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Chapter Seventeen


Johnny walked into the office closely followed by Simon as he closed the door taking seats next to one another, they both grabbed the files that sat on the desk in front of them with their names on them, as they flipped through the files sitting in the folder as Laswell walked into the office shutting the lights off clicking the projector on as she walks to the front room standing at the head of the table looking over at everyone before she relaxed against the table "so" Laswell started speaking as she pulled up documents from her computer onto the screen of the projector "we've been watching over Makarov for a couple of months now, all of his plannings, causing terror in Russia" Laswell said as all eyes laid upon her, walked to the wall pointing out things from the documents as she talked, Johnny's leg started to bounce from his anxiety knowing Makarov wouldn't be a simple mission to take care of, they were bound to end up hurt, losing men and even yet possibly captured or worse dead before they could reach this horrible man, Johnny was pulled from his down roll spiral of thoughts as Simon placed his hand on Johnny's thigh rubbing his leg softly nodding at him, Johnny relaxed softly before looking back up at Laswell and price "we're getting some new guys that have experience with Russians as well as experience with missions, so no rookies for this mission" Price said as they all nodded at him "when do we meet our new friends Cap?" Gaz said as Johnny looked at him nodding "any more annoying brits?" Johnny said laughing a bit as Simon rolled his eyes chuckling softly "did I just hear a laugh from you Ghost?" Laswell said a bit surprised "he seems to bring it out of me" Simon said looking back at Johnny who smiled happily at him "of course he does" Laswell said looking at the pair "my wife and I did that a lot before we told anyone we were together, but we were more obvious than you two were" Laswell said laughing a bit to herself "do we ever get to meet her by the way Laswell?" Gaz said a bit curious, as the group had only seen the photos that sat on Laswell's desk "possibly, she had a bake sell from her school and has a bunch left for us all if you boys behave yourself, I'll have her come before we all deploy" Laswell said patting Price's shoulder as she looked back at the projector "we leave in three days, the soldiers are coming tomorrow afternoon so don't have too much fun at the bar tonight you three, don't need over new friends thinking their walking into a miserable place because you guys are too hungover" Price said laughing as he stood up Gaz rolled his eyes looking over at the pair "at least I can handle my drinks" Simon said as Johnny looked at him, Simon laughed softly "well, let me correct myself, I know better then to order all the strangest things on the menu just to try it" Simon said as Price looked at him "what bar do you guys go to that does that type of menu?" Price said a bit confused as Johnny and Gaz looked at each other laughing softly "Pinilla's Yacht? Oh it's so fun there" Johnny said as Price laughed hard "very manly you three" Laswell said laughing as Simon rolled his eyes looking over at Johnny "well he liked the menu and they actually have the drink that Gaz likes so I get dragged along for the fun" Simon said as Johnny looked at him rolling his eyes "he has fun, he just won't admit it" Johnny said as Gaz nodded laughing softly "they especially have too much fun, you should see people's face when he walks over to us and them being their couply especially after trying to flirt with him, no one can believe first of all that they were more than friends and to see them as a couple" Gaz said laughing "minds blown" Gaz said looking at the pair as Simon leaned back in his chair as Price laughed "I'm sure Johnny enjoys that attention from you Simon" Price said laughing as Simon rolled his eyes looking over at Johnny who smiled happily at him taking his hand softly squeezing it gently "they're just jealous they don't have a chance with me" Johnny said as Simon nodded at him Laswell laughing a bit "I'm surprised anyone did even try with him there to begin with and you to also have a ring on your finger" Laswell said as Johnny nodded happily "they don't want to mess with us" Johnny said as he leaned against Simon's shoulder looking up at him smiling knowing from his eyes he was smiling back at him under the mask "I wouldn't want too if I knew better" Price said walking behind the pair "well you guys are dismissed, they finished lunch so you boys go enjoy yourselves" Price said as he and Laswell walked out the room, Gaz lookd back at the pair "we going out tonight still boys?" Gaz said as they walked out of the room together Simon closing the door behind them Johnny looked back at him who nodded at him as Johnny turned back to Gaz "of course we are! That's our time" Johnny said as he reached his hand out for Simon as they walked into the mess hall as the trio got their food.

As they all sat down Simon moved his mask up just enough for him to uncover his mouth to eat, Johnny looked at him happily as Gaz laughed at them "think we can finally find me, someone, Johnny" Gaz said looking at Johnny who took a bit of his sandwich "of course!" Johnny said happily as Simon laughed a bit looking at the pair "not no one night stands for you Garrick" Simon said as Gaz looked at him gasping "not with sharing a wall with you, wouldn't need to hear you guys complaining in the morning about no sleep with all my fun" Gaz said smirking a bit at Johnny who laughed hard looking back at Simon "oh you wouldn't dare" Johnny said as he laughed looking back at Gaz "we can test that theory" Gaz said as he laughed with Johnny as Simon rolled his eyes looking at them "you guys act like a bunch of kids" Simon said as he took a drink from his tea, Johnny looked at him smiling softly "yeah well you love me too much to do anything otherwise" Johnny said as Simon leaned back in his chair grabbing a napkin whipping the crumbs off of Johnny's face "wouldn't have it any other way to begin with" Simon said chuckling a bit as Gaz rolled his eyes at the pair "you guys are gross" Gaz said as Johnny looked back at him "yeah well I don't want to hear you and your hookups" Johnny said looking at him "yeah well I never hear you guys so you must not like it that much" Gaz said laughing a bit as Johnny looked back at him surprised, Simon put down his mug looking at him "that's why the shower is pretty popular place in our room" Simon said as Johnny whipped his head around blushing hard as Gaz laughed hitting the table "oh now I see" Gaz said laughing as Johnny hid his face in his hands as Simon put a hand on his leg "he says my name like it's a lost religion" Simon said as Johnny looked at him as Gaz laughed more "alright don't need to hear anymore about your sex lives" Gaz said grabbing his plate standing up leaving the pair alone as Simon smiled softly as Johnny who relaxed against the chair rubbing his leg against Simons "your a neacense" Johnny said as Simon looked at him nodding "you love me regardless" Simon said as he kissed Johnny's forehead before taking another bite of his sandwich as Johnny nodded happily at him "forever and always" Johnny said happily leaning his head against Simon's arm.

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