John 'Soap' McTavish

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All info is from the call of duty wiki page



Early life

Soap's dog tags, as depicted in the loading cutscene for the Modern Warfare 3 mission, "".

Not much is known about Soap's early life except he was born Roman Catholic. He is from Scotland, which is evident by the Scottish flag seen on his dog tags, along with his Scottish accent.

Military career

Soap served with the 3rd Battalion, Parachute Regiment prior to joining the SAS, with at least one tour in Northern Ireland.

SAS career"The F.N.G.""Right, what the hell kind of name is 'Soap', eh? How'd a muppet like you pass selection?"— Captain Price to Soap when they first meet.

Soap begins his . career hours during the . Initially, Soap starts out as a Sergeant. Whilst in the S.A.S.'s training camp in Credenhill, U.K., Soap received a quick training session in weapons and techniques by a fellow S.A.S. member , before being introduced to Captain and the rest of . He is referred to as "the F.N.G." (short for 'Fucking New Guy') by an unknown SAS soldier. After the C.Q.B. (close-quarter battle) test, Soap is briefed on the mission to infiltrate and assault a cargo ship in the Bering Strait. , they discover a nuclear bomb bound for Russia, though enemy MiGs interrupt their investigations. In the process of escaping the doomed vessel, Soap was forced to leap for the ramp of the team's helicopter, just as it was beginning to fly away. He lost his grip; however, mere seconds before he was bound to fall off the vehicle, Soap was rescued by Captain Price.

Rescue of Code Name: Nikolai"Two new Russians in my life. , who we came for - and , who we couldn't wait to get away from."— Soap talks about the in

Upon completing the mission, 'Soap', Price and travel to the Caucasus Mountains in Russia to extract the informant who supplied them with the intelligence for the cargo ship, a man codenamed "Nikolai". Working in close conjunction with Russian government, led by Sergeant . They successfully locate and extract Nikolai from the battle zone, though their helicopter is shot down by an surface-to-air missile. , Nikolai and another operator is forced to through enemy lines, before being provided with support from an Spectre Gunship, call-signed "Wildfire." They are extracted by helicopters from Wildfire.

The Search for Al-Asad

Soap's next mission with would take him to Azerbaijan, clearing through an abandoned village in search of . Upon locating him, Soap witnessed interrogation and at the hands of Captain Price, learning that had been Al-Asad's weapons supplier. The next day, it appears Soap was designated the team's support man, being equipped with both an and sniper rifle. He was placed in charge of with the from a downed Black Hawk (destroying several Helicopters in the process) and detonating the charges placed at Phase Line Bravo. Afterwards, he was the point man when the squad had to backtrack to the lower part of the village due to heavy coverage of Anti Aircraft weapons in the vicinity. Following this, Soap and the rest of were extracted by led by Staff Sergeant .

Soap with Captain Price at the SAS headquarters in Hereford.

Chasing the Son of Zakhaev"Soap, restrain him now!"— Captain Price to Soap after cornering .

MacTavish's final mission in the Russian civil war saw him Russia as part of the joint task force of and SAS operators in order to eliminate 's nuclear capability. After grouping with US forces, Soap and his allies proceeded to enter an outpost and secure it, as part of plan to capture Zakhaev's son, . After a few hours, a convoy arrives in the outpost, led by Victor himself. Bravo Team, disguised as Russian guards, allow Victor to enter the facility, though quickly reveal their true intentions and attack his forces. During the battle that followed, Soap and provided sniper support for the rest of the team from a high tower. However, Victor Zakhaev rammed his jeep into one of the legs of the tower, sending it tumbling to the ground, providing the perfect distraction to get away. Stunned, Soap was unable to take down Victor before he could get away. After chasing him through a small village, and a five-story building, Soap and the rest of the team corner Victor. Unwilling to betray his father's secrets, Victor committed suicide before Soap could take away his weapon.

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