One Last Night

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Chapter Seven

One Last Night

The two men walked out of the debriefing room heading to their own room not saying a word to one another, their fingers interlaced with one another, sitting on the sofa in their room just staring at each other "so this is actually happening" Johnny said as he squeezed Simons hand looking up slowly feeling Simons gaze on him "it was going to happen sooner or later Johnny" Simon said squeezing Johnny's hand back looking into the ocean eye he had gotten lost in so many times before he was pulled from his thoughts as Johnny started to play with their fingers softly "I know but I never thought it would come this quickly" Johnny said sighing softly "everything feels like it's moving to fast and I don't like it, I don't want to lose a moment with you Simon" Johnny said looking up Simon who smiled softly at him as he took off his mask Johnny moving into his arms resting his head on his chest listening to Simon's heartbeat relaxing a bit as they relaxed on the couch before Simon spoke again "I know that this mission may be dangerous, but Johnny look at me" Simon soflty moved out of Johnnys arms kneeling infront of Johnny as he took Johnny hand's in his own looking up into the ocean eyes that he loved "I wanted to do in this in a million different ways, but with this mission coming up I don't think I want to take the chance and waiting till after we come home from the mission and having something happen" Simon sighed softly squeezing Johnnys hand again before speaking again "but I would never forgive myself if something happened to you before I could ask" Simon said smiling softly at Johnny who was a bit confused now "Johnny, I knew from the moment I met you on that tarmac before going on our first mission together that something would be different with you, your stupid joke, darn accent and those beautiful blue eyes that you have that I will happily get lost in forever as time allows me too, that you were going to be something special in my life and I mean look at how already you have made a difference" Simon said as Johnny laughed softly looking at Simon happily "I know I said many times you got to becareful who you trust and who you let close to you, but I'm so happy that I took this chance with you and I just want to make you officially something else than friends who love each other, I don't know exactly the title we'll get" Simon said looking down before looking back at Johnny smiling softly "but Johnny would you like to be my boyfriend" Simon said softly looking at Johnny who started blushing smiling happily nodding at Simons question, Simon smiled happily as he opened his arms as Johnny hugged him happily, Simon picked him up standing up as Johnny laughed happily as he looked back up at Simon who was smiling just as happily back at Johnny as he placed his hands on Simons face before kissing him softly, Simon kissing him back softly and happily placing his hands on Johnnys hips as they kissed, happy to have him by his side.

After a while, the pair pulled apart looking into the eyes of each other, holding each other close "never thought I'd hear those words from your mouth Simon" Johnny said resting his head on Simon's chest as Simon pulled his closer "neither did I, but it's the right moment and I wanted to make us official" Simon said as he looked at Johnny who smiled but before he could say anything a knock came at the door, the pair looked at each other before Johnny answered the door, Price stood there with a bag and nodded at Johnny "I thought I'd by you guys some nice dinner after all that was said today and hopefully make up for what's about to happen" Price said as he looked back at Simon who stood behind Johnny "thank you Cap." Johnny said as he scared himself turning back a bit to see Simon standing there, both Price and Simon laughed a bit, Simon took the bag walking to the counter "you guys are not nice to me" Johnny said leaning against the door frame as Price rolled his eyes passing a bottle of Bourban to Johnny "don't have too much fun tonight you two " Price said winking a bit before walking off laughing as he saw Johnny blush as he shut the door holding the bottle "Price is treating us well tonight" Johnny said walking over to Simon at the table as Simon laughed a bit " well obviously we're his favorites so I'd hope so" Simon said as Johnny sat down smiling.

Johnny looked back in his mirror as he grabbed at the strings of the sweatpants tying the grey sweatpants that Simon gave him as he laid down on his bed, Simon opened the door yawning softly as he laughed softly looking at the sweatpants covering Johnny's feet "hey now they're comfortable" Johnny said as Simon laid down in his spot sighing happily "just funny to see you in my clothes" Simon said as he wrapped an arm around Johnny who smiled softly looking up at his boyfriend kissing his cheek softly before laying his head on his shoulder as Simon sighed happily kissing the top of Johnny's head as he yawned softly turning the lamps light off as they both cuddled up closer Simon pulling the blanket over the pair Johnny looked up at Simon who looked down a t him a bit confused "Something wrong love?" Simon said a bit concerned "just a bit worried about what will happen when we leave tomorrow if it'll all go well or to shit" Johnny said as he looked at Simon who squeezed him softly "even if anything goes to shit I know I have your watchful eye over me" Simon said happily Johnny smiled as he yawned softly laying his head back down on Simons chest as he closed his eyes "goodnight Si" Johnny said sleepily resting his head on Simon's chest, Simon smiled happily wrapping his arms around Johnny closing his eyes "goodnight johnny " Simon said softly as he fell asleep.

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