Lessons In Trust

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Chapter Twenty-One

Lessons In Trust

~ // ~ TW: Mentions of blood as well as Violence ~ // ~

Simon followed behind Johnny as they walked into the mess hall setting down their training bag beside their table before going over to their table setting down their gyms back next to their seats walking over to get their food looking amongst the men spotting their new soldiers talking amongst themselves "I could never understand how three people could be together and not feel some sort of jealousy towards one another" Johnny said quietly as Simon looked over at them before looking back at Johnny nodding at him grabbing an apple as they walked  back to their seats "it just seems to work for some of the couples" Simon said as he set down his tray of food looking over at Johnny "I guess, I just wouldn't want to deal with an aftermath of something happening between them leading it into the field and getting any one of us hurt" Johnny said pushing his food around the plate, Simon placed his hand on Johnny's thigh feeling the bounce of his leg feeling it slow down as Johnny looked at him smiling softly "if they do, it'll be them who hurt themselves, I won't let it get to where it leads to any of us getting hurt" Simon said as he leaned in closer to Johnny pulling the mask over his lips resting it on the bridge of his nose as he layed his forehead against Johnny's, meeting the blue eyes he adore so much, "I know" Johnny said softly as Simon kissed the tip of his nose smiling a bit more seeing the red hue come across Johnny's face " good, now lets eat and see how well these new guys truly are" Simon said jokingly as Johnny smiled nodding at him eating happily as Kyle and Price joined them at the table "you boys going to be nice to our new friends or are you both just going ot break them in the hard way" Price said as he took another sip of his coffee blowing on it a bit Johnny nodded at him looking at him as Simon scoffed drinking some of his tea as Johnny nudged his shoulder "we'll see, just like training the rookies, just have to hope that they don't have a mouth on 'em" Simo said into his mug drinking more of the tea as Kyle and Price laughed at him "I'm sure they will be in for one hell of a day, huh?" Price said before stepping away from the table, Kyle took a seat next to Johnny stealing one of the apple slices from him "Ale and Rudy joining you guys with the new blood or are you guys just going to be picking on the new blood?" Kyle said as Johnny nodded at him "depends on how long their debrief with their teams back at home take" Johnny said as Kyle's phone went off the pair noticing the smile that came onto his face "finally found your match in him aye?" Johnny said as Kyle rolled his as he moved out of the chair standing up "well had to find myself someone to ignore the fact that you guys eye fuck eachother very chance you guys get and Price is always talking about his husband, so yes, U needed to get myself someone to have besides you guys and Toby is just the right fit for me" Kyle said as Roach, Konig and Horgain walked over to their table "well I'll see you boys later, maybe, Toby will hopefully be coming around later as long as I don't get caught up in my work, so you boys need to be on your best behavior" Kyle said waving off at the pair as Simon stood up looking back at the three men as they adjusted their postures under the eye of their Lieutenant, Johnny stood beside Simon laughing a bit " you boys ready?" Johnny said as Simon moved to grab his and Johnny's gym bag putting them over his shoulders "yes sir" Roach said as Simon nodded at Johnny walking off first Johnny followed behind him looking up at him caughting the gaze of his hazel eyes "be easy on them?" Johnny said softly, Simon looked over at him "we'll see" Simon said as JOhnny smiled at him walking at his side.

The group walked into the gym as they followed Simon over to the corner that held the wrestling ring as well as the gym mats, they all put down their bags against the edge of the wall, Simon walked over to his bag grabbing some bandages to wrap around his hands as Johnny walked over to his side smiling softly putting the ends of the bandages into itself holding onto Simon's hand softly before letting them drop back down smiling at him "do we want demonstrations or would you guys like to try out what you boys know on one of us?" Johnny said as Simon stood beside him crossing his arms as Johnny nudged him, Simon scoffed, uncrossing his arms letting them fall to his side "So?" Simon said sarcastically as he looked between the three men in front of them, Roach and Horgani stepped forwards glaring at one another, Simon raised an eyebrow as Johnny looked at them nodding at them "well let's see what you boys have then, tall guy, Konig?" Johnny said as Konig nodded at him taking a small step forward " you get to take a swing at our lieutenant" Johnny said Simon looked over at Konig "don't need to iterate going for the masks then" Simon said as Konig nodded at them as Simon grabbed his smaller bag looking over at Johnny "I'm going to change" Simon said as Johnny looked back at him grinning a bit "you sure you don't want some company" Johnny said as he moved closer to Simon place a hand on Simon's chest, Simon kissed Johnny's forehead through the mask chuckling softly a bit as he looked down at the Scotsman "not today, someone has to stay with the new blood" Simon said laughing a bit more as Johnny rolled his eyes kissing Simon's cheek as Simon squeezed the sides of his waists before walking towards the locker rooms, Johnny turned back to the trio "you two ready?" Johnny said as Roach and Horgani nodded at him walking over to the ring followed behind Konig and Johnny, Johnny stopped by the edge as Konig stood on the other side by Horgani "don't hurt each other" Johnny heard Konig say to Horgani "wouldn't dream of it" Horgani said as Roach scoffed at the comment, Johnny was a bit confused by their relationship feeling a bit tension between them "whenever you guys are ready, just keep it clean, don't think Ghost or I want to drag you guys to medical so soon as well as the paperwork Ghost would sure love to fill out so soon on his new team" Johnny said laughing a bit as Horgani said laughing a bit as Horgani raised his fists up "let's go then bug boy" Horgani said as Roach scoffed raising his fists up to a blocking position laughing a bit "lets go then little tiger" Roach said as he stepped forward, Johnny shook his head watching the pair as he ran his hand through his mohawk "what have we gotten ourselves into" Johnny said as he looked back up seeing Roach throw the first punch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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