11 - Just a Nightmare

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-Your POV-

"I'm gonna need that charm, little girl. What'll work best? Threats? Or capture a friend for a ransom? Beat ya up? How about I..."

I clasp the trial captain charm tightly over my heart, fear quickening my breath as I attempt to tune out everything around me. The strange man reached out from afar, and I squeezed my eyes shut, tears gathering.

When my eyes are open again, I'm back in my dimly lit room, the morning sunlight filtering in through the curtains and cascading onto my face. I shiver with fear. No one would be getting my pendant.

Wiping tears from my eyes, I hesitantly sit up and stretch wide with a yawn. Besides, I have Gladion, who seems to be warming up to me, bit by bit.

"Good morning," I mumble while entering the main room, only to clamp a hand over my mouth when I see Gladion still asleep on the couch.

I silently tiptoe into the kitchen and pull out a cereal box, only to put it right back in its place on the shelf. I should make something better, tastier — to lift my spirits. Shuffling through boxes of food in the cupboards, I only find pancake mixes and tiny berries. It'll have to work.

I pull out a mixing bowl and start to whip things together, a small smile on my face. Although I got the batter all over the counter, I poured a few inches of pancake batter onto the pan. While it sizzles, I wonder when I should flip it.

I pull out my Rotom phone and flip through messages until I smell the dark, revolting fragrance of smoke.

"Oh no!" I cried, scrambling to remove the burnt pancake.

"Are you even taking this seriously?" I hear Gladion scoff from behind me.

"I... I'm just trying to enjoy it..." I whisper nervously.

"...enjoy it?" He approaches the stove and I step out of the way as he waves me away.

Soon he piled a stack of golden pancakes high into a plate, adorned with colorful and sweet fruits. "Here," he hands me a fork and pushes the plate towards me as I sit down at the small table.

I put a bit into my mouth, chewed, swallowed, and then sighed in pure satisfaction, "How did you learn to cook so well, Gladion? I know you told me that you cooked for yourself before."

"As I said, you have to know a thing or two if you're going to live by yourself." He vaguely explains, just like before, not meeting my gaze, hair covering his face as he turns away. I didn't realize that he was blushing in embarrassment.

"Oh," I quietly continued to eat the wonderful pancakes Gladion had made, "Are you going to eat?"


"Why not?"

"Fine, fine. I'll eat."

"Please do."

Gladion reluctantly sits down across from me and sets a plate in front of him. He ate noiselessly, without much emotion, even though the meal was beyond fantastic.

"Come on, at least look pleased that it turned out well." I pleaded, noticing that he appeared entirely indifferent.

"What's the point, (Y/N)?" He asks.

"It's just... You don't look happy." I murmur.

Gladion heavily exhales, "Well, I assure you that you look far worse off... Have you been crying?"

Lowering my gaze, I say, "It's just a... nightmare."

"(Y/N)..." He looked like he wanted to say something more, but didn't.

"Anyway, we should be getting to school. It's Friday today, so let's finish this week strong." I smile and bring my plate to the sink.

The walk to school was as quiet as ever. Once there, we didn't talk together at all. But it was futile since Lillie wasn't there to laugh at us as she created ship theories. Weird...

Then I remember my dream. The Team Skull leader mentioned capture... I gasp so loudly it turns heads and the Professor stops talking.

I stand up and bow, "Please excuse me." I run to Gladion's desk and pull him from his chair, then race out the door, dragging him behind me.

"Did I hear that right?" Gladion panics once I tell him my worries.


"You think Team Skull took Lillie to get back at me for quitting and also to take your mother's Trial Captain charm?"


He lets out a breath, "We'll have to deal with this after school, (Y/N), as much as I hate the thought of Lillie being... you know."


-Lillie's POV-

"I'll be okay, Hobbes!" I beam up at my butler, ready to try walking to school for the first time. Everyone else did, and I didn't want to be that 'rich girl' out.

"But Miss Lillie-!" He protests, his increasing concern about me adding more lines to his aging face.

"It's going to be just fine!" I laugh lightly.

But it wasn't fine.

The moment I was out of sight of the mansion, I felt a cold hand slap itself over my mouth, stifling my unheard screams. Cloth went over my eyes, and my hands were bound with rough rope. I was shoved along, the only words spoken by my captor were never above a whisper. I thought I could pick up several 'yo's... but I couldn't be sure.

Soon I realized we'd strayed from the road, and were heading Arceus knows where. Oh, Hobbes. If only I'd been driven to school today.

-Gladion's POV-

"Listen, (Y/N). I wouldn't expect anything less than Team Skull taking Lillie if they thought it would benefit them." I grumble as the last student leaves the Pokémon school, "I'll show those JERKS what I'm made of. No one touches my sister!"

I notice (Y/N) visibly flinching and lowering her eyes, "It's my fault. They're after me." She whispers, gaze downcast.

"Don't say that," I growl, and she shrinks lower. I immediately softened my tone, "We've got this."

"If you say so." She murmurs, tears at the edges of her (e/c) eyes.

I sigh, "Okay, it'll be to the Shady House. Are you ready for this?"

"Yes." She wipes her tears with a sniff.

"Hah... then here we go."


Word count: 1033 words

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