An Inseparable Pair

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Chapter One

An Inseparable Pair

As the group had left the bar they all walked to their vehicles, Laswell was the first to leave as the rest of the group was talking about their last mission Ghost and soap leaned against the rented truck as they talked with Price and Gaz" I mean this guy has the most perfect shot I have ever seen, and that's coming from me the one who is almost perfect with a sniper" Johnny said patting Ghost arm looking up at the man smiling softly Price laughed softly " I mean what else was he supposed to do Soap? Let you die? Like seriously Ghost would've done anything to Kill Hassan to save your arse" Price said laughing as Gaz and Johnny joined in laughing Ghost nodded a bit looking over at the Scotsman admiring him a bit, grateful for the mask hiding his smile as he looked at Johnny " I'm serious I have never seen Simon care for someone as much as I've seen him with you, this is probably the only good this Shepard gave us with the selection with who I wanted with the task force" Price said looking at the pair as they looked at one another "We are one Inseparable pair" Johnny said standing a bit on his toes wrapping his arm around the Brit before letting go standing close to him Price nodded as Gaz looked at his watch "we should probably get back to the hotels, we have an early flight tomorrow back to the base" Gaz said getting off the roof of his and Price rented car "We'll see you both tomorrow" Price said before unlocking the car getting in as Johnny and Ghost waved as Ghost unlocked the truck getting in as they watched the other two drive off. 

Johnny got in as Ghost started the truck looking over at the Scotsman " Ready?" He said putting his hand on the gear shifter Johnny nodded looking out the window as Ghost started to drive off listening to the directions to get back to the hotel, Johnny looked back at the building they were just fighting in as they drove past it sighing softly before relaxing more into the seat yawning softly closing his eyes falling asleep in his seat. Ghost had relaxed in his seat looking over at Johnny smiling softly as he drove sighing softly following the roads the directions told him to follow ' I wouldn't let anything happen to you Johnny, not after everything we've gone through Johnny' Ghost thought to himself as he turned into the hotels parking lot parking and turning off the truck unbuckling himself before he shook Johnny softly "Hey Johnny, wake up" He said watching the Scotsman groan before opening his eyes looking over at him "mmm comfortable bed" Johnny said softly earning a laugh from Ghost as he got out closing his door walking over to Johnnys side opening the door as Johnny unbuckled himself turning to face Ghost as he opened the door " could you have gotten a higher god damn truck" Johnny said standing on the ledge of the step and Ghost held out his hand towards Johnny "need a hand there princess" Ghost said as Johnny broke out laughing taking Ghost hand getting down as he looked up at him smiling softly " thank you my good sir" Johnny said as Ghost bowed laughing softly Johnny laughing a bit harder closing his door as the pair started walking Ghost holding their bedroom keycard. 

The pair stepped out of the elevator walking over to their room Ghost held the key to the reader as the door unlocked, he held the door open letting Johnny go in first following behind him locking the door as he relaxed a bit walking over to the sofa sitting down relaxing against the pillows taking off his boots relaxing some more before feeling the pillows shift as he opened his eyes seeing Johnny sitting beside him smiling softly "that mission could have gone any more wrong" Johnny said looking over at Ghost before pulling his own boots off, setting them besides Ghost realizing the size difference between the two man's shoes, "None of that was your fault, Johnny, this stuff happens, all that matters is Hassans dead and your alright" Ghost said sighing softly looking over at his companion who had looked away from him "all of this could've been avoided though" Johnny said messing with his fingers, Ghost sighed softly taking his mask off setting it on the arm rest before pulling his gloves off, he set his hands on top of Johnny getting the man to look at him as he noticed Ghost had taken off his mask Johnny blushed softly analizying Simons face smiling softly looking as the scars on his face before he looked down at their hands as Simon rubbed his hand softly in a comforting motion moving a bit closer to Johnny "listen to me Johnny, we didn't know exactly what would happen, this mission could have gone in many different ways, but Hassans dead and your safe, alright?" Simon said looking into Johnny's blue eyes smiling softly his face redding a bit admiring the Scotsman's beauty, Johnny smiled softly looking right back into SImons hazel eyes nodding softly before Simon pulled him into a hug, Johnny was a bit surprised but relaxed happily wrapping his arms around Simon's shoulder resting his head against Simon's chest as Simon rested his head on top of Johnny's head relaxing happily with him in his arms. 

They stayed like that for a while before Johnny yawned making Simon look down at him as Johnny looked back at him smiling happily but also sleepily "if there's one thing that I have to thank Shepard for is pairing me with you" Simon said happily Johnny blushed a gain nodding again " We are one inseparable pair" Johnny said happily looking happily at the Brit as he laughed " we are for sure" Simon said holding his hand out for Johnny to take, Johnny took it happily as Simon pulled him up hugging him softly before he went to lay in his bed relaxing, Johnny went to lay in his bed facing towards Simon as he rolled over to face Johnny smiling softly "Thank you for everything Simon" Johnny said sleepily closing his eyes Simon chuckled softly "of course Johnny" Simon said moving his pillow close to the edge getting comfortable as he heard small snores from the Scotsman, he started to close his eyes falling asleep thinking of Johnnys words

I'll protect you till the end of time


Your My Scotsman......

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