32 - Sun Deals with Rejection

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-Your POV-

"What kinds of adventures do you think we'll have tomorrow? I'm getting so excited — I don't know if I'll be able to fall asleep tonight!" I exclaim as I flop onto the couch once Gladion and I made it back to the apartment.

"Is that so?" Gladion says as he fishes around in some lower cabinets for lunch. "I'm not entirely sure what to expect from Kahuna Hala, and why he asked you over to tell you something is a complete mystery to me. Do you think he knows something important about your mother?"

"I dunno." I say, staring out the window at the mid-day horizon, "But I don't think he has bad intentions at all."

"I can agree with that," Gladion says, beginning to prepare a quick sandwich or two.

"The ocean here is so beautiful, just like back in Galar, but much, much brighter!" I gasp in wonder at the dazzling sea spread out of the window. "Galar had a lot of caves and such, so much different in contrast!"

Gladion looks up from the counter, "Do you miss your hometown?"

"I suppose," I shrug, "But the people are so much friendlier here, you know?"

"Oh, I see." What wasn't mentioned was the Aethor Foundation and Team Skull, but that was better left unsaid. It was in the past now. Gladion comes over to the couch with a plate in each hand, then sets them on the low coffee table, "Here, want a sandwich? We have oran berries in the fridge too, if you want it."

"Thank you!" I clasp my hands together, "I'm absolutely famished!"

"I'm sure you are," Gladion chuckles and bites into his sandwich after sitting down on the couch next to me. "When do you want to go to Hala's place?"

"Hmm... Well, we have school tomorrow, but maybe right after?" I say with an eager smile.

"Sounds good." Gladion nods.

*Time Skip*

The school day was normal, another series of hours with professors giving long and boring lectures on Pokemon. As I'd mentioned before, I already knew the difference between physical and special moves, type advantages and disadvantages, and all of that. There's no way I couldn't know them, as I'd beat multiple Pokemon leagues before I came to Alola.

My classmates are very interesting to watch, though. It's rather entertaining to watch Kiawe get all fired up over basically nothing, Lana as she lies to her friends about obvious things like catching Kyoger, and Lillie getting so flustered at every little thing. It sure was one eccentric class, and I loved every moment of it some times.

One thing was noticeably different from usual. My brother, Sun, appeared to be giving everyone the cold shoulder. I caught a glimpse of his hand, which were red and patched up. I knew it. Since I've known my older brother since birth, I know he has a horrible habit of punching objects when extremely frustrated. It seems that Lillie's rejection was taking quite a toll on him.

After school ended for the afternoon, I told Gladion to wait for me at the school's front gate while I talked to Sun.

Lightly jogging down the halls, I quickly spot my brother slamming his locker shut and slinging his backpack over his shoulder, not noticing me as I approach him. I hesitantly tap his shoulder lightly, and he flinches, then glances over at me as if he was expecting me to be someone else entirely.

A somber silence fills the halls as the rest of the school leaves, and I wait patiently for him to speak first like he usually does.

"(Y/N)?" Sun sighs, bringing a hand up to brush his state gray hair off of his forehead and adjust his cap.

"I'll listen," I say with a small smile.

"Look, I was rejected." He grumbles, banging his head on his locker.

"Yup, I know," I reply crisply, and his head whips in my direction.

"You know?!"

I sweatdrop, "I'm your sister, so let me help, okay? It was Lillie, right?" Sun only nods reluctantly, looking very defeated. I search for words of comfort but fail miserably as I notice tears come to his eyes.

"I guess I'm supposed to just forget about her, but how can I? I don't want to support whoever Lillie likes over me, you know?" Sun mumbles, despairing. "Like, what if Gladion told you that he liked someone else?"

I take about five quick steps backward at his sudden comment, my mouth left wide open, but I can't make any words come out of my mouth as a blush forms on my cheeks.

"Heh. Well, what's done is done." Sun's shoulders slump and his normal goofy grin is only a shadow now.

"I-I'm sorry,"

"Don't be,"

It's like the air was sucked out of the room, the silence suffocated me as I struggled to come up with a proper response. But it really made me think. Though I severely doubt it... what if Gladion didn't return any endearment or appreciation whatsoever? I begin to tremble, and my older brother's eyes widen, and he apologizes immediately.

"No, no!" He waves his hands frantically to deny it, "I swear, he won't give up on you. I'm sure he's very fond of you, (Y/N). Why do you think I wanted to beat him in a battle so hard? I don't want my little sister to be taken away from me. But now that I've faced rejection," He deeply exhales, "I don't mind as much if you find love."

"Oh..." I stare at my brother in utter surprise for a moment, but blink it away and take his hands in mine, "Thank you. But please, stop harming yourself,"

"You noticed," Sun says quietly.

I look at him meaningfully, "Punching walls isn't good for you, so don't do it, 'kay, big bro?"

"Yeah, yeah. Now go run off to that brat."




Word count: 996 words

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