Epilogue II Shattered

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(Here's the final final chapter of the book. i wrote it extra long for you becasue i know that some people are not ready for this book to come to an end. .... So .... here it goes ...... )



Ten years later

Ross' POV

Maya: I'm gonna miss you. I love you, dad.

With hurting, half closed eyes, I look at my daughter, who's sitting next to the hospital bed with tears in her eyes, while running her thumb over my hand on her own. I show her a weak smile, before I squeeze my eyes in pain, followed by a gasp from Maya. Her grip tightens around my hand and I can hear some sobs escaping her mouth.

Doctor: Maya, I think it's time to say goodbye.

Maya turns one more time towards me and stares at me with her red and dull eyes.

Maya: ... Goodbye dad. You're the best dad in the whole wide world. I'll never forget you.

This is the moment, when I can't fight anymore. This is the moment, where my eyes drop close. Her sobs become louder, as the heart monitor next to me starts slowing down.

Maya: ... I-I l-love y-you d-dad.

With her shaking hand, she pulls my hand up and kisses it lightly, before placing it softly on the fabric of the mattress again. Those are the last words I hear from Maya, before I lose consciousness. ... Forever.

Maya's POV

Ten minutes earlier

I pace nervously through the waiting area, driving my uncles and aunt completely crazy.

Riker: Maya, please. We know you're worried. We are too, but please sit down for a sec.

Maya: Do you even understand in what kinda situation I am? I don't know if I'm gonna lose my father or not. He's the only biological parent I still have. For god's sake, I don't even know what's wrong with him.

Rydel: What do you mean, sweetie?

Maya: He ... he suddenly called me at night and was begging me to bring him to the hospital. He was breathing heavily and sounded like he was in pain. I already knew before that he was not completely healthy, which is why I always was over to take care of him, but he always told me, if his time would come, he doesn't want to be in a hospital. He said he always wanted to die in a familiar place for him. But ... but when he called me and begged me to bring him to the hospital, I knew that he was such enormous pain and-.

I suddenly break down in tears and aunt Rydel quickly hurries over to me and wraps me in a loving and comforting hug.

Rydel. Shh, shh, it's okay. You don't have to say more.

Maya: I-I d-don't even k-know what's w-wrong with him. H-He n-never told me.

Rydel: We'll find out soon. A doctor is with him to give him a body-check.

The door suddenly opens and I look up from aunt Rydel's shoulder, just to see a middle aged doctor walking towards us with a worried face. This is not gonna be good.

Doctor: Family of Ross Lynch?

Ellington: That's us. How is he?

Doctor: I have to inform you, that the lungs of Mr. Lynch are extremely corroded with lung cancer.

A few gasps fill the silent hallway and everybody jumps up from their chair, while I just place my hand in front of my eyes.

Rocky: But there's something you can do, right?

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