Some New Faces

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Chapter Twenty

Some New Faces

"One last mission then we can plan our day" Johnny said sighing softly as he looked out at the sunset from his and Simon's cabin front porch, Simon softly wrapped his hands around Johnny's waist "our special day" Simon said as Johnny placed his hands over Simon's looking down at the rings that sat on his fingers looking out again at the sunset closing his eyes releasing in the moment before the sound of gunfire filled his ears, he looked around to shoot at the enemies trying to find his team "Ghost, Roach! Where are you guys" Johnny said moving to another cinder block shooting back as he looked back hearing footsteps "anything from them Soap?" Price said as Johnny shook his head as he reloaded "haven't had contact since they went into the main building" Johnny said getting a bit more worried as Price placed his hands on his shoulder shaking his head "one last group and then we will go find them alright Soap" Price said as Johnny nodded at him as he put his gun on the edge of the cinder block shooting out at the last enemy hoping for the best for his lover and their newfound 'son'.

Johnny walked into the building ducking to a wall listening for anything before Price nodded at him holding his gun up Johnny walked beside him looking into rooms before Price stopped, Johnny looked at him a bit confused before he looked down seeing a blood trail leading to one of the rooms at the end of the hallway, Johnny took a deep breath before he started walking forward slowly Price following closely behind him, Johnny stopped at the door nervous to what they could find on the other side of the door, Price nodded at him before he slowly opened the door dropping his gun seeing Roach slumped against the wall as Ghost laid in a corner, Johnny went to Ghost's side silent tears falling down his face and he scooped the men into his arms pulling him close to him watching for his chest to rise, but nothing ever came, Johnny laid his head into the crook of Simon's neck crying harder "i - i tried to help him sir" Roach said softly as Johnny looked up at him shaking his head before Johnny closed his eyes holding his cold lover in his arms.

Johnny sat up in bed panting hard wiping the tears from his face as he sighed looking over to the space that usually held his lover, he sighed a soft sob escaped his lips as he heard the door open as he heard the soft footsteps of his lover come over to the bed "Johnny" Simon said softly as Johnny covered his face with hands laying back down feeling bed indent before hands pulled him back feeling the warmth of his lover on his back feeling some comfort from Simon's presence "I'm here for you" Simon said softly laying his head on Johnny's shoulder rubbing small circles into his back, Johnny looked back at him the silent tears falling down his face "oh my love" Simon said softly as Johnny wrapped his arms around Simon's neck crying softly into his chest feeling Simon's heart beat against his ear helping him relax, after a while Johnny finally looked up at Simon "what happened love?" Simon said softly as Johnny looked into his hazel eyes "we were on a mission and everything seemed to be going too well, but as soon as we cleared the outside of the building you and someone else we had with us, w-we found you, and then another one of our soldiers was badly wounded, but you weren't breathing and i-" before Johnny could finish Simon nodded pulling him back close to him as Johnny laid his head back over Simon's heart listening to his heartbeat clinging onto his arm "I'm not going anywhere till we are done with Makarov, even then you aren't getting rid of me that easily Johnny, this is our time we are in this for the long run love" Simon said feeling Johnny nod against his chest, he smiled softly kissing the top of his head laying his head on top of Johnny's as he relaxed against their bed keeping the Scotsman close to his chest "we got four more hours, yeah? Let's get some more rest" Simon said yawning softly as Johnny smiled softly closing his eyes falling asleep in his arms.

The pair walked down the stairs as Gaz walked in smiling as Johnny laughed a bit looking over at his best friend "and where are you coming from Mr. Garrick" Johnny said walking over to him Simon following close behind him "I went out for coffee this morning with Toby, it was a very nice morning, thank you for asking" Gaz said smiling as Johnny laughed softly looking back at Simon who rolled his eyes "when is he coming to meet your 'father'" Simon said as Gaz looked over at the debrief room the pair assuming Price was inside, Johnny laughed softly rolling his eyes as he grabbed Simon's hand walking over to the couches sitting down Simon sat down beside him wrapping an arm around his waist as Gaz walked over sitting on the chair "he's coming this weekend so you two behave yourselves in your room" Gaz said as Johnny chuckled softly looking up at Simon "better not be loud then aye? Or we can make it so much worse for him" Johnny said laughing a bit more as Gaz nodded at him laughing along with them "yes sir" Gaz said all their heads turning as Laswell walked through the door nodding at them before a shorter woman followed in behind her seemingly nervous to be there "good morning boys" Laswell said waving at them as Johnny and Gaz walked over to her smiling a bit as Laswell motioned for the women to step beside her "these are the boys I talk about, to the left is John aka Soap and the other is Kyle aka Gaz" Laswell said as the women nodded keeping a tray close to her "nice to meet you guys finally, she talks about you guys like your her children, even then sounds like Price talks about you guys a lot too" the women said chuckling softly as Simon walked up behind Johnny as Johnny smiled looking up at him "and this is Ghost" Laswell said nodding at Simon, the women smiled softly looking at the pair reaction to each other "kind of funny that someone who seems like a very bright and friendly Scotsman is with someone with a skull mask, no offense, just never seen a more interesting pair" the women said as the pair nodded at her "we get that a lot" Simon said as the women nodded at him "I'm Alysia, nice to meet my 'adoptive sons'" Alysia said laughing a bit as Laswell rolled her eyes as Alysia placed the tray on the side table besides the couches "hopefully you guys like chocolate chip and sugar cookies, my special recipe" Alysia said smiling as Johnny and Kyle looked at each other a bit excited before Laswell laughed taking the hand of her wife "I'll be back before our new friends arrive, enjoy yourself boys" Laswell said as she walked off Alysia walking beside her happily "these are about to be the best cookies, Laswell let me have a piece of her cookie the other day and I kid you not that had to be the best thing I have ever tasted" Kyle said taking the top off the tray grabbing one of the sugar cookies from the tray as Johnny crabs one for himself handing one of the chocolate chips to Simon smiling "we'll see Kyle, my ma makes a pretty good sugar cookie" Johnny said as he took a bite out of the cookie nodding "these aren't too bad, can't beat homemade family cookies" Johnny said seeing Simon eat the cookie slowly before he moved back to his side rubbing his back as Simon nodded at him squeezing his arm as he sat back on the couch as Kyle looked at Johnny "is he alright?" Kyle said as Johnny turned back to him nodding "still getting used to our newfound family" Johnny said softly as Kyle nodded handing Johnny another cookie, Johnny kept an eye on Simon smiling at the man the feeling of the promise ring on his finger.

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