20 - Movie and Money

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-Your POV-

"What movie do you want to watch, (Y/N)?" Gladion asks, clicking through channels and apps on the TV, his eyes leaving the screen briefly to glance at me.

I sit, curled up in a ball with a blanket wrapped around me, sniffing back my last tears. I inhale to steady myself, then reply, "Um, how about that one?" I point to a show called 'Refreshing Trio: Alola Idols!'

It seems pretty girly, but I can tell Gladion just wants to please me since I was almost inconsolable. Plopping down on the couch next to me, Gladion clicks on the show. Partway through it, I end up hugging Gladion's arm and falling asleep on him without knowing. Stress had invited exhaustion, and now I only had one day left of my time in Alola.

But for now, I was peacefully asleep in a dreamless slumber.

-Gladion's POV-

Oh no. (Y/N) fell asleep on me again. Careful not to wake her, I gently move her into a comfortable position and click off the TV, wishing her a good night's sleep for once. She seems calm, and I'm glad that she isn't currently being followed by the terrible nightmares she gets frequently.

But if she leaves for Galar, I won't be able to help her, and I'm especially worried since her father seems uncaring and her mother is, well, dead.

That leaves only one thing.

I need to call my mother, who runs the Aether Foundation.

Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I step into another room to make a call. I haven't called Mother since I left and for a good reason. She's mentally unstable and abuses everyone around her, including her children and employees. That's why I ran. But I still need money, and the only way to get it would be Mother.

After hastily dialing the number, I put my phone to my ear. It rings, and then the call is picked up with a metallic click.

A female says in a monotone voice, "Hello. This is Lusamine, Aether Foundation's President. What do you need?"

"Hello, Mother," I growl, venom drenching my voice.

"I don't have any children who run from home." Was her simple reply.

"Mother, please, I'm begging you. Just this once, will you please lend me money? It's not even for me." It hurts my pride to ask. And I hope I don't regret it, but for (Y/N), I'd go to any extent.

"Ooh! Who's the lucky girl?" My mother chirps.

"W-what do you mean?" I stutter.

"Not for you, but for a girlfriend, maybe?" Lusamine laughs, and I can nearly imagine the thick smirk on her face.

"We're not even dating! It's not like we could if she moves away!! So, will you give me the money or not?" I plead.

"I will..." Lusamine pauses for effect.

I let out a relieved sigh.

"... if you introduce her to me first. I need to approve." She finishes.

I can almost sense her smug demeanor over the phone. Sighing in defeat, I mumble, "Alright, we'll come over tomorrow."

"Deal." The call ends.

After putting my phone away, I walk back to the main room and sit back down next to (Y/N)'s sleeping form. My last drowsy thoughts before I fall asleep are about how I'm going to convince (Y/N) to come with me to Aether Paradise.

I'll just have to be honest if I want to get through to her.

-Your POV-

Waking up and stretching wide, I notice the warm Alolan sun flitting onto my face from a window. Morning had waltzed in when I'd fallen asleep last night watching a movie with Gladion. Speaking of Gladion, he was already awake, as usual.

"Good morning," I yawn, then smile brightly. "Last day in Alola."

"Not if I can help it." Gladion walks over to me and places a bowl of cereal in my hands, "Eat up."

"Come on, Gladion. I'm packing my stuff today, I don't have anyone to ask for money anyway." I pick up the slim, silver spoon and slowly mix the cereal and milk, then begin to eat it quickly.

Gladion frowns, "I've asked my mother to lend us some cash."

"Oh? The same mother I'm assuming you ran from?" I ask, spooning more cereal into my mouth, intent gaze not leaving his face.

"Yeah," He sighs. "Lusamine, president of Aether Paradise."

I almost choke on my breakfast, then manage to sputter, "I'm sorry, but could you repeat that?"

"Yes, I know. The same person as the rich icon everyone in Alola depends on to support it with technology, safety, and whatever." Gladion grumbles.

"Oh," I say simply, then look down at my bowl. Gladion, or rather Gladion's family, was really, really wealthy?

"I asked my mother to pay for the apartment, and she said she would, but..." Gladion trails off, a tint of pink on his cheeks.


"Well," Gladion gulps, "Mother said she'd give us money if I introduced you to her, for some reason or another."

"That's a bit odd," I blink.

"I know right?" Gladion chuckles awkwardly, "So... I hope you don't mind meeting my mother."

"But you ran from her for a good reason, I'm sure." I reply thoughtfully, "Then is she not the best person?"

Gladion sharply exhales, "That is correct. Do you mind?"

I finish the last of my cereal, then admit, "Well, it's a thousand times better than going back to Galar, I'll tell you that much."


Word count: 925 words

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