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Chapter Four


Ghost had gotten up going to the bathroom splashing water onto his face as he sighed softly looking up into his own reflection taking the mask off staring at himself in the mirror looking at all the scars that covered his face, he had the urge to break the mirror as he had done to the one that hanged on the wall in his own room, but he looked over at the room that now had Soap's name on it and sighed as he looked back at his own reflection before shutting the light off holding the mask in his hand starting to walk back to his own room, but as he walked past Soaps room he heard him talking and what sounded to him was crying, he stood there for a second before he sighed softly knocking on the door softly not wanting to wake Johnny up, he didn't get a response, he knocked softly again placing his hand on the doorknob opening it softly "Johnny?" Ghost said softly as he opened the door looking over at the bed where laid his friend, he sighed softly smiling a bit to himself before he heard a small sob come from the Scotsman, Ghost walked slowly over to the bed trying to be careful not to wake Johnny up "hey Johnny" Ghost said as he knelt beside the bed placing a hand on Johnny's arm he watched for a reaction before Johnny turned over facing Ghost, a bit surprised Ghost smiled softly placing a hand on Johnnys face whipping off the tears that were on Johnnys face "S Simon?" Johnny said his voice cracking a bit from crying a bit still "I'm here" Simon said placing the mask on the nightstand beside the bed with his other before laying his head on the edge of the bed rubbing his thumb over Johnny's cheeks as he looked into the man's ocean blue eyes smiling a bit more to himself "you alright?" Simon said watching the man's reaction a bit worried for why he was crying as he had never seen Johnny cry "nightmare" Johnny said softly looking at Simon as Simon nodded moving a bit back sitting on the floor leaving his hand on the edge of the bed before Johnny sat up a bit moving back on his bed Simon looked at him a bit confused before Johnny patted the spot next to him "please stay" Simon nodded softly before climbing into the bed next to Johnny looking at him as he moved close to Simon wrapping his arms around Simons shoulders laying his head on his chest, Simon sighed happily wrapping his arms around Johnnys waist resting his head against the pillow feeling relaxed with Johnny in his arms "i i saw our death" Simon thoughts were broken as Johnny spoke, he looked down at the man who had looken up at him his blue eyes becoming a bit watery, Simon smiled softly looking down at Johnny whipping the tears from Johnnys face "shhh, nothing is happening when your with me, no matter what I'll always protect you" Simon said as he smiled softly looking at Johnny, Johnny smiled a bit as he looked at Simon memorizing his face, he placed his hands on Simons face running his fingers over the scars that were on Simons face, Simon leaned softly into Johnnys hands he had never liked anyone touching him, let alone touching his face, but something was different when it came to Johnny and the way he touched his face softly as it could be gone within second "Johnny?" Simon said softly looking at Johnny as his hands stopped moving for a second before Johnny buried his head under his own, Simon smiled softly wrapping his arms back around Johnny's waist pulling close to him feeling his breath through the sweatshirt he was wearing.

Johnny wrapped his arms around Simon's neck resting them on his back as he smiled softly smelling Simon's cologne enjoying the smell and the aurora that Simon had, enjoying the fact that he was putting his Ghost persona between them and actually being himself within the safety of their living space "Simon?" Johnny said softly before looking up at Simon as he was met with Simon's hazel eyes, Johnny blushed softly smiling softly as Simon smiled back at him "yeah?" Simon responded rubbing Johnny's waist softly smiling a bit more as Johnny blushed more "why?" Johnny said Simon looked at him a bit confused "why what?" Simon said looking at him as Johnny moved his hands to Simon's face again, Simon smiled softly before kissing Johnny's palm looking down at Johnny seeing his face reddening more as he started to blush more himself "why are you being so caring to me? Simon Riley doesn't let people in like this, Simon Riley doesn't care about people like this, Simon Riley doesn't check on someone like this, why me? I've seen you use the Ghost persona around everyone even the ones you do trust, but why is it different between us Simon" Johnny said looking into Simons searching for a response or even an emotional shift in his eyes before he saw his eyes shift down to look into his eyes "you want the truth?" Simon said placing his hands over Johnnys as he saw Johnny nod, Simon sighed softly, before taking Johnny's hands into his own rubbing themself before interlacing their fingers together "your right, I don't let anyone in, but the Ghost persona is to hid Simon, lock him in behind the wall and mask that is Ghost, but when you came in from day one you didn't care about him, that wall I hide Simon behind you took everything to destroy it, bricks and all, but you treated it as if it was just a paper wall" Simon said sighing softly before speaking again "you let me feel like myself again when we got tasked together, I've grown attached to you, I never wanted to do that with anyone not even Price, Gaz or Laswell, because I was worried about losing someone again, I already lost my family once and I didn't think I could deal with letting someone in to have them get hurt or die" Simon said squeezing Johnnys hands "but then you came along and that just changed, even though I wanted to fight it and not get close to you, that stupid accent, your personality and your infectious smile and laugh and I got hooked" Simon said smiling softly moving their hands close to his mouth kissing back of Johnnys hands looking at Johnnys face as he freaked a bit noticing tears placing his hands on Johnnys face whipping the tears "I'm sorry, didn't mean to make you crying" Simon said feeling Johnny lean into to his touch "I It's fine Simon" Johnny chuckled a bit "just didn't expect an actually reason to my question" Johnny said sniffling softly as Simon cuddled him softly "I'll always be sweet with you Johnny" Simon said softly as he kissed the top of Johnnys head smiling softly as he heard him yawn "you tired?" Simon said looking at Johnny as he blushed hard nodding his head "yes, but please stay" Johnny said looking up at Simon "I wouldn't leave you ever" Simon said happily as Johnny flipped over staying close to Simon laying his head on his pillow closing his heavy eyelids, Simon smiled softly as he wrapped one of his arms around Johnnys chest and one around his waist as he closed his eyes laying his head on Johnnys shoulder kissing his cheek softly

"Goodnight Love" Simon said sleepily

"Goodnight Hun" Johnny said happily

Simon smiled softly as he drifted off to sleep with his love in his arms




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