28 - Lillie's Lively Lovers

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-Your POV-

"So this is a two-day event then?" I ask Hau and Gladion as we wait for my brother to catch up, where ever he was. Anyway, it was the evening now, and the sky was streaked a brilliant orange, illuminating the festivities.

"Yep," Hau says, scanning the crowd for Sun and maybe Lillie, if she ended up coming. I mean, she bursts into tears sometimes just seeing Pokemon harm each other, though I thought she got better at handling Pokemon, while she still can't touch them, unfortunately.

"Aw, I was hoping for fireworks today." I pout.

"I know right! I can hardly wait!" Hau grins enthusiastically, pumping his fists.

Gladion doesn't say anything, just simply looks disinterested in our conversation, per usual.

I am about to say something, but spot Sun's spiky slate gray hair turning around a corner, and I point across the clearing, exclaiming, "Ah, there! I'll be right back!" I weave my way through the bustling crowd over to where I saw Sun, leaving Hau and Gladion in my dust.

Soon I'm where I thought I saw Sun, and I hear whispering from behind a tree a bit farther away from the festival. I creep closer, recognizing Sun's voice. And Lillie's. I grin mischievously. I'd suspected of some romantic rivalry between my brother and Hau, about who would win Lillie's love. To be honest, I was rooting for Hau. He was far more innocent than Sun, in my opinion. But Lillie deserves someone to love her, so I would go for either.

After silently sneaking to the opposite side of the tree, I can make out their words.

"What's up, Sun?" Lillie chirps, oblivious to Sun's nervousness that I could make out in his next words,

"Lillie..." He trails off, biting his lip.

"Yes? Is something wrong?" Lillie asks, suddenly worried.

"No, no. I just wanted to tell you something."

Oh, my Arceus. He actually going to say it. My brother's always been a bit of a pathetic wimp in my opinion, but I suppose that the sibling rivalry kicking in.

"For awhile now, I've liked you. Like, like you, like you." Sun spits out. I face palm. This was hard to listen to.

Lillie hesitated, before firmly answering, confident in her response,  "I'm sorry, but I like someone else."

It's the air was sucked out of the area, and the silence suffocated all three of us.

"Oh, I see. I understand." I can tell from the waver in my brother's voice that he feels like crying, but wouldn't dare in front of his crush. I turn around, my back facing the tree. My only thought was, 'So who was the one she liked?'

"I'm happy to hear you admire me, but I hope this won't hurt you. It just wasn't my intention. May we still be friends?" I hear Lillie politely say.

"Yeah. It's okay." Sun's voice is filled with regret.

That's the last I hear, because I quickly run away, hoping that Hau will get his chance soon and that they didn't detect my presence. Something told me that wasn't a conversation they would want me to hear, but at least I'm not the one sneaking photos of them to gossip about like SOMEONE... Lillie.

But, I won't go telling Gladion, that's for sure. He'd easily beat the pulp out of my brother and that would only end in disastrous results.


Word count: 729 words

Author's Note:

Sorry for the shorter update than usual, I have school and I've been focusing a lot on starting a new story called: 'Stay Fearless'. It's about Zinnia and Bea. Here's the description...

'After Rayquayza's rejection, Zinnia spirals into confusion. She wasn't worthy? If she wasn't the one chosen to save with world from a fatal meteoroid, then what was the point of living? Rayquaza didn't hesitate in shooting a blast at Zinnia, whose body was never recovered at the cite. Next thing Zinnia knows, she's reborn into a region called Galar, under a family long known as the fighting type gym leaders. Her new life, her new name, is Bea. Many believe Bea has lost the ability to experience emotions, but truthfully, she doesn't want to show any weakness, and has traumatizing memories of her past life as Zinnia. Will she have enough imagination to survive?'

Again, thanks for reading! Bye for now!

- Lillian

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