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Chapter Three


As the van stopped at the base that Price had recently gained through the years, Price rolled down his window handing over his idea he nodded "Good afternoon sir" Price said as he watched the guard looking over the I.D. "Welcome back Captain Price, everything has been well since you guys have been gone" the guard said as he handed the I.D. back to Price he nodded putting the I.D. back in his wallet "thank you" Price said as he rolled up the window as Laswell started driving once again heading to the parking lot, Soap laughed a bit as Price looked back at him "What's so funny young man? They are probably the best security we got and doing their jobs, I can make you stand guard for the rest of the month" Price said as the van started to move again Soap laughed a bit more as Gaz joined in "oh you both are going to get it, you joining 'em Ghost" Price said as he looked in the rearview mirror as Ghost shook his head "I say give 'em hell cap" Ghost said as he hit Johnny softly in the shoulder, Soap gasped loudly being a bit dramatic as Ghost shook his head "Price you going to give him hell? He hit me" Soap said rubbing his shoulder Price laughed a bit shaking his head "get him to kiss it for you" Price said as he got out of the car, Laswell shut off the van meeting Price at the front of the van "got to get the van with the child mirror for these three" Laswell said laughing a bit as Gaz got out followed by Soap and Ghost "they keep flirting I need to get out of here quick" Gaz said fake gaging walking away with his bag in his hand walking towards the living quarter's Soap looked back at Laswell and Price as they laughed blushing a bit as Ghost laughed a bit before looking back Johnny "are you coming or not?" Ghost said as he started walking slowly Johnny nodded happily walking fast towards Ghost before reaching his side he slowed his walking pace with Ghost, Price watched the pair smiling a bit before looking back at Laswell "if they don't become something within the couple months I'll bet you a hundred" Price said looking at Laswell before she looked at him "make it two hundred if they do and you pay up" she said as she went into her own car "See you tomorrow for all the new chops coming to be in your little army" Laswell said as she waved starting her own car and driving out of the base, Price waved back as he started walking towards the living quarters laughing to himself as he shook his head "I'm losing that bet".

Ghost walked into his living quarters he sat down on the sofa in the corner laying softly into the cushions as the sun showed through his window he looked up at the ceiling as he lay there thinking about what has happened in the last few weeks between going to Las Alamas, Graves and Shepard betraying them, killing Hassan in Chicago and becoming closer, he looked over at the empty room next to his with his name on it and the empty door sighing softly sitting up he went over to the counters plugging his kettle in filling it with warm water before pulling out some tea bags and a mug for himself waiting for the water to boil there was a knock on his door "Lt.?" Ghost turned to his door smiling at the door a bit under the mask knowing who was on the other side "You can come in Johnny" he said as he turned back around grabbing another mug hearing the door open and shut " wow you actually have a nice room, didn't expect that" Johnny said as he sat on the sofa Ghost looked over at him leaning against the counters "I actually have taste with designs" Ghost said as Johnny laughed softly looking at Ghost with a smile 'that darn smile' Ghost thought to himself before he heard the kettle start steaming he put his tea bag in the other mug before putting one in his own "Want some?" Ghost said as he looked over at Johnny as he nodded Ghost stirred his tea bag around with a little spoon and did the same with the other mug bringing the other mug over to Johnny setting it down on his little coffee table with a coaster before he walked back over to his own mug still sitting on the counter before sitting down on the sofa next to Johnny with some sugar and honey stirring some sugar into his own watching Johnny put sugar and honey into his own mug "what bring you over here" Ghost said as stirred his tea a bit watching the steam rise from it before looking back at Johnny "well I've grown attached to your company so just came here to annoy you some more" Johnny said looking at Ghost smirking a bit as Ghost rolled his eyes leaning back against the arm rest "that can't be the only reason Johnny, there's a bag sitting by the sofa" Ghost said as he watched Johnnys reaction seeing him a blush a bit before looking away from Ghost stirring his own tea sipping it a bit before setting down the mug back on the coaster "well there is another reason" Johnny said looking back up at Ghost, Ghost nodded looking over Johnny face "go on?" Ghost said a bit confused Johnny relaxed against the cushions looking up at Ghost "well you have an extra bedroom in here right?" Johnny said looking at Ghost as he nodded a bit confused "yeah I do? What's the point of that? You know I'm a loner before becoming friends with you" Ghost said a bit confused looking back at the room before looking back at Johnny as he took another sip of his tea "welllll the person I was roomed with apparently took it upon themself to kick me out and I'm NOT GOING TO BE ROOMED WITH GAZ, sooooo I thought we enjoy each other's company and I think it'd be fun to be roommates, what you think Lt.?" Johnny said sitting up happily looking at Ghost waiting for his answer a bit worried of him rejecting him, Ghost looked back at the room smiling a bit under his mask before looking back at Johnny seeing him a bit worried " You can stay with me, just don't be too loud now" Ghost said looking at Johnny who had gotten really excited looking at Ghost standing up happily "really?" Johnny said looking at Ghost as he nodded Johnny smiled happily looking over at the rooms noticing one with Ghosts name on it in full before looking back at the man who had moved the mask over to uncover his lips taking a drink from his mug before putting the mug back down moving the mask back down "can I hug you Lt. or should I say roomie" Johnny said bouncing on his feet a bit excited but not expecting a yes from this, Ghost looked up at him "sure?" Ghost said a bit confused before Johnny hugged him happily putting his head on his shoulder Ghost chuckled softly hugging him back looking at Scotsman resting his head against Johnny.

After they both had pulled away from the hug Johnny smiled happily before walking towards the empty bedroom's door opening it grabbing his bag by the door setting it on the bed Ghost got up grabbed both the mugs washed them in the sink before setting them on a drying mat before looking back at the Scotsman admiring from afar as Johnny walked back out of the room opening the living areas door Ghost walked a bit over noticing four more big bags in front of the door "so you expected a yes I'm assuming from all your bags being in front of my door?" Ghost said chuckling softly startling Johnny as he looked back at him nodding softly, Ghost laughed a bit more before grabbing two of the bags, Johnny smiled grabbing the other two bags and walking back into the bedroom and setting them on the bed as Ghost followed behind him setting the bags next to the rest of the bags "we'll have so much fun Lt." Johnny said happily sitting down in the desk chair Ghost leaned against the doorframe looking at Johnny rolling his eyes "we'll see about that, we may get complained about from Mr.Grumpypants" Ghost said pointing to the wall by the sofa "we share a wall with Gaz" Johnny said looking at Ghost as he nodded Johnny smirked "he's going to hate us" Johnny said laughing evilly as Ghost shook his head "I'm sure he will Roomie" Ghost said laughing softly before walking away smiling a bit to himself as he went and laid down in his room looking up at the ceiling "this man is going to be such a difference in my life" Ghost said to himself as he relaxed happuily into his bed feeling safe again knowing Johnny was on the other side of the wall as he closed his eyes drifting off to sleep.

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