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Chapter Six


TW// mention of the word suicide //

Johnny woke up rubbing his eyes feeling Simons pressed up against his back, safe, is all Johnny could think about smiling softly to himself as he lay in the bed close to Simon, he flipped over earning a soft noise from Simon as he pulled Johnny close to him again laying his head on top of his " never took you as a cuddler Lt." Johnny said smiling softly kissing Simons jaw before laying his head back under Simons "mmm your nice and warm" Simon said Johnny smiled softly he had always loved Ghost's morning voice, groggy and deeper than normal, Johnny moved a bit away from Simon sitting up as Simon opened his eyes looking up at him a soft smile creeping onto his face before Johnny hugged him happily before got up taking Simons sweatshirt that laid on the bed frame throwing it on walking out of the room heading towards the kettle putting some water into it "are we now going to start stealing my clothes" Simon said fixing the bottom of his tshirt as he looked over to the Scotsman who looked like he was swimming in his sweatshirt laughing softly to himself as he walked over to the counter grabbing his and Johnnys mugs out placing them beside each other before looking back at Johnny who was rolling up the sleeves "It's not my fault that I'm short Simon" Johnny said looking up at Simon who smiled softly at the man, but before he could say anything the kettle had started to boiling, Simon had open the cabinet pulling out the tea bags for the pair placing them in the mugs, Johnny poured the water into the mugs before placing the kettle into the sink moving his tea bag around a bit blowing at the steam looking over at Simon smiling softly "hey-"before Johnny could finish his sentence there was a knock at the the door, the pair looked at the door a bit confused looking at the time "a bit early for training?" Johnny said looking at Simon who had a concerned look on his face "this better be important" Simon said putting his mask on walking to the door opening it softly looking at Gaz who had a concerned look on his face "Price needs to see us all" Gaz said looking up at Simon, he looked at him a bit more concerned hearing Johnny's footsteps walk up behind him "this early? Is everything alright?" Johnny said as Simon leaned against the doorframe "Laswell found Shepard" Gaz said looking over at Johnny, Johnny looked over at Simon who had a cold look on his face as he looked at Gaz nodding softly "we'll be down soon" Simon said as Johnny moved back from the door as Gaz walked away from their door, Simon shut the door a bit hard staring at it for a few seconds before he turned around looking at Johnny who had was staring at him "I guess we're doing this then" Simon nodded softly as Johnny spoke "didn't think we'd find him this soon" Johnny said as they started walking to their rooms "Laswell is good at what she does" Simon said a bit cold walking into his room, Johnny was a bit taken back as he walked into his room changing into more of his 'uniform', he sat on his bed lacing up his boots looking at his mirror sighing softly before standing back up walking out his door closing it softly behind him looking over as Simon had walked out of his room, he smiled softly at him, "oh come here" Johnny said softly as he stretched out his arms Simon walked over to him hugging him softly standing their in silence holding each other, Johnny rubbing Simons back, before the pulled apart looking into each other eyes "I hope this will end well" Johnny said as Simon nodded as he took Johnny's hand kissing his palm softly before leading him out the door, locking it behind the both of them, Johnny looked at Simon as he turned back towards him nodding softly as Johnny walked beside him their pinkies interlaced as they both started walking to the debrief room.

They entered the room looking at Price who nodded at them "Hello" Price said as they both took seats next to each other, Price nodded at Laswell as she turned on a screen as the room went dark "We have found Shepard" Laswell said as she pulled up a surveillance video of a compound seeing Shepard walk out of a car and into it surrounded by at least four body guards walking into a smaller sized base "as we can see the base is not that big, but it has the best of the best guys that Shepard could round up from what was left of the Shadow Company and the new recruits" Laswell had pulled up some photos of the base and had put some papers in the center of the table, Simon grabbed two handing on to Johnny as he looked down at the paper seeing the layout of the base that Shepard now resided in, before looking back up leaning back in his chair Johnny looking at him before looking back at the screen as Laswell stood in front of it "so not everything is set in stone, but this is the basic course of plan of how Price and I would like to do this" Laswell said as Price stood up joining her at the screen setting down his hat on the table " so we'll have three teams, one will be a small group of snipers headed by Soap" Laswell said looking at Johnny who nodded "the other two sets of teams will be ground teams heading into the base to infiltrate it and capture Shepard" Laswell said as she had pulled up more pictures from a overview of the base " One team will be of fifteen soldiers headed Gaz and Price, but Price will be with Soap as the take out whatever guards are at the front of the base to make easier entry for the ground team" Laswell said before she turned to Simon " the other group will be made up of another fifteen soldiers headed by you Ghost" Laswell said as Simon nodded looking at her before Johnny turned around "are the snipers just there to help out and be a watchfully eye to the ground team" Johnny said as he looked at Simon before looking at Laswell who nodded "and make sure if there are any vehicles that try to enter once our ground team has made entry, that they are dealt with before the can make it back to the base" Laswell said as she and Price sat back down turning the lights back on turning the screen off "but we do not expect this mission to be easy" Price said as he looked at everyone around the table "we want to capture Shepard alive, but everyone and the soldiers will be given authority as well to kill Shepard if needed" Laswell said nodding at Price who said before looking at the pair "but we're not sure how this will all go, this honestly may be a suicide mission for the ground teams" Price said as Johnny looked over at Simon who leaned back in his chair again "we're not certain this will end well for any of us" Johnny said confused before earning a nod from Price "why are we doing this then? Can it not wait so we have more time to plan and-" Johnny was cut off by Price "It can't wait Soap, this has to be done now, Shepard is already planning to get out of the country to work with the Russians" Price said looking at Johnny who shook his head sighing looking at Simon who was staring at him nodding softly before Simon looked at Price "when will we leave?" he said as Johnny grabbed his hand from under the table, Simon squeezed it softly, "we leave tomorrow at dusk" Price said looking at the pair "so we're promised one more night" Johnny said looking at Simon "I'm sorry boys, but this will be better to get done now than waiting and having more than just Shepard and the Shadows" Price said as he stood up "I'll see you all in the morning" Price walked out with Gaz, Laswell following behind them nodding softly at Soap and Ghost as Simon stood up holding his hand out to Johnny who looked up at him a bit upset "Simon-" Johnny was pulled up by Simon as he hugged him softly "let's make this best night" Johnny said softly to himself as he hugged Simon back kissing his jaw softly before pulling back earning a smile from Simon as they interlaced their fingers holding each others hands as they walked out of the debrief room walking to their room,


The two boys thoughts pondering not wanting these moments to end on the battlefield.

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