3 - Meeting the Neighbors

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-Your POV-

I had rented a hotel-like apartment a few days before I left Galar, with the help of my brother's recommendations, of course. It was made up of many rooms, which made me excited to meet my neighbors.

The boys, Sun and Hau, helped me by unpacking the cardboard boxes stuffed to the rim with my things into the two rooms I got. My new bedroom only contained a plain bed, and a desk with a chair, while a slightly larger sitting area to the side had a TV, comfy sofa, and a cute mini kitchen. I hadn't brought enough to entirely fill the space, but Sun and Hau helped keep me company.

     Finally, the two waved goodbye and left for their own reasons. This left me utterly alone, and with nothing to do.

     "Come on out, Leafeon, Popplio!"

     The two Pokémon cried happily as they popped out of their capsules, and were quick to nuzzle my legs in affection as I sat down on the basic covers of my bed. I petted the two absentmindedly, and glanced around the small room, looking for something to do before I left to eat.

     "I suppose we could go out and take a stroll outside?" I asked them.

     I stand to walk to my door and open it with Popplio in my arms and Leafeon at my side. After wandering about the lobby — which was connected to both my and other residents' rooms but was accessed through a different door — I decided to knock politely before entering some of the other rented rooms near mine.

     There was a girl with pigtails in the first one who said she'd give me something in return for showing her a Popplio, and since I had one in my arms, she handed me three Revives.

     In the room across from mine, another person wanted a battle. He sent out a Yungoos, and with three of my Popplio's Bubble Beams, his little mongoose-like creature was knocked out.

     "Yer good, kid," The man said as he handed me a small amount of Poke Money with a genuine smile. "Take this money for winning."

     I happily accepted the money and grinned enthusiastically down at Leafeon and Popplio. Walking out of the room, I was proud of the gained experience.

     The room to the left of mine was rented by an older teen girl with a sleek, stylish ponytail who fussed over me and healed my Pokémon.

     "I'm sorry, you just remind me a lot of my younger sister back in Kanto." She explained after doing my hair into a trendy style of my choice.

     I was glad that my neighbors were so friendly, so I decided to make one more stop.

     "I'm coming in!" I sing, opening the door to the right of my room. I'm met with a sharp glare.

     "Get out," Gladion growled, clearly irritated.

     I tried talking to him again, but before I could open my mouth he said again, "Get out, (Y/N)."

     Timidly backing out of the room, I notice Gladion turn away from me to continue scrolling on his phone. I attempt to apologize, but Gladion rudely slams the door in my face.

     Everyone else had been amiable and neighborly before, but I suppose that barging in wasn't my most brilliant idea ever. Frowning, I walk slowly back to my room with my Pokémon looking up at me, worried.


Your Tragic Smile: Gladion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now