Don't Mess With Them

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Chapter Five

Don't Mess With Them

The sun showed through the window as Simon groaned softly his hands still around Johnny as he slept soundly in Simon's arms, Simon smiled softly kissing Johnny's cheek as he slowly and softly moved his arms from Johnny not wanting to wake Johnny as he got out of the bed admiring the man he cared about most, Simon moved the blanket back over Johnny as he walked out of Johnnys room shutting the door softly before sighing happily walking to their living area rubbing his eyes.

He had started the Kettle letting the water start to boil through as he went through the cupboard grabbing the tea bags for himself and Johnny putting the water into the mugs as he let the tea bags sit, he turned hearing Johnny's door open, he smiled softly looking at the wall before he turned back to the mugs " morning Johnny" Simon said as he picked up one of the mugs turning back around hearing Johnny walking over to the counters " Morning Simon, tea already?" Johnny chuckled a bit taking the mug from Simon's hands, Simon nodded before picking up his own mug sitting on the sofa moving the tea bag around before throwing it away looking over at Johnny smiling softly before looking out at the window looking over the field "wonder what price has planned for the rookies this time, maybe we can make 'em cry" Simon was pulled out of his thoughts from Johnny's words as he chuckled softly to himself "they'd cry if they're stuck with us Johnny" Simon said taking a drink of the tea Johnny laughed nodding as he sat beside Simon drinking from his mug looking up at him "how many do you think we're getting this year?" Johnny said as he continued to drink from his mug, Simon looked down at Johnny smiling softly " a hundred plus at most, at least that's what I've heard from Price, but hey maybe we'll get surprised with more or less" Simon said before drinking some of his tea before he looked back at the window as the sun shown more through "but we'll see how long they last before they realize they aren't getting into 141 on the first day" ghost said getting up placing the mug into the sink letting some water sit in it, Johnny smiled softly admiring Simon a bit before being pulled out of his thoughts at a knock on the door "Probably Price" Johnny said getting up as Simon took his cup.

Johnny opened the door after the second knock "I'm coming, hold your horses' cap." Johnnysaid earning a laugh from the man behind the door and what he thinks was one from Simon ' first one of the day' Johnny thought to himself looking back at Simon, who had put his mask back on, smiling softly before opening the doors "Well that's one way too great you captain" Price said Johnny rolling his eyes leaning against the doorway "Well breakfast is served and our new recruits will be arriving within an hour if you and Simon will be down before then" Price said looking over as Simon had walked over to the door putting his gloves on standing behind Johnny "well we'll just come down with you, up for some breakfast Johnny said looking back at Ghost who nodded at his question Price nodded as he started walking away as the two men followed after "you'll scare all the recruits if you do that to them Lt." Johnny said looking over at Ghost as they walked down the stairs Ghost shook his head "Mhmm, well maybe it'll be good training for them to get them used to it" Ghost said chuckling softly to himself as Johnny smiled "Maybe they do" Johnny said walking over to the food Ghost following in suit behind him. After breakfast was finished everyone had geared up following Price outside the living quarters as five big trucks pulled up the driveway, Soap stood beside Ghost glancing over at him, earning a smile from the Scotsman, Gaz chuckled a bit being on the other side of soap "would you two stop flirting already" Gaz said looking at the pair earning a cold glare from Ghost as Johnny face grew a bit red before l0oking back at the groups that got out, Soap moved a bit closer to Ghost "This is where the fun beginnings Simon" Soap said softly sighing softly as Ghost nudged him a bit looking down at him "We'll have a fun day, don't worry" Ghost said before watching Price walk in front of them as he started talking.

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