My Head canons for the Story :)

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Hi everyone! 

Though while I finish the next chapter, I'd give you my headcanons for the two boys as well as their headcanons as a couple :)

Please Enjoy!  ~ Ophelia

Soap Headcanons


Soap is 28 years old in the book

Soaps full name is John Finley McTavish

5'10 without the combat boots they all wear

6'0 while wearing the combat boots

Love language is touch, little presents ( poems, letters, little trinkets, photos ), and if he even received the littlest of things they either sit on his desk or his shelves in his room

Soap is the baby in his family as he has three older sisters

Soap will either write to her family or sit on a video call with his mother and sister ( they also have a whole group text )

He came out to his family two years before he joined the military, but his father wasn't as accepting as his mother and sisters were of him ( which hit him hard ), but when he died a year into Soap being in the military it hit him hard

Will talk to himself in Scottish whenever he's thinking to himself, either loud or in a whisper, and it will freak out the rest of the group, as they can never tell if he's angry, sad, upset, or just being Soap

Soap doesn't know much about cooking besides microwaving food or popcorn

Soap is a wonderful artist and will draw people, tattoos for people if they asked, and will draw whoever is closest to him and mark little details he knows of them

Had fallen in love with Ghost after their first part of the mission in Las Almas

When he was running around the streets of las almas he was dreading thinking him not moving fast enough when Ghost had yelled at him to get out of the road they had been stopped on in front of Alejandro's base, he thought he lost ghost to Graves, so when he heard Ghost coms he knew that in whatever way that he was never leaving that mans side

Didn't know when Ghost was going to propose but his family was giddy in the week before it happened which threw Soap through a loop

Ghost HeadCanons


Ghost is 30 years old in the book

Ghost's full name is Simon Cedar Riley

6'4 without the combat boots they all wear in the army

6'6 while wearing the combat boots

Is touched starved and craves it, but he would never admit it to anyone unless they really pry for it

Is afraid if he ever got into a relationship that he may turn into his dad and would dread if he ever treated them like how his dad treated his mother

Doesn't talk to any of his extended family, 141 has basically become his family ( even though he doesn't like to admit it )

Ghost had questioned his sexuality for a while as he was attracted to both men and women, but still didn't advance in any relationship with anyone he did get close to, until Soap came along

Ghost is a wonderful cook

When Ghost had his own apartment off base the mirror in the bathroom was covered up with sheat, regardless if he was there or not

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