Dare To Try?

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Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Dare To Try?

"Now boys," Price said as Gaz and Ghost pushed the last couch into the final open spot having moved the other three couches into somewhat of a square, all facing one another, "we have an array of alcohol, food as well as whatever candy you guys said you wanted me to get, so we have two hours before our little party beginnings so if you guys need anything else, you can get it" Price said as Soap looked back at Ghost "yes?" Ghost said as he walked over to the spot Soap was sitting " we're missing a nice tequila and bourbon" Soap said leaning against the pillows as Ghost leaned against the couch, Soap looked into his eyes knowing he was smirking under that damn mask "so?" Ghost said sarcastically "what do you want me to do about it? I'm not a magician Johnny" Ghost said as Soap laughed a bit looking up at him smiling softly "well, you told me whatever I ask for I get?" Soap said as Ghost rolled his eyes "certain things yes, but if you're willing to come with me, then we can get the good stuff" Ghost said as Soap got up happily walking over to Ghost's side as Ghost sighed happily looking at Soap grabbing the keys from his pocket "we'll be back Price" Soap said as he walked beside Ghost "get some small bottles while you're at it" Price said laughing a bit as Ghost shook his head Soap walking out the base door first "will do!" Soap said as he looked back waving at the Captain as Ghost closed the door " never thought I'd see you get this excited over getting alcohol Johnny" Ghost said laughing softly as he unlocked his truck, Soap looked back at him smirking at him "they don't understand the good taste in liquor as much as a Scotsman does" Soap said as he climbed into the truck as Ghost rolled his eyes closing his door as he looked over at Soap "I'm sure they don't, but you aren't making me go broke by buying the most expensive bottles of Bourbon and tequila Soap" Ghost said as Soap rolled his eyes laughing a bit "I won't" Soap said as Ghost looked over at him holding out his hand as he started the truck driving off as Soap took his hand happily.

Ghost got out as Soap got out of the truck walked over to Ghost said as he held the bag in his hand, Ghost opened the door letting Soap walk in first closing the door behind him as Soap walked over to the couches "got the good stuff" Soap said as Price walked back to the lounge with Gaz in tow some of the other soldiers taking spots in the chairs or couch, Soap set down the bag as Price nodded at him "good, just waiting for Laswell with some food she bought" Price said as Soap sat down in an end spot Ghost coming around sitting beside "what even is this for Cap'?" Soap said as he leaned against Ghost softly looking out at the Captain "just thought I'd enjoy a day with everyone" Price said laughing a bit "I guess also a bit celebrating the death of Shepard and just enjoying all of you" Price said as Gaz joined sitting beside him "a bit of fun is all it is" Gaz said happily as Soap nodded looking back at Ghost " Mother's brought food" Laswell said jokingly as she walked through the door closing it behind her as Price got up taking a couple of bags going to the table behind the couch he was sitting on helping her set it up "oh you two" Gaz said as he looked at Soap and Ghost "we need to go out to the bar sometime before the weeks over" Gaz said as Soap nodded happily " we can tomorrow night" Soap said in agreement as Ghost looked at him, Soap looking back at him happily before turning back to Gaz "gotta get you a nice date" Soap said as Gaz laughed a bit "maybe the bar might get me lucky" Gaz said Soap nodding back at him "just don't look like our guard dog Ghost" Gaz said Soap laughing a bit as Ghost rolled his eyes "I'm more his guard dog than yours anyways, unless I'm needed" Ghost said leaning against the couch back pillow leaning his arm across the back of the couch Soap leaning against it happily "we'll help you Gaz don't worry" Soap said as Price came back laughing "what we planning now? Getting Gaz lucky?" Price said as Gaz shook his head "hey! I'm the only one here without someone" Gaz said sighing as he leaned back in his chair "you and Laswell are married" Gaz said holding up a finger before pointing at the other pair "and they're together and I'm alone! At least I thought I'd find someone before Ghost, maybe not Soap because I mean look at him, but god be damned he and Soap got together! No offense Ghost" Gaz said as Ghost nodded "yeah well I didn't either then this Scotsman came along and had other ideas for me " Ghost said as Soap nudged as Ghost looked at him happily laughing a bit "excuse me, sir, you're the one who asked me to be with you" Soap said as Price looked at the pair a bit surprised Gaz being a little surprised as well as Laswell started laughing "what I'd tell you, John, it would be Ghost who asked not Soap" Laswell said sitting in the chair beside Gaz "god damnit Soap made me lose another bet, with your mouth flapping all the time I thought you'd slip up and confess to Ghost" Price said as Laswell laughed a bit as Gaz looked over at Soap and Ghost "when did you do it Ghost?" Gaz said as Soap took Ghost's hand holding it softly looking at Ghost "before going after Shepard" Ghost said looking back out as Soap nodded "cute" Gaz said huffing leaning back against the couch as Price laughed "you'll get someone soon son, don't worry" Price said patting Gaz's shoulder

