Important: Title Change!!

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So... anyone else think the title is way too long and far too impractical? Yeah, me too. Also, another Gladion x Reader called the same thing already exists on Wattpad (I Won't Take No for an Answer), which I wasn't aware of up until today. My deepest apologies!

I'm so sorry if this is annoying or whatever, but, I changed the name of this Gladion x Reader to 'Your Tragic Smile' and added some bits and pieces related to that title throughout the story while I edited it earlier this week.

Hope you guys aren't confused or anything like that, I simply wasn't satisfied with what I called this story almost a year ago from now.

Another thing to note: I used the art for the first cover I had on here since I still like it!

Just so you know, I'm doing lots of editing on the earlier chapters, so if you see it changed a bit, that's why. Thanks for your time, Reader!

- Lillian


Your Tragic Smile: Gladion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now