the stool next to me and begins to eat his plate of waffles, and I start to eat as well. "Oh wow! This is sooo good, Gladion!"

"What do you mean, I didn't even do much." Gladion says as he puts a forkful in his mouth.

"Well, it's better than what I can make, only a bit of curry!" I sweat drop but smile in satisfaction as I take another bite, savoring the waffles taste. "Alolan food is the absolute best! No, your food is the best! I wish I could eat it forever."

Gladion's face begins to redden, and I blink, then cringe.

"Ah, that sounded a little weird didn't it. My bad, my bad." I laugh awkwardly.

"No, it's fine," Gladion grumbles and stands to put his now empty plate in the sink, "Grab your stuff, we're going."

"Alright," I say, returning my cheerful expression.

"Good, then let's go."

*Time Skip*

"The final round has begun!" Hala announced, his arms wide as if he were a Bewear about to hug its victim. "The first match is Sun against Gladion!"

Cheers rose through the crowd as the Alolan sun beat down on everyone's backs. I wove through the crowd, grinning in anticipation as I slip into my tent and quickly click on the television in time to see my brother, Sun, and Gladion step into place, both with determined frowns on their faces as they gripped their Pokeballs in wait while Hala explained the rules once more.

"Battle, start!" Hala shouts, and the two boys whip into action, throwing out their first Pokemon.

The announcer explains the first pokemon, which is: "Gladion's first pokemon is an Umbreon! And Sun's first Pokemon is a Yungoos, who he must've caught after his last battle, which was very close. Who will win? Keep watching to find out!"

Your Tragic Smile: Gladion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now