18 - Lillie's Scheme of a Date

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-Your POV-

"Good morning, Gladion!" I yawn, smiling as brightly as I can when I step out of my room, "Today's going to be great!"

Gladion glances over from where he is standing in the kitchen. "'Morning," He replies.

"What should we do today?" I hop onto a stool at the counter and swing my legs, carefree.

"What do you mean by that?" Gladion's face reddens.

"I mean, do you wanna go somewhere fun today after school? I'm leaving for Galar the day after tomorrow, so..." I shake my head, trying to forget depressing thoughts, "Anyway, what's for breakfast?"

"Eggs and toast," He replies.

"You're so quiet today," I tilt my head.

"W-well... you're leaving so soon." Gladion turns so I can't see his face with his hair covering it as he blushes.

"I knew that if I told you, you do this." I pout, leaning my head back and sighing. "Can we just forget about that for a day and enjoy our time together?"

"Don't say it like that."

"Like what?"

"L-like... like we're dating or something. And we're forced into some stupid long-distance relationship across seas." He stammers and continues to look away, focusing on removing toasted bread from the toaster and scrambling the eggs over the stovetop.

"Can't you go on a date and not be dating?" I ask, completely oblivious. I mean, I know Gladion cares a lot for me, but I know it's because we're so close. We're technically roommates, after all. You kind of have to be good friends. Gladion's helped me with so many things and even comforted my many nightmares. I continued, "That's what Lillie said. She recommended the Malasada Cafe the other day too."

Gladion frowns, "Lillie, huh?"

"Yep," I nod with an inordinate amount of excitement. "So where should we go?"

-Gladion's POV-

"So where should we go?" She asks.

I slide a plate piled high with freshly cooked scrambled eggs and toast across the counter, and (Y/N)'s eyes widen with childish enthusiasm. The food was not that thrilling the last time I checked. But I can't help but softly smile when I see (Y/N) shove the food down her throat.

It's still so hard to believe she's going to leave if nothing changes.

"...Did you hear me, Gladion?" (Y/N) says.

I'm startled from my thoughts and I grab another piece of toast to eat as a cover-up. I don't meet her questioning eyes.

"You didn't hear me, did you?" (Y/N) sulks.

"I'm sorry," I say quietly.

"Aw, don't be like that!" (Y/N) laughs, "I was just suggesting some places to go but – Ah! Look at the time!! We need to get to school." She runs to her room and grabs her Rotom phone and backpack, as well as her two Pokemon balls containing her team.

I finish the toast I was eating and put the plates in the sink to wash later, then grab my bag and phone too. Then, we're out the door.

School was a bore, per usual. Just a bunch of weak trainers attempting to learn things they should know already. I mean, type advantages. Seriously? On her first day here, (Y/N) showed us that only skilled Pokemon and trainers can win, as her Leafeon, a grass type, defeated Kiawe's Turtonator, a fire type.

But it was worth getting through the classes since I had something I wanted to ask Lillie. After the last bell had rung, I immediately went over to my sister's table.

"Hey," I mutter.

She looked up at me from where she was sitting at her desk, packing her notebooks. "Oh, hello, my dear brother!" She giggles.

I frown, "You told (Y/N) to go on a date with me?"

"Hey, I was trying to be nice. She's leaving after all." Lillie finishes packing her bag and briskly stands, "Your welcome!"

"I don't want her to leave! And I don't know where to take her!!" I protest, following my younger sister down the hall.

"So?" Lillie opens her locker.

"So, can you help me?" I growl.

"Oh, that's what you wanted? Of course!" Lillie swiftly pulls out her phone. "Here, I'll shoot you a text, but go meet up with (Y/N), she's coming this way."

I nod. Lillie better have not lied, because I'm totally unprepared for a date. My first date. Oh my Arceus, what would Mother think? No, first of all, I ran away from Mother. And two, I'm not even dating (Y/N) — she just innocently wanted to spend time with me before she left.

That reminds me. I need a lot of money for (Y/N) and me to stay in the apartment. And the only way to get a large sum of money is to ask Mother, the leader of Aether Foundation. The Aether Foundation is what supplies Alola with lots of things, just like Marco Cosmos in Galar. Mother runs the company, meaning she has all of the money.

Yes, I ran from an extremely wealthy family. I don't want (Y/N) to think I'm some selfish rich person, but we really need the cash if we're to stay in that apartment, since I'm not going back to Team Skull.

Ugh, what a disaster.

And now, I have to meet up with (Y/N) on a date. But don't get me wrong, I'm really looking forward to it. Let's just hope I'm not a blushing mess. (Y/N) is probably feeling horrible about leaving for Galar too, so I should stay calm, and make it a great date.


Word count: 938 words

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