Through The Tears Of The Dammed

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Chapter Nine

Through Tears Of The Dammed

"GHOST! Do you Copy? Simon answer me now!" Price's voice ripped through the earpiece as other soldiers screamed and gunshots rang out around Simon "fuck" Simon said laying in the dirt in too much pain to move, he slowly moved his hand to his shoulder feeling the bullet wounds, he winced a bit before moving his hand back under him trying not to move to quickly as the enemies walked around him talking about the soldiers around him, he looked around softly counting out all the soldiers he could see who either were dead or were slowly bleeding "GHOST" he heard Price's panicked voice again ring through the earpiece once again, Simon shook a bit in pain as he heard the footsteps of the enemies around hearing sniper shots ring around him hearing more screaming as he looked around with eyes seeing the enemies fall around him, he could hear Shepard screaming at the remaining soldiers before Simon sat up slowly grabbing the pistol at his side pushing himself up aiming at a Shadow shooting him as he started limping towards a building leaning against it before sliding down the wall hearing vehicles start and leave around him.

Johnny looked through his scoop frantically looking around for Simon switching the channels hoping to hear his voice before hearing Price screaming his name over coms Johnny sat up a bit worried looking around at the other snippers before responding to Price as Johnny started to tear up "Price! Where is Simon" Johnny said as he looked around waiting for a response "Johnny? I can't get a response from him! None of his group either!" Price said Johnny sat on his heels the tears rolling down his face as he quickly grabbed his scope again looking through it at the base trying to find Simon "wait!" he heard Price say as he looked at the entrance through his scoop frantically "where are you Simon, you promised you'd come back to me" Johnny said to himself whipping the tears from his eyes as he continued to snipe down the shadows trying to escape the facility

Simon looked around seeing smoke and fire around him he looked at the pistol in his hand before holstering it standing up before being pushed back up looking back up at Shepard who had a deranged look in his eyes, Simon grunted trying to grab his knife before being pushed down to the ground, he yelped in pain as Shepard stomped his shoulder with his boot, Simon looked into his eyes "you'll regret the day you enlisted Ghost" Shepard said pointing his gun at Ghost head, Ghost leaned his head against the barrel of the gun smirking a bit being able to see it as the mask had ripped through the commotion "you kill me you'll have a very angry Scotsman looking for your head" Simon said smugly before Shepard hit his head with the bottom of his gun, thinking he had killed him Shepard grabbed whatever was left of Ghost's mask, ripping it off of the man's face.

Johnny scrambled to his feet running down the hill his sniper at his side seeing the soldier pushing Shepard in front of him his hands behind his back "Sir! I couldn't find Ghost! But I found Shepard walking around laughing with his mask and knife" the soldier said as Johnny ran to the soldier Price right next to him breathing heaving zip tying Shepard's hands behind him grabbing him throwing him to the ground, Shepard smiled evilly sitting up looking back up at looking at Johnny who was still crying grabbing Ghost's knife and what was left for Ghost mask, he rubbed the mask softly bringing it to him nose sniffing it softly before hitting Shepard in the face crying more before Price held him back "take Shepard to the helo" Price said as the soldier nodded some more armored soldiers following along side Shepard, Johnny dropped down to the ground crying harder holding himself as Simons dog tags fell out of his shirt, he looked at them kissing them softly "I'm sorry Johnny" Price said as he kneeled Infront of Johnny who had broken down "he's gone" Johnny said as kept his head down looking at the mask, Price sighed softly before he helped Johnny stand up hearing his soft cries broke his heart a bit knowing how much the pair meant to each other, they walked to the van sitting in the silence as the other soldiers filled in heading back to their outpost.

As the van parked, Johnny got out last walking slowly to the living quarters sitting down on the bed, rubbing the mask softly as he whimpered not being able to cry more, Gaz walked in looking at the broken man pulling a chair up "I'm sorry Johnny" Gaz said as he looked at Johnny who didn't move his gaze from his mask "I can't believe he's gone" Gaz said as he watched Johnny who shook his head "I'm going to kill Shepard nice and slow for what he did to him" Johnny said, Gaz was a bit taken back before nodding "Price will let you have all the fun with him" Gaz said as he stood up "hey johnny, I'm here for you if you need anything" Gaz said seeing Johnny nod softly before turning away laying in the bed holding the mask softly, Gaz walked out walking into Price "sorry Cap." Gaz said as Price sighed looking at Johnny who was crying softly "I just can't believe he's gone and then leaving behind this poor broken man" Price said as Gaz looked at Johnny nodding softly "I'm sure he didn't mean to" Gaz said looking over at Price, Price closed the door walking towards his room.

Simon limped looking down at the dog tags of Johnny's around his neck seeing the lights in the distance become brighter as he smiled softly hoping to reach the base in time, he cursed to himself as he fell to his knees before he stood back up limping harder now as he continued to walk seeing the temporary base become brighter, hearing the voices of everyone from the base he pushed open the gate before limping towards Prices quarters pushing the door open, Simon looked at Prices and Laswell surprised face leaning on the wall heavily trying to keep himself from falling again the pain becoming unbearable "Simon!" Price screamed running to his side as he fell to the floor "hey hey! I got you son" Price said picking Simon up and putting his arm around his shoulder looking at Laswell who opened the door walking on the other side of Simon as they walked to the medical tent "Doc!" Price said as he laid Simon on the bed, his vision going blurry "Price?" Simon said looking up at Price who whipped around kneeling beside him "you're going to make it son, don't give up now" Price said as the doctor walked over to the men followed by some nurses, Simon took off Johnny's dog tags handing them Price " keep them safe for me please, I can't loose them" Simon said softly as Price nodded stepping out of the tent with Laswell " we'll tell Johnny tomorrow, I need him to rest and them to take care of Simon" Price said holding Soaps dog tags in his hands looking at living quarters walking over to it Laswell in tow as he walked over towards Soaps and Ghosts corner placing the dog tags next to the ones Johnny had taken off placing them next to the mask, Price looked over at Johnny before placing Simons jacket on his bed walking out "he'll be happy Price" Laswell said as Price nodded "and you owe me two hundred" Price laughed softly "I'll get it too you back at Hq" Price said walking back to his room, at least having a happy ending to this shitty day between his soldiers.

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