Home Sweet Home

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Chapter Two

Home Sweet Home

Ghost's alarm had gone off early earring both men to groan waking up sitting up in their bed's Ghost stretched his arms up before getting up and shutting the alarm off opening the curtains slightly "god damn Simon, a warning would be nice" Simon turned around looking back at Johnny laughing softly to himself seeing the Scotsman covering his face with the pillow "oh your alright Soap" Simon said walking over to Johnny's bed sitting on the edge "this bed is too comfortable Lt." Johnny said setting the pillow back behind his head Simon smiled softly looking over at Johnny " I know but we have to get ready, Price will kill us if we're the reason he's late for the flight" Simon said as Johnny sat up in his bed rubbing his eyes again nodding softly at his comment before he could respond there was a knock on the door, both the boys looked at the door laughing softly before Simon answered a bit loud so Price could hear him "We'll be ready to go in ten minutes father" Simon said laughing softly Johnny joined in nudging Simons arm as they laughed "you guys better be or you'll be running till you drop when we get back to hq" they heard price say before hearing his foot steps walk away before laughing hard again "uh I will miss enjoying the peace and quiet here than back at the base" Johnny said looking up at Simon, Simon looked over at him nodding softly getting up "at least we share the same room, gives me some peace and mind being roomed with you and not some stupid rookie" Simon said looking down at Johnny he smiled standing up hugging Simon as Simon hugged him back enjoying these moments between him and Johnny ' if you only knew how much these sweet little moments meant to me Simon' Johnny thought before Simon pulled away starting to pack his bag Johnny began to doing the same watching the clock.

As they waited in a group waiting in line for their plane to board, Ghost fixed his face mask as others stared at the group, he scoffed to himself "as they've never seen someone wear a mask" Ghost said to himself leaning against the wall as Johnny sat down in the seat in front of him "you alright Lt." Johnny said looking back at Ghost as he scoffed looking at the group laughing at the two before Price and Gaz joined them taking seats beside Johnny " I would tell you to let those dumb teens have a piece of your mind Simon, but that's the last we need is to cause problems here, especially at an airport" Price said leaning back in his chair, Ghost rolled his eyes placing his hands on Johnny's chair watching the group move a bit back before hearing them scream gay at the group Ghost stood up straight before Johnny grabbed his wrist standing up "alright! How long does it take to board these first-class people?" Johnny said, watching Ghost walk around in front of him before he let go of his wrist sitting back on the chair, Price shook his head looking down at his watch "sometime soon I'm hoping" Price said sighing softly before hearing the announcer call for Economy class Johnny stood up walking next to Ghost as they all walked up to the gate going to board their flight.

Johnny and Ghost took their seats Johnny sat by the window with Ghost beside him relaxing a bit into his seat and looking at the screen in front of him excitedly scrolling through the movies that were on the screen, Ghost watched him admiring the man a bit before looking at the screen watching the flight path shown on the screen before he looked back over at the Scotsman "Simon look, we can watch cheesy movies for the next ten hours or so" Johnny laughed looking over at Ghost rolling his eyes before pulling down his hood Johnny smiled softly to himself as he passed the Brit a headphone clicking through the movies making a frustrated grunt before Simon put a hand on his wrist "just pick some stupid romance movie eh? Give us a good laugh or maybe something for you to cry at" Ghost said looking down at Johnny as he hurriedly looked for the movie categories as he looked across the aisle at Price who was laughing with Gaz his attention was brought back as Johnny gasped "let's watch the notebook" Johnny said looking excitedly at Ghost Ghost nodded softly as Johnny clicked on the movies relaxing back into his seat "we'll figure something out after once it ends" Johnny said as started watching the movie Ghost relaxed a bit as they had started to take off.

After 30 minutes into the movie Ghost felt Johnny asleep on his shoulder he smiled softly glad his mask was hiding his face as placed his head on top of Johnny's as he relaxed a bit more as he continued to watch the movie letting it go to a random one just enjoying have the 'little' Scotsman close to him for a little moment as he could never understand how this man had gotten close to Ghost as everyone had tried gave up or left the base, Ghost closed his eyes falling asleep with his head on top of Johnny's.


Price had looked over at the two boys laughing softly to himself as he was the only one of the little group awake watching how these two's friendship had blossomed in front of his eyes since the task force was brought back together after the prison break in Las Almas, Price had never thought of the day Ghost had become close to anyone let alone have such a close friendship with anyone, he knew he had Ghost trust, but he had never seen him get this close with anyone.

Price was happy for him thinking to himself that Ghost would eventually need someone to be by his side, to keep him sane and not getting himself into any problems during missions or along with other people.


Once the plane lands Ghost and Johnny wake up Johnny not wanting to move groans as Ghost picks his head looking down at the Scotsman as he rubs his eyes he looks up at Ghost smiling sleepily as Ghost stood he held out his hand, Johnny took it happily, standing up the pair looked over as Price and Gaz stood to stand in front of them in the line of people to get off the plane they stood behind them as Gaz looked back at the pair "couldn't act more like a couple" Gaz said as Johnny blushed Ghost shook his head standing beside Johnny as they started to follow behind Price and Gaz getting of the plane

"Home sweet home" Price said as they walked out of the airport waiting for Laswell to pick them up Ghost stood behind Johnny as he leaned against the taller Brit relaxing "Good to be home boys" Price looking back at everyone "oh yes" Johnny said laughing softly as Ghost rolled his eyes "at least some one is  excited, but we get a couple days to relax as Laswell is looking into Makarov, but also looking for Shepard whoever he has left working for him" Price said as the group nodded " Welcome back boys" a car had pulled next to the group as Laswell rolled down the rest of her window of the van as she pressed the buttons for the auto doors to open Ghost and Johnny climbed into the back seats sitting next to one another Johnny smiling at Ghost as Gaz looked back at them "Price their flirting again" Gaz said as Price and Laswell started laughing at his comment "sad you ain't got someone?" Johnny said laughing as Ghost nudged him as Laswell started driving "nice to have our group back, was a little quiet at the base without you guys there for less than 24 hours" Laswell said looking at everyone in the mirror "it's good to be home" Ghost said looking up at the Laswell and Price "home sweet home" Johnny said nudging Ghost again playfully smiling at him Ghost smiled softly under his mask as Johnny leaned against him as he looked out the window watching the trees pass relaxing against Johnny resting his head on top Johnny's falling asleep feeling safe along side of the little Scotsman.

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