Shower Thoughts

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Chapter Eighteen

Shower Thoughts

// ~ TW ~ Sexual Content Ahead~ //

Johnny walked into their room looking back at Simon as he held out his hand for him to take Simon closed the door behind them took Johnny's hand softly led them over to the couch sat down as Johnny took his spot in Simon's lap laying his head against his chest relaxing happily against his chest placing his hands over the Brit's that sat on his waist, enjoying each other's presences, Johnny looked up at Simon kissing his jaw softly before laying his head back down "think me and Gaz will finally find someone for him?" Johnny said rubbing his hands over Simon's listening to the man's heartbeat "maybe, as long as they don't flirt with you then everything will be ok" Simon said softly taking one of Johnny's hands interlacing their fingers together, Johnny looked up at him smiling softly "why's that? Protective now are we" Johnny said smirking a bit as he saw the Brit roll his eyes looking down at him "because I don't like people trying to take what's mine" Simon said as he squeezed Johnny's hand, Johnny moved to face Simon placing his hands on Simon's face tracing the scars that laid around his face "mmm I'm sure, but I'm all yours" Johnny said kissing Simon's cheek smiling softly as they locked their eyes, Simon smiled softly back at Johnny as he moved softly standing up as Johnny looked up at him a bit confused "all mine, but we need to shower" Simon said as he moved his head towards their bathroom "together?" Johnny said as Simon nodded as Johnny smirked "if you don't want too that's fine, but thought we could enjoy ourselves before we have to go out and help Mr. Needs to get laid pants over there" Simon said laughing a bit as Johnny nodded happily looking at him "would love that" Johnny said as Simon nodded turning away heading to their bathroom "fine with me, I'll get it started" Simon said as he heard Johnny laugh softly as he walked off.

Simon started the shower running the warm water as he looked back out the door at Johnny who smiled softly at him getting up from the couch walking over to him "nervous now all of a sudden?" Simon said softly as Johnny shrugged "no just don't need someone knocking on the door like last time" Johnny said closing the bathroom door "I want to enjoy my fun" Johnny said as Simon rolled his eyes kissing the Scotsman pulling him closer to him as he placed his hands on his hips feeling Johnny place his hands on his chest, the parted way leaving a slight salvia  trail as they parted, Simon smirked licking his lips looking at Johnny who was blushing hard holding onto Simon's shirt pulling at it as Simon nodded helping Johnny glide the shirt off before taking off Johnny's off looking at him as he threw the shirts to the side "oh you tease hurry up" Johnny said as he started to undo his pants Simon laughed softly undoing his belt slowly as Johnny watched him rolling his eyes stepping out of his pants placing his hands on the belt taking it off throwing it to the side, he placed his hand on the button of Simon's pants, but Simon's hands placed themselves on top of his making the Scotsman look up as Simon moved his head for him to get in "get in lover boy, I won't take too much longer" Simon said laughing softly as Johnny smiled happily nodding as he opened the curtain getting into the shower looking back before he closed the curtain laughing softly as he stepped into the water running his hands through his hair as he heard the curtains open and shut feeling hands on his waist as Simon laid his head on Johnny's shoulder kissing his neck "enjoying this?" Johnny said softly leaning back against the taller man feeling his head shake, Johnny smiled softly placing his hands on top of Simons as Simon kissed along his neck sucking softly on his neck earning a small moan from Johnny, Simon smirked softly as he bit his neck softly feeling Johnny squeeze his hand "alright there love" Simon said softly as he kissed Johnny's ear looking at the Scotsman as he turned around nodding softly "just need you" Johnny said softly as he placed his hands on Simon's face kissing him softly Simon happily kissed him back pushing him up against the wall of the shower placing his hands back on Johnny's waist deepening the kiss feeling the water hit his back, Simon trailed his kiss back down Johnny's neck listening to the small whimpers that left the Scotsman's mouth, he looked at Johnny blushing softly as Johnny looked at him nodding softly as Simon placed his forehead against Johnny's running his hand down his chest down to his thigh kissing his forehead as he ran his fingers along Johnny's dick earning a quiet moan, Simon looked back down at Johnny "please" Johnny said softly as Simon ran his hand along his cock again before grabbing Johnny's legs pushing him further up the wall letting Johnny wrap his leg around his waist as he felt Johnny arm wrap around his neck feeling his fingers run along Simon's back, Simon looked up at him as Johnny nodded at him as Simon smiled softly at him as he moved on of his hands under the water cupping some of the water before running his hand along his own cock before he shifted his weight looking back into Johnny's eyes as he lined himself up before he pushed his cock in slowly listening to the soft moans that escaped Johnny's mouth "Si" Johnny said softly as he gripped onto Simons back leaving some marks as Simon looked at him pushing in a bit more as Johnny moaned a bit louder as Simon kissed his cheek groaning softly enjoying the moment "m-more" Johnny said softly as Simon nodded pushing himself fully into Johnny as felt his nails dig into his back moving his hips back and forth at a slow pace leaning his head against Johnny's forehead looking into his eyes his moans matching Johnny's as he quickened the pace "f fuck Si" Johny said moving his hands along Simon's back digging his nail into a spot leaving more marks as Simon moved his hand down to Johnny's cock running his hand along it "c close" Johnny said as Simon looked back up to him placing his hands on his face as Simon moved his hips faster, the both of them panting and moaning looking into each other's eyes "Johnny" Simon said as he moved his hand faster on Johnny's cock as he felt the warm liquid on his hand as he did one last thrust as he moaned cumming inside of Johnny holding him close to him the pair panting looking into each other's eyes smiling softly.

Johnny released his grip softly from Simon's back riding high from the feeling of his orgasm, Simon looked at him kissing his cheek softly as he took a washcloth cleaning Johnny's chest and legs as well as his own as he held the Scotsman close to him sighing happily as he looked back up at him, Simon laughed softly touching his neck "what?" Johnny said softly as he placed his hands on Simon's cheeks as he ran his fingers over Johnny's neck looking at the small hickies and the small bite marks that were littered around Johnny's neck "going to have to wear that nice turtleneck you got, unless you want to flaunt your new marks" Simon said softly as Johnny looked at him pushing his shoulder softly "you sick bastard" Johnny said as Simon laughed a bit more grabbing them both towels getting out first wrapping the towel around his waist "hey now, I won't complain if you show them off, but not sure what everyone else will think" Simon said as he held out his hand Johnny taking it as he got out of the shower looking up at his lover kissing his jaw pointing at his back in the mirror "yeah well you easily cover your nice marks I left you" Johnny said as Simon looked back smiling softly "and I'll adore them till they fade, but I'm sure you'll happily replace them" Simon said looking at Johnny as he blushed nodding softly "happily" Johnny said as Simon kissed his forehead happily "good, I'll get your scratch marks tattooed on me one day, but for now we got to get ready for the bar" Simon said as he opened the door as Johnny blushed harder "I'd love that" Johnny said happily walking over to Simons side walking to their room.

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This was my first-time writing M | M smut so hopefully it wasn't too bad, my writing is evolving within this story so it should all get better as time goes on ! Some more fun and new characters are coming soon !

- Ophelia

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