Night On The Town

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Chapter Nineteen

A Night On The Town

Johnny walked down meeting Gaz at the bottom of the stairs followed by Simon as he took his keys out of his pocket walking up behind Johnny smiling softly as he fixed the edges of the turtle neck that Johnny was wearing smirking softly to himself as he the other two talked placing his hand softly on Johnny's shoulder rubbing his neck Johnny looking back at him rolling his eyes as Gaz looked at them confused "what was that about?" Gaz said as Johnny sighed looking back at him "you don't wanna know" Johnny said as Simon pushed his shoulder as he motioned with his head to the door "are we going or are we going to stand around and wait for someone to appear for Mr.Garrick" Simon said as he started walking to the door the two following behind him as he held the door open for them "ladies first" Simon said smirking a bit under the black face mask that covered his face Johnny looked at him laughing softly as Gaz followed behind him "your car soap?" Gaz said as Johnny shook his head "no, Simon's driving, I want to drink tonight" Johnny said smiling as Simon followed behind him "going to look even more crazy driving in with his truck and that outfit" Gaz said as Simon rolled his eyes unlocking the doors going over to open Johnny's door for him nodding at him as Johnny smiled at him getting into the truck Simon walking over to the driver's side as Johnny closed his door looking back at Kyle "this is nice" Gaz said as Simon chuckled softly closing his door "I actually have taste in some things" Simon said as Kyle looked at the pair as Johnny laughed a bit more "obviously" Johnny said smugly as Kyle faked gag "and this is why I need someone" Kyle said as Johnny laughed harder, Simon rolled his eyes turning the radio on turning it up enough "and get rid of your best friend? Never" Johnny said as he relaxed happily against his seat as Simon drove off the base towards the bar.

As they all got out Simon locked the doors Johnny went over to his side happily holding out his hand for him Simon took his hand happily interlacing their fingers together as they walked into the bar the loud music filling their ears "seems busy for once" Johnny said as Kyle nodded as Simon moved a bit ahead of them opening the door for them as they walked in Johnny went back to Simon's side as they walked over to their usual spot at the bar, Johnny and Kyle ordered their usual as Simon looked around leaning back in the chair a bit nervous with all the people around them not having his full mask with him Johnny looked over at him noticing his shoulders held in a tense way, he placed his hand on top of Simon's interlacing their fingers squeezing his hand softly looking up at him smiling at him, Kyle looked over at the pair laughing softly as he grabbed his drink Johnny rolled his eyes drinking some of it as Kyle made a noise "oh, how do you think the new people will be?" Kyle said as Johnny looked over at him nudging Simon "probably terrified of him but also confused about how well we work together" Johnny said happily as Simon rolled his eyes drinking his glass of water "it was too hard to push you away" Simon said earning a laugh from Kyle "that's so true though, once he's attached ain't no getting rid of him" Kyle said as Simon nodded Johnny looking between the two "you guys are mean to me sometimes" Johnny said pouting a bit as Kyle laughed harder "you still love us though" Kyle said as Johnny rolled his eyes leaning back against Simon nodding softly "not wrong there" Johnny said as Simon wrapped an arm around Johnny's waist keeping him close to him as Johnny smiled happily relaxing against him drinking some more as Kyle looked over at the dance floor looking amongst the people "so soap?" Kyle said as Johnny nodded at him placing his glass down "aye?" Johnny said as Kyle smiled at him "let's go dance!" Kyle said as Johnny rolled his eyes a bit "come on, sitting here drinking is just fine with me" Johnny said looking back at Simon who drank some more of the water chuckling softly to himself "oh come on you bastard it'll be fun" Kyle said tugging at Johnny's free hand a bit as Johnny rolled his eyes looking at him "for you" Johnny said as Kyle gasped a bit laughing to himself "you can't be that old to say no to dance" Kyle said as Johnny laughed a bit himself "maybe I already am" Johnny said as he took another swig of his drink leaning back against Simon happily.

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