Chapter 1 II Counting Stars

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Chapter 1

Ross' POV

A loud slam and the door shuts in front of my face. I back away a little bit and look at my former home. Tears start to build in my eyes as I think of what just happened. My family kicked me out. And not just my parents. My siblings also wanted me to get kicked out. They abandoned me. They disowned me. I have nothing. Suddenly the door opens again and my hope comes back. I look at the silhouette in the door frame with big eyes, hoping this was all a late April fool and that they want me back, but the hope disappears fast, when the silhouette throws a suitcase at my feet. It lands in front of me and opens, so all my clothes land in the grass. I look at the shadow with a hurtful expression on my face, but he or she doesn't care because he or she just yells at me.


I recognize that voice. Riker. My role model also doesn't want me here. I always looked up to him because he always helped everybody, no matter what they've done. And now he just wants me as far away as possible. Riker sends me one last death glare, then he turns around and slams the door again. I slowly go onto my knees and pick up all my clothes, then I close my suitcase and just start walking, till I reach the park. I sit down on one of the benches, while looking through all my pockets for some money. I find 10 bucks in my jacket, but that's all. Maybe there is still some money in my suitcase. I go again through every pocket of my bag. I can't find any money, but I find something else. A picture from last year's Christmas. My family and I were in Colorado to celebrate Christmas with our cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles. It was a great time. We're all smiling in the camera, each of us with one of our little cousins on our back. I smile at the memory, but it soon disappears, when realization hits me. That was my last Christmas with my family and I'm talking about my whole family because everybody in my family knows, that I got kicked out, everybody agreed to this, everybody knows, what I've done. I wipe my tears and put the picture back in the pocket. I pull out a shirt and a hoodie. I use the shirt as a pillow and the hoodie as a blanket, then I lay own on the hard and cold bench. I already know that I won't get any sleep, so I lay on my back, my hands behind my head, while looking at the sky. Here I am now. All alone, by myself, with no one else in my life, while lying here and counting stars.


Hey guys. So i just got a new idea for a new story. here it is. I'm kinda having writers block with Just a Dream and Numb, but i will update those also again soon. don't worry ;)

I hope you also like this story. i got the idea while editing some videos becasue i was bored.

Love you


P.S. Video at the top is R5 TV Christmas Episode. just pretend that this was like the "last" christmas for Ross with his family in this story

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