16 - The Reason for Her Photos

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-Your POV-

I didn't even have time to think, so I quickly planted a kiss on Gladion's cheek. Then the camera flashed a photo. Only having time to notice Gladion's blush and the widened look in his emerald green eyes, I took in deliberate, controlled breaths.

Catching a glimpse of Lillie's frilly white skirt, I heard her laugh triumphantly, "I can't believe this!"

Gladion slams his fists on the table, causing drinks to topple over and splash to the floor, "LILLIE!!" He shouts after her, but she's long gone now.

He's about to race out the door, but I manage to grab the edge of his shirt, which immediately stops him, "(Y/N)?" He appears quizzical, but I notice the pink dusted across his cheeks.

"You go on ahead, okay? I'll pay the bill." Letting my hand drop to my side, I smile up at him.

"If you're sure."

"You aren't earning money right now anyway..." I mumble.

"I promise I'll get a job, (Y/N)." He says firmly.

"Okay," I say, "I'll catch up to you in a second."

Once he rushes out the door, I sigh. I failed to make him smile this morning. I'll try again later today, without a doubt.

"Gladion's a tough one alright," I turn to see Hau munching on three separate malasadas with a toothy grin on his round face.

"I suppose," I replied.

"You know, I've never seen Gladion with the look on his face when you kissed him a moment ago."

I smile, only blushing the slightest bit, but I don't let it bother me, "I-"

I'm cut off by a scream outside, and then the door clangs open. Gladion stomps in, dragging Lillie by the hair, who shrieks for mercy.

"Gladion?" I ask. His eyes hold a very angry temper. I shrink at his glare.

He releases Lillie's hair, and the blond girl looks between me and Gladion.

"Imma go... Mina, I'll pay for these and (Y/N)'s malasadas." Hau quickly leaves after paying for us and himself.

Lillie continues to stare like a deer caught in headlights. She eventually stutters, horror filling her usually innocent green eyes, "Did you do it?" She squeaks, her hand over her open mouth, "The thing two people in l... l-love with each other?"

"What?" Gladion growls.

"The thing... you know, skin-on-skin..."

"WHAT?!" He questions, incredulous.

"W... w-when you...put them together... And... h... h-hold... each other's... Uh...well.......... Hold hands! T-THERE I SAID IT!" She runs away, leaving me and Gladion in the dust with astonishment written on our faces.

We turn to face each other with wide eyes. Gladion breaks eye contact to turn away, his face bright red. I smile in spite.

"The name Lillie means innocence after all," I shrug.

"Whatever," Gladion mutters, "Let's just go back to the apartment."

The rest of the day went by uneventfully.

We quietly ate a classic Alolan Plate for dinner cooked by Gladion, of course. We both slept peacefully and woke up the next morning. For some reason or another, Gladion wasn't as cold to me as he usually was. It was really enjoyable to wake up with someone so delightful to be around. But every time my mind goes back to that night when we slept in the same bed... nothing happened that was especially notable, but it means a lot to me to know that Gladion cares.

Per usual, we walked to school together. I skipped with a cheerful song playing nonstop in my head as I cheerfully hummed along. I don't know why I was so happy, but I felt that today was going to be great. Letting out my two Pokemon, Leafeon and Popplio, I ignored Gladion's watchful gaze. What, did he think I was going to get kidnapped so easily again?

That's when I sensed another pair of eyes. My Pokemon felt it too. I whipped around, trying to spot the person, much to Gladion's confusion.


A rustle in the bushes near the path was all I needed, "Popplio. Bubble Beam!" I shout.

The blast of water hit the target, and I was about to high-five my little seal Pokemon when I heard a cry of pain. I'd hit Lillie!

Rushing over to the sound, Gladion right behind me, I see Lillie kneeling behind the shrubbery, soaked to the bone. She was completely unharmed, but she was weeping over her phone, "The water nearly broke it!" She wails.

Gladion sighs and I feel like doing the same thing, but instead, I calmly ask, "Were you recording us again?"

She squeaks, just noticing I was there, and hastily shoves her phone into her pearl white purse. Lillie stands and wrings water out of her long, blond hair. "I just like to see him so happy." She mutters just low enough that Gladion couldn't hear, then solemnly meets my gaze, "Please. Make him smile. I know you can do it better than anyone else, okay?"

That's her reason...? It can't be that hard. It's been my goal already, so I'm more determined than ever.

"Sure thing." I smile confidently, and she looks immensely relieved at my words.

"What was that?" Gladion inquires.

"Oh, can I join you guys on your walk to school?" Lillie chirps.

"Whatever." Gladion scoffs and continues down the road, Lillie and I are right on his heels.


Word count: 903 words

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