The group laughed as it was just the five of them laughed by midnight enjoying their little party "oh! I got a good one" Gaz said as he looked back at the group "Soap you up for something" Gaz said as Soap nodded taking another sip of his old-fashioned "so we may need a chair for this" Gaz said everyone giving him a confused look "well should I read the card now?" Gaz said as Soap looked at him "I'll get your damned chair" Ghost said standing up letting go of Soap's hand walking over to the pile of chairs "ok Soap, sooo you have to give a lap dance to whoever you like the most here" Gaz said as Soap laughed softly against his glass taking another drink of his old fashioned "get a nice chair Ghost, going to need you comfortable" Soap said smirking a bit as Ghost rolled his eyes walking back over with a chair "did we even need to ask" Price laughed as Soap stood up standing beside Ghost "now some rules" Gaz said looking at the pair pulling out his phone going to look for some sort of music "so Soap you can do whatever you'd like, just no strip tease please, no one would like to see that, three minutes is what you got to last Ghost, as well as you can't touch him back Mr. riley" Gaz said looking at the pair "but if you'd like too, you can talk to him" Gaz said laughing a bit as Ghost looked at Soap smirking under the mask "just whatever you say, just say it loud enough for lover boy, I don't wanna hear all that" Gaz said as Soap laughed looking up at Ghost, Ghost rolled his eyes sitting down as Soap stood in front of him looking at him, Ghost leaning back in his chair "ready Soap?" Gaz said as Soap looked over at him nodding "ok well have fun, but not too much fun, don't forget we're here as well" Gaz said as Price and Laswell laughed as Gaz set his phone back down music coming from it softly,

Song link~ 


( This song played while writing this part, that beat made sense , the lyrics may not make sense for this, but hey good beat for this type of dance ;) )

Soap looked back at Ghost smiling softly walking around the chair before sitting softly in Ghost's lap wrapping his arms around the Brit's neck interlacing his fingers together as he locked eyes with him moving his hips against the Brit to the beat of the song moving around him as the song played out, Ghost smirked under his mask as Soap came closer to him "didn't know you moved like that" Ghost said in a lower raspy voice noticing he caught Soap off guard seeing his face reddened a bit as moved against Ghost's lap, before sitting against his thighs grinding his hips against Ghost once again looking up to his reaction smirking at the man a bit, Ghost gripped onto the side of the chair feeling the man he loved dearly, against him once again "enjoying it L.T" Soap said softly as he grinded against Ghost before moving around his once again as Ghost eyes followed him "should do this more when we're alone" Ghost said softly but low as he watched Soap's face reddened again "in our room, alone, but not with all this on" Ghost said looking up at Soap as Soap laughed a bit "we'll see sir" Soap said running his hands down Ghost's chest "yes we will" Ghost said watching the Scotsman closely.

The pair say back down in their spot on the couch as Price and Laswell whipped their eyes from laughing watching Soap "damn, didn't know I wanted to watch that between you too, whatever you told him Ghost, you got him" Price said as Ghost looked back at Soap who blushed harder hiding his face "well I'm calling it quits, nice to have a night like this with you all, goodnight" Gaz said walking away, Soap stood up yawning softly as Ghost stood up behind him "goodnight love birds, now don't wanna hear you all tonight" Laswell said laughing a bit as Ghost rolled his eyes holding his hands out to Soap, who took it happily, "he's too tired for that" Ghost said as the pair started walking away towards the pair's room, Soap walked in first walking to his room, Ghost walking close behind him taking off his mask yawning as Soap laid on the bed looking at Ghost "you enjoy your show Si?" Soap said as Ghost took off his sweatshirt laying it on the chair before he went to Soap's bed sitting on the edge taking off his bed before laying beside Soap, Soap laid his head on Ghost's chest, Ghost kissed the top of Soaps head nodding softly "of course I did" Ghost said laying his head on the pillows hearing Soap laugh softly "good" Soap said softly closing his eyes as Ghost wrapped his arms around the Scots man closing his eyes falling asleep not that long after his lover.

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