27 - The Second and Third Battles

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-Your POV-

I slowly walk up the stairs, and then step into place. I look across the large wooden platform and see a beaming Hau. Hau chose Rowlet, right? So that means I should choose...

Hau tosses out his pokemon first, "Go! Dartrix!"

"I won't lose!" I grit my teeth.

"All right! This is gonna be great!" Hau smiles, appearing carefree, "And my Rowlet evolved into Dartix too!"

"Nice, but wait till you see this!" I raise my arm and throw one of the Pokemon balls out.

The bubbly blue seal pops out, "Poplio!"

"Y-you chose a water type to battle me?" Hau stutters, confused.

"Yep," I nod, confident in my Poplio's skills.

Hala looks between Hau and me, and loudly announces, "Battle, begin!"

Hau attacks first, "Dartrix, use Magical Leaf!"

"Wow! The super-effective attack connects and deals massive damage on (Y/N)'s Poplio, a water type, but Poplio withstands the hit!!" The announcer cries into his microphone.

"Now it's my turn," I smirk, "Use Soak, Poplio!"

Hau's owl is drenched in a load of water from Poplio. The announcer blinks, "Hold up for a moment, folks! The move Soak, while doesn't harm the foe, changes the opponent's type to Water!"

Hau frowns, "Well, I can still attack using grass moves. Use Magical Leaf again!"

The dozens of glowing leaves smash into Poplio, who collapses after the second super-effective attack.

"Oh no! (Y/N)'s first pokemon has fainted!" The announcer shouts.

I throw out my second Pokemon, "Here we go! Now, my Galar Champion Leafeon!" The leaf fox pops out of its Pokeball and takes a battle stance, "Use Razor Leaf!"

Leafeon pounces on Hau's Dartix without any hesitation and slashes using her leaf-like features.

"(Y/N)'s tactic is revealed! After using Soak, a grass-type move will be super effective against Hau's Dartix. Dartix is struggling to stand! What will Hau do?" The announcer says.

"Dartix!" Hau frantically calls out to his Pokemon, who is twitching as it shakily stands.

"Leafeon, use Iron Tail to smack it down," I command, and Leafeon does just as I said.

"How ruthless! (Y/N) shows no mercy!" The announcer screams, "And that's it! Dartix is down!"

Hala puts a hand up, "The winner of this match is (Y/N)!" The crowd goes absolutely silent, then cheers so loud, I cover my ears. Another disadvantage that I made use of. I've made it to the second round!

*Time Skip*

I get comfortable in my folding chair again, then click on the tv, which turns on to the next battle. Hala declares, "Round one, battle three! Gladion versus... what's this?"

The announcer whispers something into Hala's ear on tiptoes, and Hala nods in response.

"While Gladion's opponent was going to be a Team Skull grunt, the contestant has been replaced by Guzma, the leader of Team Skull!"

I jump violently from my chair as the slumped figure of a white-haired man walks onto the screen. Guzma's face drips with venom as he steps up to his place across from Gladion.

Guzma calls over to Gladion, "This is revenge for leaving, kid!" He tosses out his Golosipod, known as his ace Pokémon. "I only brought this one, it ain't gonna take more to beat back a nuisance like you!"

Your Tragic Smile: Gladion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now