34 - Hapu and Poni Island

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-Your POV-

My desire to see my mother again overwhelmed all other thoughts when Kahuna Hala told me about Tapu Fini's mist, a substance that causes people to communicate with deceased loved ones. I just needed to go to Poni Island and meet the new Kahuna there, who might know something about the legend.

I would be forever grateful to Tapu Fini if it let me see my mother again.

Gulping back another waterfall of tears, I refocus on the task at hand. Gladion and I were taking the first boat we could find to Poni Island. I kept spacing out, thinking of my last moments with my mother when she showed me her trial captain charm, but when I shook it away, Gladion had already purchased tickets, and we were boarding the boat.

The ride wouldn't be long and the weather was fair, so we sat on benches near the edge of the boat, overlooking the sparkling sea. The stress weighed on me more than I'd like to admit, and I, unfortunately, ended up nodding off into a dreamless sleep.

-Gladion's POV-

(Y/N)'s eyes grew dull, and her head drooped as she stumbled beside me. I got us a boat as quickly as I possibly could, I could tell that (Y/N) was worrying about meeting her mom as a spirit much, much more than I ever would most likely about my own mother.

When we sat down on the mostly empty boat, she slumped into the seat and yawned. I sat down next to her, and much to my surprise, she fell asleep from the stress... but on my shoulder. I stared at her in silence as the boat took off, on its way with us to Poni Island. I really hope that this legend isn't completely made up and that the Kahuna of the island, Hapu I think, knew something.

From what she's told me, it is apparent that (Y/N)'s mom was quite close to her in her childhood. But she must've died when (Y/N) was pretty young since it seems that her relationship with her father turned really sour really fast.

(Y/N)'s silky (h/c) hair and soft breath tickle my neck, and I can't help but quietly chuckle. Her eyes were gracefully closed, looking perfectly serene and at peace as she slept.

Staring out at the pastel blue sky in the early afternoon, I begin to feel drowsy as well and fall asleep beside (Y/N).

Time passes by, and when I open my eyes again, I am quick to carefully shake (Y/N) awake, and we are ushered off the boat and onto the island. Poni Island. It doesn't take long for us to find someone to give us directions to the Kahuna's house after (Y/N)'s polite inquires.

"This is it," (Y/N) mumbles once we're at the front door of a simple Alolan house, brushing through her (h/l) hair nervously.

I reach up to knock on the door, and within seconds the door is flung open by an extremely short girl with wide gray eyes. Her dark hair in bulky braids almost fell down to the floor, but it'd be more impressive if she was any taller. She wore dirty and worn tan overalls as if she was working in fields and a bright purple bandanna. She appeared to be very young, which confused me.

"Can you please show us to the kahuna of this island?" (Y/N) asks, crouching down to speak at her level.

"Yeah. It's me, I am Hapu." Says the child, with a disapproving frown.

(Y/N) stands up quickly, as if startled. "Wow, really? That's impressive!"

"Thanks," the child, Hapu, says reluctantly.

-Your POV-

I take a deep breath, before meeting my gaze with Hapu's gray one, and explaining, "We're here to find out anything we can about the legend of Tapu Fini's mist, Kahuna Hala directed us to you... Oh! I forgot to introduce ourselves, sorry. I'm (Y/N), and this is Gladion."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Hapu says.

Gladion looks down skeptically at the child, but nods anyway, "We were wondering if you could tell us about the mist that causes you to see deceased loved ones."

"Well, Poni Island isn't too large and I'd be happy to show you the way whenever you'd like to go. My Mudsdale here is as sturdy as all they can be. She can easily carry two." Hapu replies, "And while there is now actual proof of the mist, I can assure you that everyone who worked hard with a pure heart found what they were looking for."

"So, in conclusion... You can get us to the mist?" I pipe up, innocent hope filling my voice.

"Certainly. The only thing is that Poni Island's guardian, Tapu Fini, chooses to conceal the most, meaning it is often out of sight, and never in only one place. Our best option would be stumbling into it by chance. Poni Island is actually mostly deserted, so no one should get in our way, also." Hapu says, "But it would be best if you came on another day, the weekend would be best since I'm assuming you have school."

"Alright," I sigh, "I'll hardly be able to wait, but we'll come back in a few days, okay?"

"Sounds good," Hapu says, and you head back to the boat with Gladion.

Despite looking like a child, you can already tell from just one conversation that Hapu is very mature and has a strong sense of justice and hard work. Now, the only thing to do is look forward to this weekend.


Word count: 1014 words

Author's Note:

Sorry for changing the point of view so frequently in this update. I kind of needed things to move along quickly until I get to the next climax in this story. Also, autocorrect likes 'most' rather than 'mist' so it's been a tricky chapter to write. Thanks for reading and remember to vote so I know what you guys like!

- Lillian

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