Chapter 5 II You Never Walk Alone

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italic is past and the rest is the story in the present. Enjoy ;-)


Chapter 5

Ross' POV

This is it now. I'm gonna tell Rebecca now what I did in the past. What I caused. The reason why I got kicked out and lost everything. She's sitting across of me, cross-legged with her mug of lemon tea in her hand, while she's looking at me with an eager expression on her face. I take a deep breath.

Ross: Okay. I'm gonna tell you now, what happened in my past. The reason why my whole family hates me now. You're the first person not related to me I'm telling this. Not even Carla knows this and you have to promise me that you won't say anything to anybody else. Do you understand?

She nods.

Ross: Okay. ... But I have to warn you. What I did is terrible. I hate myself for this, so I can totally understand if you want me out of your apartment and life afterwards. Forever. ... Are you sure you're ready for this?

She just nods again.

Ross: Okay. Here it goes. It all happened like a month ago. I was at the beach with my siblings and Ellington. We had a blast. It was the most awesome day of my life. ...

Riker: Alright folks. We're here. Grab your bags and towels! This is gonna be the most awesome day of our life. The most awesome sibling day ever!

We all cheer and throw our hands in the air because of our excitement. Then we grab our seven things and get out of the car. I can already smell the salty breeze coming from the ocean. I can't wait to shred some waves. My siblings, Ellington and I brought our surfboard. Now we try to bring all our things to the beach to find a nice and cozy place. Before we run into the ocean, Rydel wants us to help her to set up the umbrellas and beach towels. We all groan, but luckily we're done after 5 minutes. We all look at Rydel with hopeful eyes. She just rolls her eyes and smiles.

Rydel: Just go and have fun you doofs!

All: YES!!!

We all grab our surfboards and run towards the ocean. Just as out feet are in the water we jump on our surfboards and paddle into the waves. We're surfing for like 30 minutes till Riker, Rocky and Ellington get tired.

Ratliff: Okay, I'm gonna take a break.

Rocky: Yeah, me too. I'm super hungry.

Ryland: but I don't wanna get out of the water yet.

Riker: But I don't want you out in the waves on your own. Call me an overprotective brother, but something bad could happen. Believe it or not. I'm not just overprotective over Rydel, also over you guys.

Ryland: Please Riker???

Ross: Maybe I can join Ryland? I'm not tired either. And we're gonna look out for each other. Right little bro?

I place my arm around his shoulders and squeeze them a little.

Ryland: Sure. So? Riker?

Riker hesitates for a second, but when he sees our big puppy dog eyes, I know he can't say no. he sighs.

Riker: Alright fine. But not to long. We also want to play some beach volleyball later and for that we need you guys fit end energetic.

Ross+Ryland: YES!

We high five each other, before we run back into the ocean.

Rebecca looks at me with a confused look on her face.

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