4 - A Disadvantaged Battle With Kiawe

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-Your POV-

     "Care to show us your Pokemon, (Y/N)?" Professor Kukui asked me as I stood in front of the Pokémon School's class one.

     "Of course, it'd be my pleasure." I nod and throw up my two Pokeballs.



     The small collection of students in the classroom gasped in awe at my Pokémon when they burst out of their Pokeballs. Well, Gladion doesn't have a reaction of any sort, and he even seems to be listening to music on earbuds, ignoring me completely. How rude!

     "These two are my Popplio and Leafeon!" I explain to the class. "I've had Leafeon even before I became Champion of my first and home region, Galar, but I just received Poplio yesterday."

     A girl with bouncy green pigtails eagerly raises her hand. I recognize her from the short introductions as Mallow.

     "Yes?" I say, puzzled since I wasn't expecting questions about my Pokémon.

     "Your Leafeon is a grass type, right?" Mallow asks with an energetic smile.

     "Yeah," I answered simply. I can tell that Mallow's thing is grass types, so it's no surprise that she's interested in my Leafeon.

     Another student raises his hand. Oh isn't this great, I think sarcastically, another shirtless guy. Wasn't his name Kiawe or something?

     "I'd like to battle you, since you're a Champion, after all!" He asks before I can even nod.

     "Well, that's great, Kiawe, since today's lesson will be on Pokémon battling!" Professor Kukui says.

     "Yes," I say calmly, "But don't you need to assign me a desk?" I pretend not to notice that the only open seat is behind Gladion.

     "Oh, right!" Kukui exclaims, "Gladion, could you raise your hand to show (Y/N) where to sit?"

     Gladion subtly raises his hand without looking at me or Professor Kukui. I swiftly walked past him and to my seat, and then set my bags down. I hope no one notices that I'm totally sweat-dropping right now. My last encounter with Gladion went anything but well, though I wish to make amends soon.

     So be it, it's not like I need to listen to Professor Kukui's lesson on Pokémon battle basics. I learned those many years ago from my mother, who was an amazing Pokemon Trainer. I sigh, which turns a few heads but Kukui doesn't seem to notice.

Once we all were situated on the dirt battlefield behind the school, Kukui began instructing.

     "Now, this will be a one-on-one battle between two trainers." Kukui explains once we are on the outside battlefield, "Are there any volunteers?"

     Multiple hands shoot up into the air, but a young-looking girl with long blond hair and a white dress noticeably starts backing away in what seems to be fear, her vibrant pear-green eyes stretched wide, lips trembling.

     I don't raise my hand, since I know I'll get a turn eventually. A girl with chin-length deep cobalt hair and a mischievous grin steps up to the left side. Another student, this time an exceptionally short boy with mellow orange hair is chosen on the other side.

     "Alright then!" Kukui announces, "It'll be Lana against Sophocles. I'll be the judge."

     I knew this could only end one way once Lana's Poplio was faced against Sophocles' Togedemaru, which was an electric type.

     "Poplio! Use Water Gun," Lana said in her soft voice.

     "Thunder Shock, Togedemaru!" Shouted Sophocles in response.

     The attacks clashed, but the Thunder Shock hit Lana's Poplio and it immediately fainted. Lana didn't seem bothered by the loss, she only thanked Sophocles for the battle and walked back to the crowd. Sophocles, on the other hand, shouted with glee, even though it wasn't much of a surprise that he'd won.

     "Who's next?" Kukui asked the class.

     I saw Kiawe raise his hand eagerly. Kukui nods "Is there anyone you'd like to battle, Kiawe?" He asks.


     Everyone looks my way. "Sure, why not?" I respond, with much less enthusiasm, already knowing how this would play out.

     I stepped up to one side of the field, with Kiawe opposite me. I understood that by his dyed red hair and fiery attitude, he would most likely bring out a Fire-Type Pokémon to battle me. That would leave me with an easy choice. Why choose the Leafeon at my side when there's a Water-Type in my arms?

     "Go! Turtonator!" He calls the large, turtle-like Pokémon out of its ball.

     I looked down at my Pokémon. "What do you think?" I ask them. Poplio seemed incredibly uninterested and somewhat frightened at the enormous opponent. But Leafeon seemed raring to go, clearly wanting to face a challenge.

     "Alright," I announce, "If you choose Turtonator, I'll bring out Leafeon!"

     I grin as the surprise ripples through the small crowd. Leafeon nods and jumps in front of me, in what I recognize as her serene battle stance.

     "Okay! Battle, begin!" Professor Kukui says.

     "Leafeon, use Charm!" The attack hits and harshly lowers Turtonator's attack stat.

     "Ember!" Kiawe says.

     I don't even need to tell Leafeon to dodge, and she does it gracefully. "Now, Tail Whip." The powerful attack slammed into Turtonator's shell, and since I already knew about its shell trap, I made sure the Leafeon avoided its spikes.

     "Again, Ember!"

     "Leafeon, use Dig before it can reach you!"

     There's silence until Leafeon shoots up from the ground and hits Turtonator's leg, which sets him off balance. It also happens to be a super effective move.

     Turtonator's health points are very, very low. I beam, knowing just how to wrap this up.

     "Ah! Turtonator!" Kiawe cries, but frowns at me, determined to win. "Use Flail!" That attack deals more damage with the less HP the user has. This could be bad.

     "Protect!" I shout. A shimmering wall forms around Leafeon.

     "What?" Kiawe yells.

     "Now, Leafeon, use Magical Leaf!" I'm aware that it won't be very effective, but now's the time to show off.

     Leafeon summons a couple of dozen rainbow-colored leafs that float around her gently but then zip around Turtonator and slam into his sides, dealing just enough damage to knock him out.

     My win is met with silence, and then loud cheers. I won!

     "(Y/N) is the victor!"


Word count: 1039 words

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