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Chapter Eleven


Simon sat up on the bed fixing the sheet that was under him Johnny laughed softly looking at him smiling softly "the sheet will be alright, we're leaving today anyways so if it's a bit messed up they won't care" Johnny said sitting a bit forward in the chair by the bed looking up at Simon, Simon sighed softly before hearing the curtain open, they both looked at the doctor a bit confused as he held a long crutch in his hand.

"Now we need you to stay off that leg for at least another week, but that may be harder, but once that week is up then you're good to start walking without the crutch, but you are out of any work or training for at least another five weeks," the doctor said as he looked at the pair placing the crutch beside the bed, Simon looked at it as Johnny stood up handing it to him as Simon stood up groaning softly placing it under his arm leaning on it " you can do basic work, but nothing excessive as it can irritate the wounds or bust a stitch and I'm sure you don't want to be out for longer than you need to be" the doctor nodded at the pair before exiting, they both looked at each other as Johnny started walking to the curtain opening it "after you my good sir" Johnny said laughing softly as Simon rolled his eyes walking a bit slow with the crutch trying to get used to it.

As they walked out of the medical tent Price walked over to them "good to see you up and walking" Price said as he walked alongside the pair, Johnny nodded softly as he looked up at Simon "I'm going to get our bag from the tent, I'll be right back" Johnny said as Simon nodded as he watched him walk away, he sighed happily as Price laughed a bit to himself turning to face Simon "you know, I never thought I'd see the day you let someone into your life like this Simon" Price said as Simon looked at him before nodding "I didn't intend too, but when I pushed him away he pushed back, he just stuck to my side" Simon said softly smiling under the mask "well, I'm proud of ya son" Price said as Johnny walked back to the pair holding a bag over his shoulder smiling happily at Simon "well let's get you lovebirds out of here" Price said as Johnny blushed earning a laugh from both Price and Simon "excuse you sir" Johnny said as he playfully hit Simons arm as Simon laughed a bit more " your excused love" Simon said as Johnny blushed a bit more hearing someone gag behind them, the both turned their heads seeing Gaz behind them "gross, I ain't ever getting away from this am I" Gaz said as Johnny laughed "nope" Gaz rolled his eyes getting into the van, Johnny placed the bag down before getting in as Simon handed him his crutch "you ok getting in?" Johnny said a bit concerned, Simon nodded as he slowly climbed into the van taking a seat beside Johnny, Johnny smiled at Simon as he laid his head on Simon's shoulder softly, they interlaced their fingers together enjoying each other's presence as the van started to drive off.

As Johnny got out of the van he looked back at Simon who moved to the edge of the seat moving the crutch with him, Johnny held out his hand to his love smiling softly at him, Simon took it as he placed the crutch down first before standing groaning a bit more as bared weight on his leg his hip throbbing a bit from pain "fuck" Simon said as Johnny looked at him "you alright?" Simon nodded as he looked at Johnny, who had a concerned look on his face, "yeah I'm fine, just bore too much weight on the one leg" Simon said as Johnny grabbed their bag walking towards the entrance of the base, Price held the door open for the pair as they walked towards the stair, Simon picked up the crutch holding it in his hand starting to walk up the stairs slowly, Johnny walked behind him slowly watching him smiling softly to himself happy to have his love safe and sound in front of him.

Simon went into his room sighing softly as he changed into shorts and a t-shirt rubbing his eyes looking back at the broken mirror, turning it around as he walked out walking back into Johnny's room looking at him smiling softly to himself as he leaned on the door watching the man turned back to face him "ready to sleep" Johnny said as Simon nodded walked towards him taking the mask off placing it on the desk "yeah, it'll be nice to sleep on a soft bed" Simon said as he laid down on the bed moving over laying his arm out as Johnny climbed into bed laying down close to him as Simon wrapped his arms around his waist "we need to ask for a bigger bed" Johnny said laughing softly to himself as Simon looked down at him shaking his head, Johnny looked up at him a bit confused "wouldn't you like more room on the bed?" Johnny said looking up at his love, Simon looked at him before kissing Johnny's forehead pulling him closer "I like having you close to me, plus if we get a bigger bed you can move away from me, so no" Simon said laughing softly as Johnny rolled his eyes kissing Simons cheek yawning softly "you wouldn't let me move in my sleep anyways, you always have a tight grip on me" Johnny said as he felt Simon start to rub his back as he closed his eyes softly smiling "Simon?" Simon looked down at the man in his arms "Yes love?" Simon said softly "don't ever let go of me" Simon smiled a bit more as he closed his eyes "would never dream about it" Simon said softly as he fell asleep holding Johnny close to him.

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