Your Beauty Never Ever Scared Me ( Valentine's Day Special :) )

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A Very Special Chapter

Your Beauty Never Ever Scared Me

A Valentines Day Special

~ // ~ This is placed a little bit after they get together officially, Valentine's day falls before 'My Promise' ~ // ~


Johnny woke up yawing softly as he moved his head softly against Simon's chest smiling softly as he felt his arms move a bit Johnny looked up at him meeting Simon's hazel eyes looking back at him sleepily "good morning my love" Johnny said softly as Simon hummed at his words kissing the top of Johnny's head laying his head back down "good morning my dear" Simon said softly as Johnny sat up looking over the man taking one of his hands in his own interlacing their fingers smiling at him as Simon sat up against the wall pulling Johnny closer to him as he rested their foreheads together "someone is happy this morning? You feeling alright" Simon said softly as Johnny looked at him laughing softly "it's valentines day you duff, I'm very happy to have someone to finally celebrate it with again" Johnny said meeting Simon's hazel eyes again, Simon sighed happily looking at the man "what never had a person to celebrate it with?" Simon said as Johnny rolled his eyes "twice, not including what my ma would do for us every year" Johnny said as Simon scoffed "our first valentines together" Johnny said happily throwing his arms back around Simon laying his head under his sighing happily as Simon laughed softly hugging him back softly running his hand along Johnny's back "are you that excited?" Simon said softly with a grin on his face Johnny looked up at him rolling his eyes as he kissed Simons's jaw softly before relaxing his head back under Simon nodding happily "of course I am! I get to spend the day with my amazing love, well after Gaz wants from me, but after that, this is our day" Johnny said happily as Simon nodded at him kissing Johnny softly placing his hand on his waist guiding the man onto his lap keeping him close as Johnny deepened the kiss placing his hands on Simons face smiling against his lips as they kissed, as they pulled apart Simon looked down at the Scots man smiling back at him looking into his ocean eyes "our day" Simon said softly placing his hand softly on Johnny's face as Johnny leaned into his touch looking at him happily "our day" Johnny said back to  Simon as he laughed happily laying his head on his on Simon's shoulder closing his eyes staying close to Simon "two more hours please" Johnny said as he heard Simon laugh softly as he laid them both down pulling the blanket over the both of them "as you wish my dear" Simon said softly as he closed his eyes wrapping his arms around Johnny's waist falling back asleep keeping Johnny close to him in his arms.

Johnny waved back at Simon happily as he walked into the office with Gaz closing the door behind him, Simon sighed softly as Price walked up behind him "you owe us dinner for distracting him" Price said laughing a bit as Simon nodded looking back at him as Price patted his shoulder walking away, Simon grabbed the keys to his truck from his pocket walking out the door closing it behind him as he got into his truck starting it up, he sighed leaning back against his seat adjusting the black face mask that covered his mouth before looking at himself in the rearview mirror, he drove off the base listening to the soft music that played over the radio humming to himself looking over to the seat that was pulled forward a bit, he smiled softly to himself as he drove into the small town not too far from the base, Simon parked the truck shutting the engine off as he ran his hand through his hair before getting out of the truck locking it 'your doing this for him, he means the world and least you can do is surprise the man who means this much to you' Simon thought to himself as he walked into a small flower shop walking around looking at the flowers, before he grabbed a bouquet of roses, liles and daises before grabbing a four roses by themself walking up front to pay for them, the lady behind the counter looked at him as he tapped his foot softly "must be a lucky girl to have you eh? Never seen a boyfriend buy this much flowers for even a married couple" the lady said as Simon looked at the lady crossing his arms softly "he is a very lucky guy" Simon said softly seeing the lady stop looking at him "it's our first valentines day together, officially as a couple, at least" Simon said rubbing the back of his neck as the lady laughed softly "well he is a very lucky man to have you" the lady said handing Simon the bouquet of flowers in a vase and the roses wrapped nicely "thank you" Simon said as the lady nodded at him as he walked out, he unlocked the truck placing the flowers next to the small box of chocolates and the small teddy bear, he laughed softly to himself as he closed the passenger door walking over to the drivers side getting in as he started the truck "he is one lucky bastared " Simon said softly as he drove off back to base.

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