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Chapter Twelve


~ // Some violence // ~

~ Four weeks later after returning to base ~

Johnny groaned softly as he felt Simon move softly, Simon cursed under his breath as he saw Johnny's eyes open softly looking up at him full of unconditional love "sorry for waking you love" Simon said softly as he felt Johnny place a hand on his face, he leaned his face softly into his touch placing his hand over Johnny's "mmmm it's alright, not much to do today anyways" johnny laughed softly as Simon looked at him a bit confused "don't you have to help Gaz with paperwork and cleaning guns?" Simon said softly as Johnny laid back huffing "don't remind me" Simon rolled his eyes as he laid his head back down on the pillow looking back into Johnny's eyes smiling softly to himself, Johnny smiled at him, "you get all the fun of the day as well as Price and Laswell" Johnny said looking at him happily Simon chuckled to himself as he put his hand on Johnny's face softly sighing softly looking over the man "I won't be away all day" Simon said softly as Johnny leaned into his touch happily nodding "I know that, just a bit worried" Johnny said softly as put his hand over Simons as Simon started to softly rub his face as he spoke "I just don't need Shepard getting into your head Si" Johnny said moving towards Simon's chest laying against it as he felt Simons heartbeat against his ear that laid on his chest, Simon sighed softly as he wrapped his arms around the Scotsman's softly placing them around his waist keeping him close to him, rubbing his back softly as his words played over in his mind "I'll have Price or Laswell come get you if things get too heated in the integration room" Simon said softly as he felt Johnny nod softly against his chest, Simon kissed the top of Johnny's head as he rested his head against it softly keeping the man close to him " I love you Johnny" Simon said softly smiling to himself " I love you too Simon" Simon smiled a bit more as he yawned, feeling Johnny laugh against his chest "two more hours, lucky you" Simon said softly keeping Johnny close to him as Johnny relaxed happily yawing falling back asleep in Simons arms, he smiled softly as he kept watch over the Scotsman in his arms.

As the pair walked out of the room Johnny looked back at Simon as he locked their door before going over to Johnny's side, Johnny held out his hand to him smiling happily as Simon took his hand softly leading the pair down the stairs, their footsteps falling in with each as they were stopped at the end by Price who nodded at the pair "Mornin' " Price said as he looked over the pair "Morning Price" Johnny said happily as Simon nodded at the man as he handed Johnny files, Johnny rolled his eyes as Simon looked at him "work already sir? Couldn't be left in the office with Gaz?" Johnny said as he flipped through the pages, Price chuckled softly "well it's technically for the both of you lovebirds, Laswell has done some digging on Makarov and the Russians, just need you both to look over it, Laswell is still looking into more, but that's a start too it" Price said as Johnny handed the file to Simon looked over it carefully "we'll all meet in about three weeks for this meeting about how we plan to deal with him and the Russians" Price said as Simon closed the file handing it back to Johnny as they looked at each other Johnny smiling softly at him as Simon nodded back at him, Johnny looking at his eyes knowing he was smiling under the mask at him, Gaz walked out of the office fake gagging catching the trios attention as Laswell closed the door "you guys are so obnoxiously couple like" Gaz said walking over to them Laswell following as she stood beside Price "we ready for Shepard?" Laswell said looking at Simon who nodded, Johnny looked up at him grabbing his hand softly squeezing it, Simon looked down at him squeezing it back softly rubbing his gloved fingers against Johnny's hand nodding softly at him as he let go of his hand softly "god, would you two kiss already" Gaz said teasingly earning a glare from Simon as Price Laswell and Johnny laughed "for the record Gaz" Simon started saying as Johnny looked at him "we have already so do with that as you will" Johnny said happily as he walked over to Gaz before walking into the office turning around looking back at Simon as he waved at him, Simon waving back at him softly as Johnny closed the door, walking over to the table sitting down looking at all the paperwork that laid in front of him, Gaz took a seat beside Johnny looking at him "now I'm interested" Gaz said as Johnny looked at him a bit confused "about what?" Johnny said looking back at the files grabbing a couple starting to flip over the papers reading them carefully "is he a good kisser" Gaz said, Johnny stopping for a second his face visibly turning red as Gaz started laughing hard leaning back in his chair as Johnny looked at him " a very good one, better than I had expected" Johnny said as he laughed softly Gaz looking at him laughing picking up a file himself.

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