19 - A Farewell Kiss

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-Gladion's POV-

"Hey, Gladion! Over here!" I glance up at (Y/N), who is waving to me at the front gate of the Pokemon school, with her Leafeon at her side.

I make eye contact with her, and a blush creeps onto my cheeks in the blink of an eye.

Taking out my phone, I vigorously hope that Lillie texted me. Fortunately for me, Lillie was true to her word. Let's see... I'm not really sure what (Y/N) likes, so which would work...?

"Earth to Gladion!" (Y/N) chirps in a singsong tone.

"Ack!" I flinch and quickly put away my phone.

Hands on her hips, (Y/N) surveys the area, seeing that everyone has already left, she says, "Shall we get going?"

"Uh, um... okay." I bit my lip, knowing that I should stop being so nervous.

"Alrighty then! Off we go!" She grabs my hand without hesitating, "Let's get going now!"

I walk alongside her and her Leafeon, trying to cool my warming cheeks. How could (Y/N) be so casual? I struggle to calmly ask, "Where are we going?"

-Your POV-

Right before I met up with Gladion, I got a text from Lillie, saying, 'He likes you!!'

I replied, 'Gladion?'

Lillie replied as fast as lightning, responding, 'Of course, dummy!!!'

I sigh. Okay, it's true. I like Gladion. But there's no way I can stay in Alola, and a long-distance relationship would never work out, it would crush me, bit by bit, not being able to see my boyfriend. And it's not even like we're even dating, so I'll take this afternoon as bonding time, and then a sort of goodbye, since I'll be skipping school to pack my things tomorrow.

Shaking away gloomy thoughts after Leafeon gave me a worried glance, I waved to Gladion, "Hey, Gladion! Over here!"

He makes eye contact with me, and he quickly blushes. Why is he so easily embarrassed and flustered? He looks down at his phone and continues to walk towards me, mumbling to himself.

"Earth to Gladion!" I sing to Gladion.

"Ack!" He flinched and quickly put away his phone.

Hands on my hips, I survey the area, seeing that everyone has already left, I say, "Shall we get going?"

"Uh, um... okay." He bites his lip, being clearly nervous.

"Alrighty then! Off we go!" I grabbed his hand without hesitating, "Let's get going now!"

I walk alongside Gladion and Leafeon, glimpsing over at a tense Gladion. How could he be so anxious? I just wanted to hang out.

He calmly asked, "Where are we going?"

I pull him along with me, "Anywhere's fine with me if I get to be with you."

Gladion's face reddens significantly, and he mumbles, "Oh..."

I stop walking and look out at the horizon, then turn with a closed-eyed grin at Gladion, "You're flustered too easily."

"Is that so?" I feel Gladion's soft breath on me, and my eyes snap open when I feel lips pressed against mine. The kiss was very quick, and Gladion swiftly stepped back and I let go of his hand. My face was only a stunned, wide-eyed expression, I couldn't even manage a gasp.

Leafeon snickered in the background, unbeknownst to the two, and then discreetly went back into its Pokeball.

"That's not fair," I murmur.

Gladion's eyes widen, and his eyebrows furrow. He asks, concern lacing his tone, "What?"

"I'm leaving..." I whimper as tears pool in my eyes,  "And I can't be with you... So why would you kiss me?"

Though I didn't know, Gladion had always wanted to kiss me, but he'd never dreamed of it making me cry. Gladion takes a deep breath to steady his nerves, and says quietly, "(Y/N), I'm so sorry."

I bring my hands to my face and crouch down, full-on sobbing. All emotions kept back to have a content goodbye to Alola, had been let out. Tears flow down my cheeks, I don't notice Gladion's panicking state, him not knowing how to react.

"(Y/N)," Gladion kneels down and lifts my chin as tears continue to flow, "Please don't cry. I can fix this."

"How?" I whimper, feeling utterly helpless.

"I'll get money, I promise you. Now please cheer up. You want to go somewhere?" Gladion puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I nod and wipe my eyes, "But I didn't really have anything planned."

"That's alright," Gladion says, "How about we go back to the apartment and just watch a movie or something to raise our spirits?"

"Sure," I stand up and take Gladion's hand once again. "Thank you."


Word count: 774 words

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