Chapter 2 II Tears Of An Angel

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I literally cried while writing this. I don't know how I came up with that. Sorry, if i make you sad or something like that. let's see how it turns out.


Chapter 2

Ross' POV

I slowly open my eyes. I survived the first night on the bench. The first one of many to come. I didn't really sleep at all because this bench is really not comfortable. I actually don't really wanna get up because I know my back will give be a hard time, but I have no choice. I slowly get up, groaning with every movement I make, till I sit straight up. I take some deep breaths, trying to breathe through the pain, while stretching a little. I move my neck from left to right. Knack, knack. Yup, there was it. Now it's better. I slowly lean down to my suitcase. I'm surprised it's still here. I thought someone would steal it. I'm about to pull something to wear out of my bag, when it gets kicked away a few feet. I look up and there he is. My worst enemy ever. Justin Tinderman. I hate him. In the past he always tried to copy my life, not to mention that he always harassed me in Junior High. At least there I still had my siblings to help me out. Now I'm on my own. I roll my eyes and sigh, while standing up and facing Justin and his attachment of guys standing behind him, trying to look strong and manly.

Ross: What do you want Justin?

Justin: Well, blondie. I was just wondering, do you want to move in here? Because I brought you a welcome present.

Justin snaps his fingers in front of my face and I back away with a disgusted expression on my face. After a few seconds one of Justin's sidekicks comes up next to him and hands him a sign and a plastic cup. Then Justin hands those two things to me, but I don't take them, till Justin throws them at me.

Ross: What am I supposed do with that now?

Justin: Oh you know. Since you live on the street now, I thought it would be nice if the people here know that you're a hobo now. See the sign? It says "I'm a poor, disgusting hobo" and the plastic cup is for you, when people want to give you money because you look so desperate.

Justin and his group laugh. I just sigh and show a fake smile.

Ross: Ha ha very funny.

Justin: Oh I'm not joking. I mean you pretty much lost everything. Your family, your home, your band, your girlfri-.

Ross: Whoa whoa whoa. I did NOT lose my girlfriend. Alex is still with me. She said she would always support me, also in my dark days.

Justin: Keep thinking that blondie.

Justin just shows a sardonically grin and I glare at him for the nickname.

Ross: By the way, how do you even know that I got kicked out?

Justin: You just admitted it yourself you doof. I set a trap for you and you completely stepped into it.

I look at him with wide eyes. He's right. He never said something about me being kicked out. He just listed up things that made me think that he knows I got kicked out. I hate it when people do that to me.

Ross: Can you idiots just leave me alone?

I'm about to turn around, when Justin grabs my arms with force and spins me around. His grab was so tight, I think it actually left a bruise.

Justin. Not so fast blondie. You know we didn't come to just chat with you.

I know exactly what that means. It's the whole Junior High experience again. Justin pushes me to the ground with so much force, I release a loud groan when I land. Two of his sidekicks are coming to my sides and hold both my arms behind my back, so I can't move anymore. This sounds really stupid now, but I really hope he JUST punches me with his fists and not with any hard or sharp props, but then Justin pulls out a crowbar. Oh great. That's it. I'm already preparing for my death. I want to give my clothes to the next orphanage here and then I want to give my family the Christmas picture, so they feel at least a little bit guilty, I hope and I want to give my-. But before I can continue my testament, the hard metal comes in contact with my bones. I scream out in pain, but one of the guys, who is holding me, places his hand over my mouth to muffle down my screams. I really hoped that someone would come and help me, but its 5 am and it's November. I'm pretty sure no one gets up at this time, especially not on a Sunday. It's still really dark, which is an advantage for Justin, but a disadvantage for me. No one can see us and Justin can do whatever he wants to do with me. After a few more hits with the cold metal and after a lot of muffled screams from me, another guy comes from behind Justin. He has a pair of scissors and I'm already afraid he's gonna cut me. I try to back away, but I'm still in the strong grip of the other two guys. The guy with the scissors comes to me, stands in front of me, grins and cuts open my shirt, so I'm shirtless now. The guys turn me around, so my back is now facing Justin. They push my down onto my knees, but still have a tight grip on me. I have no chance to escape. Then I hear it. The sound of a prop I fear the most. I don't even have time to think about it because the whip already hits my back. I yelp in pain and my head drops and my tears soak into the dirty ground.

Justin: Do you feel that, blondie? Do you feel the pain? I hope so because that's how I felt in the past.

Ross: *between sobs* Wh-what are y-y-ou t-t-alking a-a-bout?

Justin: You know exactly what I'm talking about!!! Don't play the innocent now!!!

Another whip. Another cry from me.

Ross: *between sobs* I-I re-really d-don't kn-know.

Justin: Then you will never know! I'm not gonna open up my heart to you now!

I release another loud scream, when the whip comes again in contact with my already bruised skin. After what seems like hours of getting whipped, Justin finally stops and the guys lose their grip from me. I collapse to the ground, crying and shaking.

Justin: This wasn't the last time. We'll come for you again. And next time it will be even worse, than now.

Justin kicks me into my side and just grins.

Justin: Aww, you thought after you were home schooled you wouldn't get bullied anymore, but guess what. Now you don't have your siblings to save and protect you. Now you're alone. I can do anything I want with you. Your family doesn't care and they're not gonna help you because of what you did. See you next time ... Rossy.

I tense up, when I hear that nickname. I hate it even more than blondie. Justin only knows this nickname because Rydel once called me "Rossy" in school and since then Justin has been provoking me with that name.

Why is this all happening to me? I never meant for the certain thing in the past to happen. It ruined my whole life. I have no home, no money and I get beat up by my worst enemy. It can't get any worse. I want my old life back. I want my loving family back. I wonder what they're doing right now. Probably still sleeping or like I know mom, she's already up making a delicious Sunday morning breakfast. I can't take it anymore. Mom used to call me an angel. Where is this woman now? Where is the woman, who gave birth to me, who fed me, who raised me, who loved me? But just like the rest of my family she doesn't care anymore and now I'm sitting here on the ground in the park on Sunday at 6 am by myself, crying because of the pain I'm feeling. I hope you're happy mom. You broke me, no, not just you, everybody who I used to call my parents and siblings. My tears find their way down my cheeks. Yes, dear Lynch family, dear Stormie, these are the tears of an angel. The tears of your former angel, Stormie.


Whoa, that i think was emotional.

What do you think, was Justin talking about, when he felt pain in the past?

What do you think did Ross do in the past, so all of this happened to him?

Tell me what you think i the comments below.

Love you


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